>wake up at an arbitrary time decided by your Jewish masters
>eat xenoestrogens for breakfast
>pump yourself full of caffeine because it's the only way you can stay awake
>drive to work in traffic surrounded by thousands of other worker drones doing the same thing
>spend eight hours on a computer making money for your boss' second yacht
>drive home in traffic surrounded by thousands of other worker drones doing the same thing
>eat xenoestrogens for dinner
>aimlessly scroll through the newest "funny" memes and whatever flavor-of-the-day news story is being pushed by the media
>go to sleep to do it all again
The absolute state of the world
When are we discovering the fourth political theory again?
tell us about your dream utopia then
>the absolute state of YOUR life
> NPC picture
You all fascists need to stfu on NPC its a dead meme
Read Industrial Society and It's future.
It is? Doesn't look like it to me.
>wake up to feed my dogs and birds and water my garden
>eat things out of my garden and meat raised and slaughtered by my friend
>ride my bike to work and only use BMWe9 1975 when it is storm
>work for families company
>enjoying coffee alcohol and drugs all made by my friends when i feel like while listening to music or watching European and Asian films
>go to sleep after pounding my girlfriend fourth time
mfw you realise these memes are kept alive by butt hurt comments like this