/NOVA ERA/ - President Médici Edition

>President-Elect Jair Bolsonaro, English subtitles included

Jair Messias Bolsonaro is a Brazilian congressman and former military officer. He has served as a member of the Chamber of Deputies, representing the state of Rio de Janeiro, since 1991. In an unprecedented presidential run, spending significantly less than his adversaries, under constant fire from the mainstream media, and having survived an assassination attempt, Bolsonaro was elected by the popular vote to the presidency of Brazil. He will take office as the 38th president in January 1st 2019.

Bolsonaro is a pro-gun, pro-life, conservative Christian. He's looking to modernize the lethargic Brazilian economy with the aid of UChicago economist Paulo Guedes and he also wants to align Brazil's foreign policy with Western nationalist governments against the influence of China, Eurasianism and Bolivarian socialism. He has a hard stance on crime and supports increasing the power of police forces and the army to tackle Brazil's drug and violence problems.

*Onyx Lorenzoni - Chief of Staff
*Paulo Guedes - Economy
*General Augusto Heleno - Defense
*LTC Marcos Pontes - Science and Technology
*Judge Sérgio Moro - Justice

>Future economy minister predicting Bolsonaro's surge in 2009, turn on CC for English subtitles



Previous thread:

Attached: Médici 5 Selo.jpg (720x1050, 145K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Threads are too slow, Jesus. Good morning, folgados.

They've postponed the voting to 2019.


The prince will have to wait for another post, it seems.

Will it be possible to get him posing with the BOPE or similar force with everybody smiling? Asking for a friend.

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He has lots of pics with the police and such, just google a bit and you should find the perfect one.

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Médici, Siitoin or Bolsonaro?

That is good, he's keeping his word.

Is America fucked?
If America go blue in the next 2 years, I guess this makes BR double fucked.

Was waiting on this thread. Let's start the day, anons!

Bless your heart huebro.

republicans won the Senate
and the last time I checked they were 6 seats behind the dems for control of the house.
given all of the hype behind the blue wave and all of the shilling, I would say it was a win for the Republicans, they could have lost so much more.

VOTE E ESPALHE: www12.senado.leg.br/ecidadania/visualizacaoideia?id=110312



>“O maior mercado consumidor hoje para o traficante chama-se: jovens.”
>A afirmação é do Capitão Styvenson Valentin (REDE), Senador eleito no RN. A proposta que deve ser apresentada logo depois de sua posse é a realização de exames toxicológicos em alunos de escolas públicas do Brasil.
>Coibir o tráfico de drogas a partir das escolas poderá ser uma das primeiras bandeiras do novo senador do Rio Grande do Norte em Brasília, além de combater a corrupção no País.
>Exames toxicológicos também serão realizados em assessores do capitão a cada seis meses.


What should be done
a)Get first place as the most voted idea on the senate page
>Thats 253.804 votes + 1

b)Get social influencers, /ourguys/ retweeting this and discussing this
>Nando Moura
>Olavo de Carvalho
>Bolsonaro kids
>Danilo Gentili
>Ana Caroline Campagnolo
>Sargento Fahur
>Police instagram pages on facebook and instagram
>Right wing pages on facebook and instagram

c)Push it to the leftist bubbles, so they can viralize this in fear too
>Midia ninja
>Quebrando o tabu

d)Create OC to push this idea to the entire nation that is on social media
>Sikeira Jr memes
>Proerd memes
>Alborghetti memes

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How is Bolso's support on congress and senate?

They fucked up
If Trump falls, america is gone, and retards more radical than Hillary will enter to spread degeneracy with all their power

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Nah trump was already getting fucked in the house of representatives by necon shits who kept voting against him.
In fact it would be better for democrats to have slot since they could blame the GOP for their stupid infighting instead of them themselves stopping trump.
Nothing will change but he will have to pass executive orders instead of passing laws, which means if he doesn't get reelected things will be on the hands of the new guy, he will decide to keep the changes or not.

It makes Brazil the last bastion of the right worldwide, several smaller countries will then cater to us and we'll be able to "extort" them, like the US does right now. It's a chance to grow if nothing else.

