What are your thoughts on Tito? People are pretty divided on this topic in the Balkans.
What are your thoughts on Tito? People are pretty divided on this topic in the Balkans
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Based and redpilled, had a better system than the USSR but they didn't listen
People didn't listen to him enough. He held the balkans by himself, it all went to shit when he disappeared.
Don't know enough about him to really form an opinion, I do like how he looks though. Just missing the "You have no idea how bad things really are"
Disgusting human being and commie dictator. Anyone who has a positive opinion about Tito is a massive faggot.
He threatened to assassinate stalin and then stalin stopped tryna fuck with him so hes a bit of a legend
Bolshevik trash, but it's amusing how he cucked Stalin.
still my president
But he's dead...
Far too moderate. Still, I'm sad that S*rbs had to ruin everything he did after he died.
>He threatened to assassinate stalin and then stalin stopped tryna fuck with him so hes a bit of a legend
That's not the reason why USSR didn't try to invade (or prevent the split). For one, there was no Warsaw Pact in 1948, when the Tito-Stalin split occurred, and this was still in the early post-War period where many things (borders, alliances) were hazy.
The most important reason why Stalin left Yugoslavia alone was that, in WWII, the Soviets did not have a strong presence in Yugoslavia, and Yugoslav independence was achieved above all by the actions of the partisans, and not the approaching Soviets, as it had been in other Eastern Bloc countries. So, when Yugoslavia did split, the Soviets had only spies in the country, but few boots on the ground troops vs. Czechoslovakia and Hungary.
He was literally a fucking social democrat.
Nah I'm talking about the assassins stalin sent to kill tito because he didn't want to comply with the wider ussr. After the letter from tito to stalin, the assassins stopped.
Goering's twin brother
He was a hero.
He was a bit of an asshole, but the only thing keeping the Balkans together. When he died, serbian, croatian and moslim nationalists decided to piss all over the country and turn into small warring factions that are useless and poor.
>zelo slan
Genocidal murderer.
We can tell you're samefagging, bro.
>oh i love the commies more please soviet GIB GIB GIB MONIES
>oh now i love the west more please AMERIGA GIB GIB GIB MONIES
and repeat
Based Serb response.
Have a (You), user.
Whoreson with degenerates following him.
Can you faggs fuck off so we can read something out side of Balkan heads please.
>inb4 diaspora faggs turn up
For a precious short time he managed to herd all the Yugoslavshits into one big pile of shit-country.
That actually kinda worked and was a big thorn in EVERBODIES butt.
He may have been a genocidal murderer and a commie but he did stop the Balkans from murdering each other and actually improved the states
everybody that still loves this cunt deserves pic related
I remember Yugoslavia as a nice land from living there in the eighties.
>watching cinema, some violent 80's flick in a huge public garden with the rest of the village (Igalo) - when the violent climax comes the film is paused and the smaller children are escorted outside - and then let back in for the rest of the movie.
The question is very interesting though: war came so fast there was never any real investigations or 'peace comissions" to unveil the truth about his reign.
I suspect he might have been more of a national socialist than a commiefuckface though... thoughts?
>he might have been more of a national socialist than a commiefuckface
>national socialist
He was a pan-slavic nationalist and a (guild/market) socialist, kinda like the Scottish and Irish socialists tend to be; not 'national socialist' like Hitler was.
Well never in my life have i expected to see this of all thing that is a 4 chan thread about what is now known as the Balkan stats
how new are you?
Good dictator that kept undisciplined troglodytes in check, but bad because he didn't keep the jews at bay.
>croatians are base-
I like this song.
He murdered Stalinists that's nice but he was a shitty dictator who didn't really do anything.Ethnic tensions and economic stagnation still happened under him
Depends on whether there was one Tito or two (OG Tito and the commie knockoff).
was OG Tito based?
>partisans liberated yugoslavia
my sides
also your trap loving faggot ass opinion goes to the trash
he stole back our rightfully retaken lands to the south
fuck him
>He was a pan-slavic nationalist
He was a corporal in WW1 invasion of Serbia.
