I had a look at the mid-term results just now and came away confused. How can the GOP have less seats when they have support in over 80% of the country? Is this due to poor numeracy attainment i.e. Burgers can't maths or corruption?
Burgers, what is wrong with ur democracy?
Don't bully the niggers pajeet.
Most of that red actually isn’t representative of actual numbers of people. Just the size of their land.
A lot of those blue spots, particularly around the coasts, are infested with literally millions of faggots, college liberals, mexicans, and niggers.
Lots of people in big coastal cities. Lots of votes
They vote that way because they are wealthier and care more about social issues
Reds vote that way because they are far from federal government and don’t see it benefit them, don’t want to pay for it to benefit those in faraway cities
And friendly reminder we are not a democracy
But then the system incentivises states to flood itself with immigrants, and given it is easier to flood cities (where the infrastructure is easily scaled) this seems to dilute the voting power of your working heartlands.
Also, most people outside cities are white. The system therefore is institutionally racist against whites?
Are you getting it now?
and that's why stacking people in big cities shouldn't be allowed. They get retarded
>what is population density
There, fixed it for ya
If I am right, then your system is crazy and broken. I know bongland is shit, but I never thought burgers would put up with it.
Exactly right. This is why Democrats are so heavily pushing mass immigration. Because migrants are poor and stupid and their votes can be bought with welfare.
Suppress white birth, induce immigration. Now you have a large voting class of poor uneducated laborers who will always vote for whomever gives them welfare, no matter how insane or tyrannical the policies are.
It's been broken since the 1960's when (((Ted-shabos goy-kennedy))) broke it with the immigration act.
>Still assumes Wyoming actually fucking exists.
It doesn't it's a fucking conspiracy.
Its the Democrats illegal voting and voting fraud. Over lay the Democrat controlled cities ( sanctuary ) with the voting
Yes it's a misunderstanding due to poor numeracy: you're apparently too stupid to understand population density.
Yet it the rest of the anglosphere we dont even measure in such a way. We just import third world invasion and wonder why our capital cities are shitholes full of rapists.
They gerrymander district voting lines for one of the reasons. Let me show you just the state of Illinois for our house of congress voting. Zoom in on top right for some royal confusion on how this is legal.
are you fucking retarded?
Much of the population is concentrated in a relatively small number of major cities and counties.
US Constitution has many checks and balances in place to give the rest of the US more of a voice so theirs aren't drowned out entirely by dense urban areas. But eventually the cityfags are going to be so great in number that even then won't protect rural America.
The idea behind our system of government is that most power is supposed to rest with the states and people. So if San Francisco, for example, wants single payer health care, they could pass it at the municipal, county, or state level instead of forcing it on all the other parts of the country who may not necessarily want it. But for the last 100 years or so our federal government has ballooned and has taken more and more away from the states. And everybody wants to pass this stuff at the federal level, because only the federal government has the ability to almost endlessly print and borrow money. Can't get away with that at the state or local level, you'd have to actually raise taxes to pay for all the welfare and other shit people want.
t. former chicago citizen
This is a more appropriate map for the house
Spics, Niggers, and Jews.
We're infested.
What is population density?
The left votes that way because half of them are on welfare and they love niggers and brown people, the right votes that way because they don't slide seeing their tax dollars going to fund their own replacement or for welfare queens to get a free ride.
fuckin california has too much votes
You get shamed and have the ever present threat of losing your job if you point out these issues as a white person. We put up with it because we have no choice.
Population density bro.
House is based on population. Senate isn't.
Republicans won more states but less people.
see the blue areas?
thats where almost everyone lives
all the red area has less people in it than the blue areas
All the red stuff has the same population as NYC.
It's just flyover states literally nobody goes to and inhabited by reckneck hillbillies that feel they need equal representation to population centers because muh food production.
>The left votes that way because half of them are on welfare and they ARE niggers and brown people, the right votes that way because they don't slide seeing their tax dollars going to fund their own replacement or for welfare queens to get a free ride.
>district 4
over 80% of non whites vote democrat. it's basically a nigger/spic/jew/mudslime/poo problem. it's only going to get worse too. If nothing get done about it there will an unstoppable brown wave of communists soon.
You have a town called "Normal"... Burgers, ffs... Vandalia is a little funny, but at least they fucking tried to come up with something in that case. Normal...
I'm guessing the top right is where all the rich white people live and everything else is nigger country?