It's actually a pretty meh result for the opposition, the house always flips but they only got a small margin and didn't manage to get the senate.

even with all the anti-trump shilling, the defeat could have been way worse.
Too bad nancy pelosi got re-elected.


None have the size nor influence in the economy like Brazil does, pal.

Você sabe que não existe literalmente nenhuma chance disso passar né?
O consumo de drogas não é ilegal no nosso país, não é a toa que o deputado que tentou adotar esse projeto limitou o escopo para as escolas de ensino médio.

Nancy getting re-elected is a win for trump 2020, getting a punching bag to blame will solidify his support base.

Also none of the countries come even close to brasil or the USA in term of economy.

>last bastion of the right

You means isolated and suffocated

Se pode o ensino médio, pq não pode as faculdades?

>no chance of it happening
just like Ciro was supposed to go to the second round
Just like Haddad had a silver bullet to end pockets campaign
We are in Brazil, anything can happen.
Also, we are on an English board, speak the language.

I stand corrected

Por que adultos consumindo drogas não é ilegal. Como você vai pedir pro estado monitorar uma atividade que não é ilegal

It wasn't a blue wave, just a blue marolinha

It's a lot harder to gauge here than in the USA since there are a billion of parties but his support seems alright depending on how the centrists lean, the hard opposition is not more than half, his party went from 1 elected deputy to 52.
His state-level support is very good, pro-Bolso governors won almost everywhere.

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You would have to pass legislation that criminalizes consumption of drugs. That would objectvely be a set back for us. I agree federal universities are chaotic as fuck right now, but this isn't the path. Arresting users is dum as fuck.

Yes it is.

Good morning my brothers, let's go get some of monkey soups and talk

It's a crime, but there's no penalty. STF has decided it's still a crime, nonetheless.

The senate is more complicated, lots of centrist parties. You would have to look at each senator individually to try to have an idea of how they might lean but the hard left got burned hard in terms of behind the scenes influence so I don't see them building up a solid opposition.

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I just want to see how the special comissions makeup is going to be, that's the only thing that matters. These comissions have huge obstruction powers on legislation. If an opposing party takes control of, say, the economic comission, no legislation on economics is going to pass without alterations to make it cucked

>consuming illegal drugs is not illegal
can I get some of that kush weed you are smoking?
I'm a pot smoker, but there should be some regulation regarding drug use in public colleges, especially in college campuses

It's more easy just privatizer the colleges to fuck all leftlibs to get what we want, the prohibition of drugs will fuck more us

You can not go to the jail if you smoke in your house, but don't have in the law an amount
that characterizes traffic

As far as I know, only comercial transactions involving drugs is ilegal.
Thats why if the police can't prove you were going to sell it they'll just make you sign a document and tell you to fuck off.

yeah the senate is what im worried about desu, he seems to have enough support to pass some stuff like gun reform but the things that are actual changes on the constitution will be harder

Falseflag going on at UFPE, teachers and students supposedly threatened by apocryphous note. This will probably show up in national media as it has in local media, so be prepared. Even the way the text is written is just too on the nose that it is somebody trying to hard to imitate conservative rhetoric.

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The amount is left to the discretion of the judge, if you have 100g of that sweet weed you could be fine. If you have 10g divided in 1g packets, a bunch of small bills and a scale on you, they probably won't let you get away with it.

they are in panic lulz

WE will see in the first moths of his term. What he needs to pass asap is the pension reform and the tributary reform, followed by the workers reform and more leeway for police to defend themselves.
If he manages to do that the res to the stuff will go a lot smother.

Yes, this law only fuck with the Shantyboys

Only lost on nordeste

have some crentecore, folks
praise God on those trying times


For those who don't know this building is pretty high on campus. It's either the tallest or the second one and fags usually throw themselves from the roof every semester it seems. When I was a student at UFPE (Chemistry course) there was a urban legend about those suicides but they really happen and the media obfuscate them. Expect more suicides next year.
>less reds to throw from helicopters here

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what we can do about this?