The communist party of Yugoslavia explicitly opposed Serbs and plotted the destruction of Serbia, Serb burgeoisie and went so far as praising Ustashe in 1930s.
The Communist party of Yugoslavia congresses in Vienna and Dresden outline the need for breaking up the Serbian nation into Bosnian, Montenegrin, Vojvodina, Macedonia.
As soon as Communists took over Serbia, they executed between 50 and 60 thousand people.
Including WW1 generals and officers, university professors, priests and industrialists.
Throughout the Cold War, Yugoslavia under Tito was directly funded and propped up by NATO, USA in particular.
The OP created a bait thread.
Posted just 1 other post.
Probably a proxy.
>but he did stop the Balkans from murdering each other
Because he directly ordered the murder of several hundreds of thousands of people and commanded a "resistance" movement that only succeeded in causing massive reprisals against civilian population and was a total non-factor until Italy fell and Soviets reached borders. That's right, Germans called them bandits, because initially they targetted civilians and looted property, while thoroughly avoiding any military targets.
> and actually improved the states
Last years before his death the entire industry was a net drain on budget, the remitances from abroad were equal to export, and 25% of workforce worked abroad.
Electricity and petroleum shortages, rapid rise in foreign loans, and soon after he died, hyperinflation.
An incompetent psychotic mass murderer and a degenerate, promiscuous pedophile who drove around in Cadillac and Rolls, drank 1000$ whisky, smoked Cuban cigars while people had nothing to eat and lived in shitty, worst commieblocks you can imagine.
He is a human scum
Bandit leader
>Josip Broz Tito Monument is a monument in Kumanovo, Macedonia honoring former Marshal of Yugoslavia Josip Broz Tito.
>Year 2006
3rd december 2018:
>Authorities in the Macedonian capital have been caught by surprise by the unannounced erection of a bronze statue of the Yugoslav president, Josip Broz Tito.
Reminder that statues of Tito are getting build by people and government doesn't knows who build them.
Was there ever a leader like that before?
The post-Tito era is proof that multiculturalism doesn't work.
>Pan-European identity is the sense of personal identification with Europe, in a cultural or political sense. The concept is discussed in the context of European integration, historically in connection with hypothetical proposals, but since the formation of the European Union (EU) in the 1990s increasingly with regards to the project of ever-increasing federalisation of the EU.
>European integration is the process of industrial, political, legal, economic, social and cultural integration of states wholly or partially in Europe. European integration has primarily come about through the European Union and its policies.
>ethnic groups collaborate and enter into a dialogue with one another without having to sacrifice their particular identities.
1.) Janez Janša and SDS are a pro-EU migrant enabling Christian capitalistic traitors:
>he decided to work for his party (SDS)
>Christian democrat
>Janez Janša
>he supported the government's efforts for the integration into EU and NATO.
>November 2004 to November 2008. During the term characterized by over-enthusiasm after joining EU, between 2005 and 2008 the Slovenian banks have seen loan-deposit ratio veering out of control
>President of the European Council 2008
>Prime Minister of Slovenia from 1990 to 1992, Leader of the Christian Democrats
>In 2002, Peterle became the 13th member of the steering committee of the Convention on the Future of Europe, which drafted the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe.
2.) Janez Janša sold Yugoslavian weapons, made us defenseless, wasted money on NATO and Finnish army company:
>Janez Janša naj bi v času, ko je bil obrambni minister, za vsako ladjo z orožjem, ki je leta 1991 nezakonito priplula v Luko Koper, prejel 250.000 dolarjev podkupnine.
>Janez Janša was supposed to receive a $ 250,000 bribe at a time when he was the Minister of Defense, for every ship with a weapon that unlawfully sailed into the Port of Koper in 1991.
>Slovenia and Austria of bribery of Slovenian officials by the Finnish company Patria to help clinch an armoured personnel carrier order.
>corruption of the Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša.
