I've seeing a lot o people in here talking about muh Hitler.
But they will not show any primary sources or historical facts to prove their claims.
If you support this "theory", please show me primary sources or historical facts.
If the only thing you have is wishfull thinking, GTFO.
Other urls found in this thread:
>What do you mean with: He was right?
>If the only thing you have is wishfull thinking, GTFO.
Say what you want, dude had a huge cock. He killed 70 million jewesses with it.
Wishful thinking is denying he was right
Waste's a perfectly good plane, and trained pilot to take down one bomber, when re-arming would have allowed him to take down many later. What a retard.
hilarious when people take the hitler shit serious.. what a dumb spic
>If you support this "theory", please show me primary sources or historical facts.
Oh it's getting good, people getting butthurt and showing me nothing
A perfect example of German autism, and Aryan Rage.
Look at today's Europe and decide for yourself. Although being shitskin mongrel who should not be, you'll probably like it.
You are the dumb, nigger.
I'm just making fun of them, and you don't even realize it.
What exactly do you want to know?
>If you support this "theory", please show me primary sources or historical facts.
>don't have, going to ad hominem attacks.
Butthurt count:
>Be Ruski.
>Approve of Hitler.
Is this man the epitome of based?
Who the fuck let this Brazilian nigger learn English?
have you seen the greatest story never told? i have only heard of it. supposedly it is a very shocking account of ww2.
the only way to save your people from the corruption of jews is to abolish democracy, expel them, and rule by force.
lurk more
you are genetically incapable of understanding
Hundreds of thousands of Russians fought for Hitler. Majority of Russian population dislike kikes and shitskins, most just has no balls to acknowledge that fighting on soviet side in WW2 was wrong thing to do.
Stormfags make threads about it from time to time.
Lurk moar
>If you support this "theory", please show me primary sources or historical facts.
>don't have, going to ad hominem attacks.
Butthurt count:
C'mon bros.
You can do it.
Mussolini was many times better, but Hitler triggers people a lot more.
What "theory", apeling? Proofs of what exactly do you want?
I'm serious. Subhuman species dont have the hability of understanding complex things.
How they turned a non smoking vegetarian into the most evil man to ever live is actually impressive
Can you prove us your (((claim)))? please
This brazilian cyka is just butthurt there's /NOVAERA/ in Brazil
It's always interesting to learn of Russia in truth. When we are taught it's history it's presented very one-sided. Russians were communists= they hated hitler. Is pretty much what it boils down to, learning of the truth is always fascinating.
My point is that all of you are unable to back up your claims.
That's why your "theory" will never left the internet world.
If you are uncapable of give me a decent explanation, how in the world you will explain this to a organized crowd or an academic one?
Think about it.
Are you stupid?
We support his ideology, no "facts" or "primary sources" needed. Even if the holocaust did happen I'm all for it, all over again, for all the subhumans ruining Europe with their filthy being.
Hitler's k/d ratio isnt the issue here, its his strength Jow Forumsta3rds are taught to admire so much. kinda like a psy op just like communism
Most everything said about Hitler has been Jewish propaganda. He didn't want "World Domination". He didn't want a "blond haired blue eyed" world. He wanted a secure and prosperous Germany. The Jews were undermining that. He didn't want to "exterminate them". There is ZERO proof of that. He wanted to move them, and he was, until fat fuck Churchill stepped in to protect Poland... who was slaughtering the German people in the territories handed over to them after WW1. Hitler wasn't having that shit and saved them.
History is written by the Jews.
~Le I will just tell them I'm a master troll lelelelel~
Like clockwork. Bolsonaro wins, you deny that he's a Jewish plant, then you do this. Just kidding of course.
Russians were not communists, russians were patriots. That is why Stalin called it "The Great patriotic war", in order to get the nationalists on his side and to make the war about Russia vs Germany not Communism vs Nazism.
It's not a theory and shame tactics are growing thin.
Look at the red wave across Latin America. How much longer can the kike maintain the fear tactics? People are waking up
Sieg Heil
The Holocaust didn't happen, but it should have.
Jew Lampshades
Stupidest shit I have ever read
Fuck outta here dumb JIDF jew nigger! You know full well why Hitler was right. 2 shekels have been deposited to your account.
Based and redpilled.
he saved europe from communism
>Implying you actually read a book in your life
It van still happen and i hope it does.
You're only embarrassing yourselves.
I fucking love Jow Forums. A multi-racial group of people discussing why Hitler was right. This is the best timeline.
see the holohoax threads. and the steady flow of anti semitism
they don't give a fuck if he genocides jews because he was seen as a messianic figure which enables the former as part of changes on a biblical scale .
name one single thing he did better than hitler?
>they don't give a fuck if he genocides jews
Wrong. I am, for example, very much disapprove fact that he didnt actually genocided jews, because they deserve 100 genocides for communism alone.
He fucked over Italy more times.
Hitler recognized the need to preserve nations and culture and that capitalists would sell out their nations for a quick buck the first chance they got. even if you like Jews you have to admit he was right about everything else. in the modern era i bet nazis and commies would agree on a lot of things.
This is the most redpilled Russian I have ever seen. Knows about the perils of communism, hates jews What more could you want?
You are gay
The nationalization of banking, for example.