>fags usually throw themselves from the roof every semester it seems
UERJ is just like this here in Rio

Thanks user, I thought UERJ was located in RS

a gore thread about this would be awesome

I heard they are planning to vote PL3722 in january thou, since it was almost voted this year

>THE MOST HATED PRESIDENT (before Bolsonaro)

General Medici, who never desired power and was elected president by a consensus of his fellow military, saw his presidency as part of his duty. Under the Medici government (1969 - 1974), which the communist left calls "Years of Lead," the guerrillas were annihilated. The president was sworn in when the terrorist activity was at its peak, delivering a pacified country at the end of his term. 180 communists were eliminated under his rule, most of them were armed. The guerrillas declined and never grew again. Médici prevented the creation of a genocidal monster like the FARC and the Sendero Luminoso in Brazil.


Under Medici, the Brazilian economy experienced the highest average growth in its history, peaking at nearly 14% in 1974. Industrial, highway and road growth has no parallel before or after the Medici government. The decline of poverty and insertion of the poor in capitalism was also the highest in history. Médici boosted the construction of the Itaipu and Tucuruí hydroelectric plants, two of the largest in the world, responsible for almost a quarter of the electricity in Brazil. The Trans-Amazonian Highway, with more than 4.000 km of extension, was the first to fully interconnect the Amazon region with the rest of the country, serving 4 million northeastern people plagued by hunger. GDP nearly tripled and GDP per capita increased from about 8,000 in 1969 to about 13,000 in 1974 (in 2011 R$.)

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Of the five military presidents, Médici is the most hated by the communists. The revengeful communist historiography paints him as a demon. But Medici was everything that they want to be and can not. The general left the presidency with an 82% approvaal rating in the last week of his government. Never were the lower classes so prosperous, not even in the rule of Getúlio Vargas. Médici presided over an authoritarian government against his own will, as he wished to revoke the 5th Institutional Act (which suspended habeas corpus and invested the president with the power to close the National Congress). Not even once did Médici close the National Congress throughout the four-year period. In fact, Médici delegated most of his responsibilities to his ministers. The general had no desire for power. Lula himself admits that under Medici he could live comfortably and support his family and eat three times in the restaurant a week with his salary as a simple mechanic.

The Lefti's hatred of Medici is not surprising. The general knew what they were going to do with the country once they reached power. He warned his successor, general Figueiredo, about the future that awaited Brazil:

"In 10 years they will steal even the presses of the State Mint, in 20 years they will deprave the nation, and in 30 years the nation will know what it is to live under communism"

Attached: medici.jpg (1067x1600, 181K)

That would also be good, but I do hope he votes the pension reform at the very least by march.

any unbiased books that talk about the military regime?

>implying that anything on that piece of paper is wrong

I don't know for sure now since I graduated 8 years ago but those fags were marginalized by the entire uni. You see, UFPE is all about research. Research gives departments money to invest. And CFCH, just like FFLCH or any non STEM hellhole don't do any relevant research so their building is pretty decrepit and nobody gives a shit about them in the uni. I remember when some fags tried to start a strike and STEM professors were against since they wanted to give their lectures and work on their research as well. I hope UFPE stays as it was when I was a student there and let CFCHfags cry as much as they want. Nobody gives a damn.

Nice. Sadly FFLCH hadn't such problem. A fag could only kill himself by overdose since it's building had like 2 or 3 floors. I don't remember.

We couldn't. Fags threw themselves by midnight or dawn and when the sun was rising the police would barricade the entire shit. That's why this shit started as urban legend, because nobody saw the corpses. But I've met one taxi driver that actually saw one fag throw himself there.

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Ilusões Armadas 5 vols. (Elio Gaspari)
Jango: Um Perfil (Marco A. Villa)
Ditadura à Brasileira (Marco A. Villa)
Verdade Sufocada (Brilhante Ustra)
Castelo Branco, o Presidente Reformador (John Dulles)
Médici, a Verdadeira História (gen. Agnaldo del Nero)
ORVIL: Tentativas de Tomada do Poder (Lício Maciel)
1964: Golpe ou Contragolpe? (Hélio Silva)
1964: o Elo Perdido (Mauro Abranches e Vladimir Petrilák)
Apoio de Cuba à Luta Armada (Denise Rollemberg)
Ideais Traídos (Sylvio Frota)
GEISEL (Maria Celina e Celso Castro)
Introdução à Revolução de 1964 2 vols. (Carlos Castello Branco)

Here's a link to Ustra's book. It's naturally biased in favour of the military regime, but it's worth a read, because he's painted as a demon and he presents his own version of the accusations against him.


