Reminder - Bush got both senate and house

Just saying...

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To be fair 2002 was a year after 9/11 and America under Bush from 2001 to 2003 was the closest we came to true fascism.

trump got 55 senate seats

Twin Towers. Doesnt matter, in time of war that's what they tend to get

>implying he dindu 9.11

Maybe you need another 9/11 then, but on steroids. Something stupid, like a nuke going off in Detroit or whatever.

W ran as a "compassionate conservative" (aka a cuck) though. Trump ran as a hardcore outsider and then bent the knee anyways.

He also close the border...temporarily but he did it.

>Something stupid, like a nuke going off in Detroit or whatever.

Any nuke going off means the extermination of the human race as a species.

But I mean not our nuke or Chinese nuke. More like a terrorist nuke. Maybe Iranian.

>But I mean not our nuke or Chinese nuke

It doesn't matter, any nuke going off in the US will be regarded as an attack by Russia and China and will lead to a full scale nuclear war.


Fine. That was just a suggestion.

This. Iran will come down within the next fifteen years. 2024 at best.

No one knew that then

>Maybe you need another 9/11 then
What's Paul Wolfowitz doing in Russia?

This is probably true, fascism comes after big economic depressions or military disasters like during WW2
>one nuke going off means the end of humans
nigga what, we have 13'000 of them in the world

"Nuke" as in a dirty radiation bomb, not a nuclear missile. I think anybody can tell the difference between the two. Besides, nuclear war has few positive outcomes.


Pick one, noob. Seems like you'd have a good dose of liberal sclomo pseudo race science. There is no "Human race". Homo sapiens are a SPECIES comprising many races and sub-races..

Because it was a year after 9/11 brainlet

You’re a n absolutely shit eating retard. No a Nuke that isn’t launched via an ICBM will not be treated as an attack from Russia or China. For fucks sake

You need another 9/11 if you want to stop the destruction of your country

vast knowledge and wisdom can be found in xbox360 voice messages and game lobbies from 04 to 08

>terrorists bomb country
>country begins to remove terrorists
Reminder Antifa (which was created by Jews) had terrorist bombings in Germany that led to Hitler putting Jews in camps. Also the Jews that went to camps did so because they denounced Germany and refused to cooperate. It wasn't even all the Jews, since there were some helping Germany (ie Soros). It wasn't any different than how US put Japanese people into camps. The only difference is Jews couldn't cut off food and aid to them to cause them to starve like they did their own people in Germany.

Just saying...

>bent the knee
Cringe. How?

He only won originally because of hanging chads and court cases. Gore, like Hillary, also won the popular vote.