We had only just begun to live
Sorry Wisconsin
this is one where i really believe they are going to absentee and mail ballots. Also Wauwatosa county still hasnt finished counting. They’ve had issues all evening sending in their ballots. That area is 99% republicans that got the fuck out of milwaukee after all the blacks came in. I look forward to the recount and lawyers arguing for weeks if Walker doesnt give up. Who are we kidding hes gonna enact his recount option he signed into law.
>That area is 99% republicans that got the fuck out of milwaukee after all the blacks came in.
50 years ago?
The reps won alright the demonshits are done for. Now they're gonna obstruct and Trump is gonna grill them HARD. Trump 2020 is reassured. Also we purged literally all of the nevertrumpers from the GOP. GGEZ lads you dun goofed.
Race is in the bag. Walker is officially BTFO'd. Suicide hotline currently at capacity in Wisconsin.
a 1% lead isnt a btfo lol this is coming from a cheesehead
It is considering the # of unaccounted votes left in the remaining counties do not even come close to the gap Evers is leading on Walker. Fuck off out of state shill.
thats mr rhinelander shill to you.
I thought people liked walker. Why he lose?
Because Wisconsin is sick of the kike lover Walker impeding peoples personal freedoms. Wisconsin Voted for DUDE WEED BRO, & voted Walker out since he has said multiple times he would never pass any law on marijuana despite what voters think. Medical or otherwise. Walker took money from the wrong kikes.
I want to know why with 98% reporting in it was a statistical tie with 300 votes separating them and then BOOM everts up 30k.
absentee ballots.
That seems like a stretch 38k to 7k is 5.5x in favor of dems. W/e Walker was kind of a cunt anyways Evers better follow through on his tax cuts to middle class by 10% though. (He wont)
Wtf Walker lost? Isn't that Evers guy gonna tax gasoline an extra dollar per gallon?!
Because Milwaukee "found 20k missing absentee ballots"
Evers is a fucking joke and Walker was doing a fine job. He was not perfect but Wisconsin was operating above margin, had the lowest unemployment and fantastic strides made in public education.
Tony Evers worked with Scott Walker to improve public schools over the past 4 years. The cuts made during the recession were temporary, but Evers made his entire campaign citing a statistic from 2010 about a 800 million dollar cut to education spending WHICH WAS NEEDED BECAUSE WE WERE IN A RECESSION.
JUST LAST YEAR, Tony Evers and Scott Walker TOGETHER passed a bill to increase flat spending on education by 640 million dollars, part of which did not include bringing high speed internet to every school district in the state and installing public wifi in low income areas so students would have access to the internet.
Tony Evers won based on lies and deceit. Scott Walker did nothing wrong with regards to the education system and the corrupt Democrats in the Milwaukee Public School System have been draining money from the city and state for decades despite chances to improve and receive more grants.
Walker fought bullshit Union Laws that bullied people into joining Unions. Walker defended the 2nd Amendment and allowed concealed carry. The 800 million dollars that Tony bitched about, that was supposedly cut from "education spending" was actually from teacher insurance programs that were WAYYYYYYYYYY too expensive and cushy given their salaries and positions. So basically Walker put in place Act 10 to cut the money coming from tax payers to fund teachers who suck getting coverage that was unreasonably priced. That was it.
Scott Walker said he would balance the budget of Wisconsin and fix the spending deficit in 4 years. His enacting of Act 10 and overall policy platform balanced the budget in less that ONE FUCKING YEAR
Scott Walker is an unsung hero and a great governor and because
its over
ooo I can't wait for $3.74/gallon gas and becoming a sanctuary state. And paying $3600/year so far in property tax on a 1/4 acre 70 year old 1800sq ft house just hasn't been fair to those poor section 8 landwhales and their halfrican litters.
Not to mention he brought merit to social programs like Welfare and Section 8 housing. Which now requires drug testing and proof of employment in order to qualify for food stamps and welfare, or housing vouchers.
Wisconsin was on a roll, becoming a great place and a leader in fighting corrupt and stupid bullshit.
We fucking lost it all because Google, Facebook, Twitter and other all made a push the past 2 years to crush conservative voices online. That is the ONLY reason the democrats won, their platforms are evil and based on stupid lies.
When fucking Discord is telling me I need to go vote but Alex Jones can't keep his YouTube channel, when Google is harassing me to go vote despite overwhelming evidence that they HATE republicans and libertarians - it fucking hurts to think about. It could have been worse on a national scale, but locally it was a hard hit to lose Walker.
Im so tired of cultural marxist bullshit and stupid people using a veil of virtue to enact and carry out abhorrent policies, like the dems do. Im so fucking tired.
Good Bye third lowest poverty rate in U.S :(
Also Evers only one because of "Weed vote" which wasn't a state wide vote for legalization but more like an opinion poll only on the ballot in a few counties. Guess what counties that's right the blue ones.
#notmygovernor #resist
Tony Evers didn't even have solid policies or any hard stance with regards to any issues AT ALL.
All he did was say "Weed! Am I right!?" and "We should dump more money into public schools without considering the cost or if they deserve it based on their performance". Also "FUCK DRUMF XDDDDDDDDDDDD ALL CONSERVATIVES ARE HITLER"
Go to bed Scott. It's over.
3rd world invasion incoming. It was nice knowing you lads.
Scott Walker was Trump but on a state level. The shit he managed to pull off was incredible and to the benefit of everyone. It really is terrible to think about.
>benefit of everyone
Except Wisconsin. Go home Scott, you're drunk. Get to work on your book & strike while the iron is hot.
>transplants 500 somalis into your 1,200 population up north vacation town