Or because the population of a few degenerate cities shouldn't make policy for an entire country. Stay mad tho faggot. Sorry about your "blue wave"
>We should ignore like 30% of the vote because they have different beliefs than me
I'm glad the founders were smart enough to put in a way to deal with faggots like you
Will someone PLEASE nuke our Eastern and Western coasts PLEASE!!!!
> The population of cities that generate the most wealth and keep the entire country afloat should have the same representation as hillcity hillcounty
Stay mad redneck
How many seats did you win yesterday?
you guys need like 3 or 4 pearl harbors
Here is how it works. The D want as much control as they can get in the populated areas. So the trick is to bring in population centers on the outskirts like #17 with Peoria and Rockford.
In Chicago/Cook county the math is different. Isolate the groups. #7 hispanic. #4 black, #9 jewish, etc.
>What is population density
The exact opposite. Top right is Chicago.
What does urban America bring to the table anyway? You know, besides breeding more niggers and soibois using food produced in rural America?
Rural America could be China's farm and be better for it.
Urban America is absolutely fucked going forward.
No top right is where the rich white people AND the niggers live. The rest is lower/middle class white farmers.
That is why the Senate and State governments are so important to us. Dems only have an advantage in the House.
It was a disgrace that there were so many red state Democrat Senators, luckily Punished Kavanaugh BTFOed most of them this election cycle!
Imagine being white in that sea of green
That is where a huge amounts of the Chicago shootings come from. Police tried to go in and control it, but they screamed racism and all that. Now they are back to shooting each other.
The war is coming nigger. We are gonna lay siege to your shithole cities so all you niggers starve to death while we indiscriminately bombard you with artillery. It's coming and it will be glorious wiping you all out.
have fun eating your paper money.
careful! you might choke on that money
We arent a democracy though we have been moving that way for a long time now. Never meant to have been a democracy.
Tightened our grip on the Senate, kept the liberals from having super majority, beat O'Rourke Gillum etc. Cope harder m8
You are so fucking stupid you could count as American
Holy shit. Look at the demographics.
My state, Michigan, passed prop 2 so Detroit's lines are getting changed for sure completely fucking over the Democrats push for it to pass. 7/7 split for house and 6 are from the D is just absurd.
Most of the US is empty space.
Fuck off boxhead. Pay your debt to Poland, then you can speak.
To answer your question: What happened to the WORLD ECONOMY when the Twin Towers were destroyed.
Major cities (more people) are mostly liberal. The city of Chicago has as many people as the entirety of Illinois.
The system should be changed to states being won when the majority of counties go to a candidate.
Urban centers are the executive centers of any nation, like the brain. The brain can import food. If you don't want to make food, you don't have to.
The US has been flooded with immigrants from shitholes for centuries, and look where it got us. Immigrants who could vote. So I think we'll continue allowing them. Eventually we'll become a 0th world nation.
I do contract work for a national real estate investment firm. Certain cities get ruled off-limits to the firm because the profits to be gained there don't outweigh the danger to our personnel. Guess which city got put on "the list" two years ago?
>muh precious USD
So what happens when we start trading food and resources directly for Yuan?
Op is so fucking retarded cant understand how dems can win the house despite lol red taking up more land mass but i bet can understand how trump won despite losing the popular vote.
Fucking retard
Why the fuck would anyone shoot you for showing a flat? This is crazy.
>Democrats are so heavily pushing mass immigration.
What legislation specifically are they sponsoring?
In Chicago they used to have bounties on badges. EMT would answer calls with bullet proof vests on. Firefighters even didnt like their odds going in to help people.
How would you trade with China without access to the coast?
>a bong actually understands why we fucking loathe democrats now
Hey man, nice of you to catch up.
We have the Mississippi, you fucking nigger.
All it takes is a Chinese corporation willing to move the product. Farmers will accept Yuan into Chinese bank accounts.
>The system therefore is institutionally racist against whites?
>Implying you wouldn't get blockaded at new Orleans for refusing to sell food to Americans
>House seats are dependent on district lines
>Democrats are so fucking malicious that they are willing to redistribute and change the lines so that otherwise Republican Dominated sectors are flooded by Democrat sectors
This shit has been going on since the last one hundred years, and then some.
Let me put it to you like this in this entirely hypothetical situation.
>Have New York. Basically Democrat Central
>Want to spread out the voterbase because you need more House seats
>Other surrounding states look delicious with bipartisan sectors that usually vote Republican
>change House Sector lines so that New York Democrats bleed into other state's sectors, changing voter turnout to be partisan to Democrat
This scenario is never something that happens (I should hope) but it gives you an idea of what happens.