When Lula dies, do you think the party (and so their ideals) will end up dying due lack of someone charismatic/pure incopetency or does he have a sucessor?

I'd wager it will have the same fate as PDT after Brizola.

If I could chose,

It would be a Corneliu Zelea Codreanu,
Out military were too soft on the marxists.

Pinochet did the job but codreanu is far superior.

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I hope the guy who printed this had used gloves to hide his fingerprints, otherwise he's fucked.

> calling zionists and a Jew /our guy/
Not sure if srs

Come on, don't people use Word ORTHOGRAPHY corrector anymore?

Haddad, the biggest loser with 32 open processes is quoted to be the party's leader, that's how bleak it is for them.

Depends wheater PT will preserve the support from the leftist "intellectuals" (who seem to be shifting toward postmodernism, that is, PSOL) and the labor syndicate mafia. Otherwise, it will have the same fate as the old PTB.


Heleno won't go to the defense ministry anymore. He'll be Bolsonaro's security advisor.


Heleno goes to the GSI, he will be Bolso's right hand in military and security matters.

With Moro out of Lava Jato, PT lose their narrative that he was a partial judge jailing political opponents as the operation will most likely just continue as usual and other judge will condemn Lula again in another case with even more evidence.


What the fuck is this shit

This smells like Venezuela pacification problems in Bolsonaro's goverment.

Just read the rest of his tweets and they're all just as retarded, he's basically the burger Boulos.


Anyone got the link for the "leftist tears compilation" on imgur. Spawned just after bolomilho victory

He is a literal socialist, what did you expect?
What worries m eis the amazon watch preparing the "resistance" movement.

They probably have information that we don''t about Venezuela's government implosion, Heleno would be way more valuable in GSI in this case.

PSDB will meet to decide their position with or against Bolsonaro on November 22, expect more shit-flinging and an internal rupture.

Well, bros.
After the mid-terms results, seems we are the last bastion of nationalism in the fucking west.

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they will probably go against
PSDB is just an offshoot of PT either way
But if they do side with pocket, thats just another nail in Lulas coffin

That building is fucking cursed, we will never know the true number of suicides over there.

Drug war is an endless battle. So many cops dead for something that, in my opinion, is an useless struggle that could be solved with proper regulation.

Democracy is a meme. I really hope we become a dictatorship.


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Wish PSDB was just killed already. Allowing Dória to win SP government was retarded, and an ultimate wrong move. Bolso should have spoke against him with utter fury, so the party would just lie dead, forever.

4 years of oxygen for this piece of shit criminal organization to get back on it's feet with it c u c k e d views again. Literally a disease.

Por que as fotos do exército que vocês pegam são horríveis? Tecpix tier

If we start punishing users, and isolating them to be pushed out of colleges and the work market, they will start stopping being degenerates pieces of shit. But this won't happen. We can meme it to mine some salt, at least.

lmao, what happened with this fella?

It's a kinda shit result for demonrats actually, they won the house by a slight margin and lost senate seats, Trump can just veto all their shit and the only thing they have are investigative powers to torment Trump but no real power.

Any one here voted for Amoedo?

thank god, no.

I have no idea

They're probably cropped

Everything has a time and a place. Getting naked in your house isn't illegal, but indecent exposure in the middle of the street will get you arrested. You wanna be a druggie in your house? Sure. But a college is a place to study, not to drug yourself out of your mind.

UERJ has campi in cities other than Rio
you fucking illiterate retard

>the only thing they have are investigative powers to torment Trump
And they control the states budget.
They have the base, bro.
It's not a shity result, in any shape or form, in my humble opinion.

Oh, hell fuck no. Climbed aboard the B17 train as soon as I heard about Guedes

>Major drug market
>"It's okay... dude weed lmao"

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Also Trump had a big victory within the Republican party itself, when he ran in 2016 he was hated by the establishment Reps but the party is now molded after his image more than ever while Dems don't have a clear and coherent program.

The house always swings the other way, with Obama it was a much bigger shift.

We just lost a minister