3.) Marriages were much better under atheistic Communist rule:
>V tem trenutku je ločitev 376, leta 1990 jih je bilo 218, leta 1965 pa 122."
divorces in 1965: 122
divroces in 1990: 218
divorces in 2015: 376
According to Enver Hoxha Work IV, Tito is a western puppet unable to understand the fundamentals of Nation-building and riding on the coat tail of western money by making ridiculous concessions to the corporate world.
That's a really nice statue.
Excellent definition.
russian agent couldnt even speak proper yugoslavian or what the fuckever polack language they speak there
>better system
>ends in bloodbath and complete financial ruin as opposed to brief realignment period
Literally what's wrong with that statement? The Partisans carried out guerrilla warfare throughout the entirety of former Yugoslavia. They were known for sabotaging train lines, guerrilla attacks on German batallions. As the movement gained popular support, it also engaged in large-scale offensives. The movement was supported financially and materially by the Soviet Union, as Stalin sought to annex it to the Soviet Union. But, as you already know, they had different plans – ultimately, Yugoslavia was liberated before the arrival of the Red Army, and Tito was able to force a Yugoslavia independent of the Soviet Union.
East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania, on the other hand, were liberated or occupied by Soviet forces in 1944-45, but Yugoslavia succeeded in kicking out their occupiers without the Red Army's direct assistance. Sure, there were some Albanian partisans too, but the gist of it is that Soviet aid was minimal and Soviets didn't have any troops stationed in Yugoslavia.
>Nitko ne zna tko ga je postavio: Usred Skoplja osvanuo Titov kip!
>Nobody knows who build statue of Tito in middle of Skopje
He was a nationalist that valued his own country first. I respect that.
zizek pls
>Enver Hoxha
Yeah, no. Might as well listen to Trump's idea of what feminism is.
he was based
Pretty based. Jow Forums will sperg out because he's a scary socialist but he did well for the country and remained independent between both spheres while trying to carry out his socialist vision.
he wasn't a slovene nationalist by any metric
Nothing wrong with Albanians if they stay in Albania and aren't Muslims.
>By May 1967, religious institutions had been forced to relinquish all 2,169 churches, mosques, cloisters, and shrines in Albania, many of which were converted into cultural centers for young people.
Albania had no taxes under Communistic rule, which is what international Christian Juden hate.
>The Partisans carried out guerrilla warfare throughout the entirety of former Yugoslavia. They were known for sabotaging train lines, guerrilla attacks on German batallions.
Quantify those attacks.
>As the movement gained popular support, it also engaged in large-scale offensives.
>The movement was supported financially and materially by the Soviet Union, as Stalin sought to annex it to the Soviet Union.
Not a single bullet came from Soviets, you imbecile.
> ultimately, Yugoslavia was liberated before the arrival of the Red Army
Total imbecile confirmed. Germany surrendered before Zagreb and some other cities were "liberated", you dipshit. Soviets were in Belgrade in 1944.
American bootlicker.
Your definition of based?
>christian juden
LOL commies sure are fucking retarded
Pretty based strongmen who was an international plant but managed to use the international situation to fuck over everyone involved, including the inhabitants of his dominion.
>Far too moderate. Still, I'm sad that S*rbs had to ruin everything he did after he died.
Jugokopile u Srbiji, potomak koloniziranog šljama post-1945 detected
>Pretty based strongmen
>escapes every single battle
>hundreds of thousands of partisans die
>leaves unscathed to tour the world
>what a hero
>fucks minors
>has 5 women, betrayed several of them
>liberated before the arrival of the Red Army
The Red Army's tanks was already rolling in when the Germans pulled out.
Wrong, that picture is in Skopje
It's because the high school there is called Josip Broz Tito
Pic related is the building you see there in the top right
Oh really? Lets see:
Christian Democratic Union of Germany aka CDU:
1.)created NATO:
>Religion Roman Catholic
>Chief of Staff of the German Chancellery in West Germany from 28 October 1953 to 15 October 1963
>strong anti-communist stance
>He was the German government's main liaison with NATO and other western intelligence services, especially the CIA.