Not everything is about the Jews. Think about it. How ingrained is the Jew brand in your head that you associate anything about Germany's history 80 years ago to a group of people who would otherwise be considered extras in this war. It was mostly Natsoc vs Bolshevism. If you respect the dead you should at least admit that.
What are your sources for saying bad things about him? Burden of evidence is on you.
You can't show us 6 million jew corpses, 10 million kilos of Ash and 180 million teeth.
Prove to us the holocaust happened and the reasons Hitler was bad...
and there it is, you really cant make this shit up.
>What is 1918
>What is WW1
Work on your English, man. I have no idea what you're saying.
>saying bad things about him
Where? Read the OP again, carefully.
Where is the lie? What was specifically factually inaccurate?
Kill yourself Kike.
pretty smart move that's why he spread the propaganda about evil germanics want to genocide all slavs too but at the same time what a fucking failure this ideology was that he had to change to nationalistic pan slavic because very few would want to die for communism
>Destroy debt based currency
>Destroy the Private Central Banks
>Abolish Degeneracy
>End Usury
A Labor based currency backed by a National Socialist State is the only way to abolish the NWO!
Well, you are the first to give me something.
And I'm not a kike, bro.
Don't be hysterical.
Poland never committed genocide against ethnic Germans you fucking moron. Accept the fact he was just an imperialist and move on with your bullshit views. There is literally not a single source for any genocide happening
correct, its about elitism and leaders who can be blindly forgiven for misdeeds and lead youg lads away from their families .
You're right but he mentioned the holohoax.
Well for all his flaws, Stalin wasn't stupid. He knew russians are not going to die in the millions in the name of socialism and communism. That's why he changed the narrative to a nationalistic one. And with all the killings and massacres of villages that the germans left behind them, it wasn't even that hard.
OK think about this for a second Paulo...
If there wasn't a holocaust, the nazis can't be called immoral or unethical by any standard aside from far far right modern nazi larpers for not doing it all for real.
If the nazis weren't unethical or immoral, than their loss to the ussr(objectively evil country) and the USA(objectively questionable country) and the UK(objectivy questionable country) was a massive tragedy as the world if they won would be free from Islamic terror, the cold war, the Vietnam war, Korean war, Cuban revolution, Chinese cultural revolution, Japan being nuked, irag war, desert storm, Afghanistan in the 70s, Afghanistan again, balkan war, Georgian crisis, Cuban missile crisis, Crimea annexation, Israel Palestine conflict, Libyan revolution, Syrian war, the list goes on.
Hitler was right because he wasn't wrong or bad.
Point out and arguments you have that he was so we can destroy them.
Perhaps you are not a kike
perhaps you are.
you are correct others have failed to post even a single image or source to back up the claim. that is a failure on their part.
Yeah. Roosevelt and Churchill were monsters.
Lol dumb slavic human trash. if it goes his way you stinky vodka sub humans would be eliminated.
they would have just been germanized
At least, you understand the main point of the OP.
communist jews tried to stage a bolshevik revolution in germany right after the war
the jews were instrumental in the peace deal that germany was tricked into signing
the divided nation (weimar) was full of jewish degeneracy and leftism
when you realize these key facts then you see that hitler was a pushback response to the insane leftism and degeneracy
Hitler warned of displacement of Europeans being the plan of the plutocrats and jews. And it happened.
its pretty much the same meme in a different uniform
Just listen to him, same with Assad. When someone is that much better than you you shouldn't concern yourself with their end goals
OP: Provide me with hard historical evidence.
Jow Forumstard: Hurrr da joooz rit histery.
resolves unemployment
resolves balance of trade deficits
prioritises spiritual/physical health over GDP
overcomes the corrupting influences of both nihilism and materialism
sought to re-unite germany as laid out in the 1920 NSDAP manifesto
supported by the german people
successfully implemented policies to cut the fat and toxic parts of capitalism away like usury and financial manipulation
What more do you want exactly? He did make a fundamental error in calling the bluff of the allies when he attacked Poland, though it is what the German people wanted and he was a man of his word. Add that, I guess - kept his promises when able. It's not perfect but it was WAY better than the absolute cancer of a system we have today is. Look at where democracy and MUH LIBERTY has gotten us all today. A travesty. People are fat, sick, killing themselves, stupid, depressed, ignorant, uneducated, brainwashed, lazy, entitled, culturally dead automatons being farmed for taxes. The current world we live in IS the dystopian nightmare and Hitler knew it would happen and so tried to escape from it. Literally did nothing wrong.
>primary sources or historical facts
You know both of these are controlled by propaganda and lies. Don't tell me you just believe in state controlled "truths" and "facts"?
A world where you are brought up to work and enjoy it while supporting your country and earth is better than a world were you are brought up to work and hate it because the guys at the top are pedo-cannibal massively greedy jews with agendas of their own.
There are a lot of sources that are very good. They have a lot of spin and bias from the authors but it doesn't stop you forming your own conclusions. "Wages of Destruction" is a good one.
it's not anyone elses fault that you're a dumb spic iq 85 who can't research or read for yourself. READ table talk for a start, read mein kampf, read goebbels diary, read zweites buch just for a start but i fucking doubt you can read tbqh. Why should anyone spoonfeed your dumb shit cunt genetic waterskull anything? fucking sambo.
tbf the utter terror imposed on them im not surprised they stuck with stalin.
>"Show me muh history"
because you cant research for yourself? autismodo?