>muh racists won't give us food
That's what it always comes to isn't?
Impeach Drumpf, and do us a favor.
I like how you pretend gerrymandering is only done by Democrats
Thats called gerrymandering, and Republicans do it too, look at Ohio Louisiana and Texas (around Houston and Dallas)
I'm just telling you the reality that if somehow farmers coordinated the boycott of selling food to cities in favor of China they would be stopped by the feds, with military force if necessary. Food independence is a key part of national security and what you're suggesting would be considered treason
>But then the system incentivises states to flood itself with immigrants
It largely isn't legal.
There are few small local elections that will allow foreigners to vote, but unless you're a citizen, you're not voting in federal elections.
Democrats do it, but to a much lesser degree, be careful calling them out on gerrymandering because it could easily come back to bite republicans in the ass a LOT harder than dems.
As if rural Whites aren't the real America.
What are you going to do about it with China and Russia on our side?
>muh urban niggers, soibois, and SWJs take on rural rednecks, Russia, and China.
It sounds like a good kike movie for Hollywood.
My reaction to your pic:
Had no idea it was this bad.
Now for the next level, which of those areas are plus 75% white?
Which are whiter than the average for the U.S.?
Which are majority white?
What's the percentage of Jews in that areas?
Basically, America is fucked. You better find a way to solve your shit...
All the niggers and spics in the cities basically control everybody
If I was rich, had multiple expensive cars and a large house, I'd be a social justice warrior too. I mean, life is so good, why can't we all get along? Let those poor, uneducated masses right inside. What was that, live with poor people!? Are you fucking NUTS? Fuck off, I'll stay in my armed guard gated community, with security that guards me when ever I step out the door, thank you very much.
then how come whites in those areas ALSO generally vote liberal?
It's not like the spics and niggers are forcing the whites to vote liberal. It's a by-product of mixing cultures in a small geographical area. People are exposed to a lot more, and tend to be more liberally minded, even if they're white.
Compromising american national security is treason, yeah
>What are you going to do about it with China and Russia on our side?
What could China or Russia do about Americans blockading their own ports lmao
you're not going to do shit you NEET little faggot. You're just going to sit in your basement and shit post on a fucking anime website...like you always do.
> but unless you're a citizen, you're not voting in federal elections.
Should be "not LEGALLY voting in federal elections."
I see you failed to address that rural White America is the real America.
>Since /myteam/ lost by less, i-it m-means we actually w-won
>H-having more v-votes in the S-senate means the House doesn't matter and w-we can do whatever we w-want, right? We d-don't need them to pass spending b-bills and fund our wall, r-right?
>c-cope h-harder, m8, hahaha
>The city of (You)
Because that's your opinion, and not relevant to the scenario. Whether or not you consider rural white america to be the real america what I'm saying will still happen
I guess that's why Trumps voter fraud commission found no evidence whatsoever of illegal voting in the 2016 election.
If large numbers of illegals were voting, trump would've been screaming from the top of the white house about it. Instead the commission was disbanded and some fingers were pointed at the dems claiming they were obstructing. Then they destroyed any data the commission DID collect (because it all showed no evidence of voter fraud)
liberals are better educated and live in denser areas where there's a larger incentive to organize and work together. it's not just for gibs but also efficiency-oriented policies on infrastructure and laws that people in the countryside don't need. the cities make people more collectivist.
just know red likes wide open spaces and blue likes being a sardine in a can.
You're out of your element. The so called "food" the midwest grows is largely industrial grains. Its used for biofuels, cattle feed, and chemical applications. Meat is a commodity, but good luck exporting it overseas for reasonable profit. Also, china has fucked us on so many contracts already, I'd rather not deal with them.
I know the dakotas won't be able to help you out economically. Our yields are shit because the land just can't sustain the same crops in places like iowa and idaho. But, harsh environments breed harsh men. Send the word and you'll have an armed populace, with a few companies/batteries of veteran guardsmen with a decent gameplan. Oh and injuns too. They're always down for a fight.
Don't forget gerrymandering. Look at this map of Va's congressional Districts.
They changed it in 2016 to benefit Democrats. Now Va Beach votes with Newport News and Chesapeake votes with Richmond.
They're sneaky. They took 2 seats that were reliably Republican and literally just drew lines around minorities until they had two Dem seats