>West Germany joined NATO in 1955
2.)created German law:
>The Basic Law was approved on 8 May 1949 in Bonn, and, with the signature of the western Allies of World War II on 12 May
>During reunification, the two states discussed the possibility of drafting a new common constitution followed by a plebiscite, as envisioned in Art. 146 (1990), but this path was ultimately not taken. Instead the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic decided to keep the Basic Law with only minor changes
3.)created refugee laws:
original refugee law:
>Am 22. April 1954 trat die Konvention in den ersten sechs Unterzeichnerstaaten in Kraft (Australien, Belgien, Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Dänemark, Luxemburg, Norwegen).
>Chancellor of Germany from 1982 to 1998 (of West Germany 1982–1990 and of the reunited Germany 1990–1998) and as the chairman of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) from 1973 to 1998.
4.)EU is USA
>The United States of Europe, the European state,[1][2] the European superstate, the European federation and Federal Europe are names used to refer to several similar hypothetical scenarios of the unification of Europe as a single sovereign federation of states (hence superstate), similar to the United States of America
>tries to create yugoslavia
>recieves funding from the west
>majority of Yugoslav companies have american shareholders
What is wrong? I posted links to two statues of Tito in Macedonia. One is in Kumanovo, other is in Skopje.
Leave them be, Albanian friend.
They have no idea of the reality on the ground.
six nations five states four languages three religions 2 alphabets one tito
want him back
GTFO ustasha cuck
He was a greater statesman than Donald Trump.
Hardly an endorsement, I know.
But his regime kept the peace in a turbulent region for over forty years, without more than the initial massacres and gross human rights-violations. Yugoslavia, with the major groups kept in check, was a good idea. Too bad N*TO, the economic imperialists, along with local elites, had to fuel the fires of nationalism and destroy the country.
So why are you in Italy?
>six nations
>five states
>four languages
>three religions
>two alphabets
>one faggot
>Christian Democratic Union of Germany aka CDU
they are not christians they are good goys
and you fell to the other side of the false dichotomy you massive faggot
He was quite a powerful dude.
Like I said, based.
Who cares what they are really, it only matters what they do and the fact they keep getting elected. Do you even watch German channels? German channels constantly discuss why they vote for CDU, because of economy of cheap labor, they won't say it directly, but they claim Merkel is good for German finances. If you think average German likes to preserve its identity, culture and race you are delusional. If you ever worked any job at all in Europe you know stories of Germans hiring cheap labor all over the Europe and beyond. Ask yourself, what did Orban or any of those actually do, did they do anything or even better, did you do anything to prevent migration? Germans done nothing. Maybe you did, i am not saying you didn't. If you do business with migrants you are the problem and no matter who you elect, they can't ban that.
What's "funny" is that they not only commited warcrimed against serbs and bosniaks, but mostly other croats who didn't buy into their shit
>t. cetnik who think cetniks did anything else but embaress themselves to the point that communist-hating Churchill rather sided with Tito and their own king asked them to please just stop
>attacks Serbia, kills Serbs
>member of anti-Serb Communist movement
>gloats over Axis invasion of Yugoslavia and suffering of Serbs
>schemes to abolish Serbia and found meme nations
>transfers industry from Serbia
>settles Albanians in KosMet, bans Serbs from settling there
>settles subhuman proletariat to replace tens of thousands of murdered Serbs in Vojvodina and Šumadija he ordered executed
>Serbia is a shithole
>and still worship Tito
>Soviets were in Belgrade in 1944.
The Russians coming to Belgrade when the whole thing was almost over? There is a reason we weren't some USSR puppet state. Pro-Soviet governments were established in the areas occupied by the USSR, but since there was already a communist government in power in Yugoslavia (under Tito), there was no need for the Soviets to support a coup as they did in Czechoslovakia, no real grounds by which they could march the Red Army into the country, and no way to rig elections or anything of that sort.
