Grady bro here, Stacey is still fighting an uphill battle but refuses to gibe in.
Grady bro here, Stacey is still fighting an uphill battle but refuses to gibe in.
how a big fat chicken eater can even be a candidate for something, america whats wrong with you
Imagine the smell
Talk to Atlanta, they love gibs.
Buffalo chicken sauce and lip smacking.
>burns Georgia flag
>urges legislation to let fwlons vote
>urges the seizing of white Georgian land
Also all ballots have been counted but it’s her ego.
That's terrifying all these races have been this close, we really need to purge this country of all the mongrels.
She is gonna fuck herself, she probably is eating JR crickets and crying.
It wa supposed to be me!!!!
the word you are looking for is NIGGERS op, the USA need to to be purged of niggers.
All ballots have been counted since last night, but somehow she keeps getting votes added to her total
Where are they coming from?
She's a racist, of course she'll keep fighting because she believes she's right, still, somehow.
The Negro has never been good at dealing with reality, preferring to live in an emotionally-based fantasy world of their own.
Since Kemp is in charge of ballot access and ballot counting, she’s holding out until every ballot is legally counted. Gotta be thorough. Kemp probably should have recused himself.
Soros money, anyways it’s odd that all the other races republicans won, LT governor, Secretary of State etc.
>Where are they coming from?
Potheads, maybe. Kemp is just another recycled, anti-freedom corporate shill-boi.
One day there will be widespread demand to seize land from white farmers in the south.
Obongo AND Oprah came to Atlanta (FULL of niggers) to try to get them ALL out to vote.
From what I understand there are some absentee ballots still outstanding.
>pic related
>that thing is named Stacey
fucking sad
It doesn't matter right? Kemp has 51% of the vote and a greater then 1% difference between them. What can she even do?
What she is mostly hoping to do is have the outstanding absentee ballots get him below 50%
If he drops below 50% there will have to be a runoff special election.
I doubt it though because most people who vote absentee are retirees who are mostly republican.
She knows she's lost she's just being a nigger and refusing to admit it.
Is she jewish she has a long pointy nose and looks smelly
Kemp has the best commercials
no, no i dont, i dont have to look at shit from some criminals perspective, i dont fucking care.
why do these people think that laws are selective for them, but when they clearly break a law and get caught, they act as if they're the victim, for breaking the law in the first place, that was pretty implicit. if people need special instruction on not breaking the law, that's a problem, and we shouldn't be forced to treat them as equals in our country.
Man Georgia is getting pretty bad though. Im from Hall and its fucking filled with illegals
Breaks my heart to hear :(
>She knows she's lost she's just being a nigger and refusing to admit it.
This. When reality does not confirm to the Negro's expectations, the Negro insists that reality must be wrong. Rational thought is simply not within their reach.
He has more than 50%, nothing can be done now.
It's only a matter of time, I guess she-boonia will have to pay her back taxes now.
Lol Everyone is chimping out, hoping for a miracle.
Peach County here. Same thing is happening. Had about twelve illegals move into a mobile home down the road from me last year, playing ridiculous salsa music at all hours, trashing up the road and other people's yards, and drunkenly fighting all around the neighborhood.
Then some utter bastard called ICE on them! Can you IMAGINE?
Yeah the collective chimp out from blacks after this will be crazy
soooo much this
No shit.
Crazy how nature do that
We need to start beating Libertarians to death.
When the president of the united states says you are unqualified to be governor, it carries weight.
Imagine the asshurt that caused.
>muh orpa
>muh cibil rights
>muh dick
Dude, that robocall about O had me in stitches
Oh, yeah. My younger brother has to work in downtown Atlanta. Apparently there are pop-up "protests" in favor of Abrams in several places. Since, ya know, niggers don't have jobs.
If the ghost of Sherman suddenly appeared and said he was going to burn Atlanta to the ground again, I would buy him the matches and premium gasoline to start it.
I'm so disappointed that I didn't get that one. Might have recorded it and made it my new ringtone.
Yeah, I saw a few angry chimps on my way to work.