Why? Partisans were not small scattered resistance groups that do sabotage like (at least I imagine it so) e.g. French resistance, but something that is very close to being an actual army. An army that fought large battles since at least 1942-43 and made Axis powers leave a large military presence in the Balkans
One of the main battles, the battle of Sutjeska in 1943, had 22000 partisan soldiers against 120 000 Axis soldiers (from different countries, i think only 2-3 German divisions). Well, to have ~100 000 soldiers, weapons and machinery in Yugoslavia and not on e.g. Eastern front was not a small thing. The Axis won this battle, but failed in their main objective to annihilate the partisan movement, and 2/3 of them punched through from encirclement and retreated , which is why the partisans consider it a "victory."
>Germany surrendered before Zagreb and some other cities were "liberated", you dipshit.
That's because Croatia was the last country to be liberated. And no, I don't deny that one of the reasons why the Germans left was because they were defeated in the East. I'm just explaining why Soviets did not occupy Yugoslavia after Tito/Stalin split.
>, but mostly other croats who didn't buy into their shit
>mostly other Croats
>Croats in Partisans in 1941 - 150
>in 1942 - 700
>believing Serbian propaganda
And I bet "djeneral" Mihailović was a hero who dinndu anything wrong, huh?
Almost nothing you said there is true, but even if it was it would be based as fuck.
Are you a mongoloid?
Do you have reading comprehension issues?
Also, to top off your mongoloid ranting, the Czechoslovaks elected local Communists democratically.
Soviets cracked those later.
Croatia is a disgrace and a race traitor. Will be properly genocided
Preach brother.
>The Russians coming to Belgrade when the whole thing was almost over?
Serbia liberated by an entire Front of RKKA, Soviet tanks and even Bulgarian detachments
> There is a reason we weren't some USSR puppet state.
Because Yalta agreement said so.
>Why? Partisans were not small scattered resistance groups that do sabotage like (at least I imagine it so) e.g. French resistance, but something that is very close to being an actual army. An army that fought large battles since at least 1942-43 and made Axis powers leave a large military presence in the Balkans
That "army" was instructed to avoid Germans and concentrate on Chetniks first, Ustashe second.
Germans suffered negliglible total losses in the entirety of Balkans.
>. Well, to have ~100 000 soldiers, weapons and machinery in Yugoslavia and not on e.g. Eastern front was not a small thing. The Axis won this battle, but failed in their main objective to annihilate the partisan movement, and 2/3 of them punched through from encirclement and retreated , which is why the partisans consider it a "victory."
Residing in shitholes, forests and caves and having tens of thousands killed when Axis get fed up and organise mop up operations is not a victory.
>People are pretty divided on this topic in the Balkans
aren't they about everything?
Balija iz Švecke se javlja
>almost nothing is true
>doesn't refute anything
Poor trolling attempt
Tito was based. People on both sides of the Cold War admired him and admired Yugoslavia.
Now no-one here even knows the Balkans exist anymore. Sometimes boomers still mention Yugoslavia. Then you remind them it's now a divided collection of small states. "Oh..." they say, without asking any further.
Revisionist hack who ruined everything. Rest in piss.
>muh western boogeyman
>"In the case NATO loses its influence on Yugoslavia, and the Soviet Union gainst this influence, then they will dominate the Adriatic and the Mediterranean, so NATO has a major strategic loss. However, will american imperialism allow such a thing? I think that would be difficult. NATO will not stay with their hands crossed, but without even having a general conflagration, will make rough economi and politic war to always have Yugoslavia on their side." E.H. Political diary, 3 December 1977
to je gej madjar, neironicno
A Jew.
Tito is based. If he was still around today, Yugoslavia would still be here.
>Croatia is a disgrace and a race traitor
just who sided with the allies and was such a shitskin "race traitor" that after two days of the triparte pact they chimped out and brought a kike stooge into office?
Serbs should be fucking nuked, they have given nothing but misery to europeans