I’m more worried about the GOP headquarters and black panthers
Oh it’s on YouTube.
Savannah reporting. As much as I despise Sherman it would be pretty helpful if he burned it down again
Oh look like Kemp went down .1 percent.
She literally won, look at all the polls before the election. It's obvious we have voter fraud here.
Naw the fraud is happening right now with her not conceding.
It starts with a compelled abuse of our expectations of social tact. We spent long enough pretending these things are human, and consequently this became a conditioned behavior that comes far ahead of rational thought. The average American now actually believes niggers are people. We put a fucking nog family in the whitehouse.
The good new is all it takes it living around them to red pill someone. And whites are continutally voting themselves into constant contact. Our survival basically pends on our level of disgust exceeding their replacement rate.
Dude, they are killing each other more than anything else, it’s the opioids that are taking us down.
you know you about to lose if obongo shills for you
>a retarded nigger
Gee can't wait to have more nigs in power.
The assembly is overwhelmingly conservative and Republicans won LT governor, Secretary of State, etc in Georgia....Just trying to figure out why Abrams hasn’t admitted defeat.
Technically she can still pull enough votes to at least bring the race to a runoff. Unlikely though.
I heard a report that the Libertarian candidate took more votes from Abrams. Something like 3 to 1 would have voted for her instead of Kemp if they didn't vote Metz.
Yeah Metz was the foil.
And there are no chekcks and balances monitoring whether this sheboon is buying votes for drugs money ? Nobody is keeping an eye out ?
gibs me dat govinorshit
Gibs please, MUH skin color makes it so.
She's like a living, breathing Internet meme.
Wow what horrible racist could do such a thing. They clearly just want better lifes
Hey Grady bro, longtime buckhead resident here
The south has always been in a delicate balance. Southerners are hardcore conservative, but the blacks make up a sizeable proportion (IIRC like 30-35% of Georgia) and they all vote for gibs. Normally throughout the past 100 years, elections in GA were just a head-count of who you can get to turn up to the polls.
But then two things happened
1) carpetbaggers from liberal shitholes like California and New York started flooding in. Especially as a result of the bustling film production industry that's grown. And when liberal white and jewish carpetbaggers flood in, their shitskin brown hordes follow behind.
2) the jewish overlords started putting more and more money and effort into getting the nogs out to vote.
>saying premium gasoline
>not saying jetfuel
Nice hey bro ski, I’m getting ready for The chimps to chimp out because I feel like tonight is gonna be a fixing slot of gunshot wound night.
It's to deflect from the fact that Obama put it all on the line campaigning for her and she still lost. Tomorrow the news cycle will be about her bravely holding out, and by the time she concedes the news cycle will have moved back to muhRussia. It's only about perception. The NPCs won't know they are being played. Again.
hi res bro
The demographics in the south are really starting to worry me. The already large black population in cities plus the waves of spics flooding in will be the end of us.
the "this" is funnier as "thith"
Yeah, it’s gonna get bad but hey hopefully in a few year there will be no more US and we will have ethnostates.
She knows that they rigged it for her to win and Anons stopped much of it. This is why she is still fighting.
NSA Anons, throw us a bone so we can bust the criminal Dems!!!
It's what happens when you have low-IQ, you lack the capacity for thinking abut the future or the "big picture." Most blacks don't understand that there is even a world outside Atlanta, Baltimore or Chicago.
Gibs me governor, wven dough My whole cabinet and assembly be whiteys
Same dog and pony show that they do, she can concede today and run and most likely win next time or further degrade herself.
Who would vote for this Micheal Strahan lookin mofo with her lazy eyes and mop head. Ffs she obviously would have no trouble literally lying through her teeth.
a runoff would be fucking terrible. Without having to focus attention on the entire set of midterms, the entirety of ZOG would pour all their focus and money into this single election, making sure every nigger in Georgia gets to the polls twice. That better not fucking happen.
lets see those chompers
Yeah im really hoping some kikery isnt going to push it into a runoff. Thats the last thing we need right now
Fuck this uppity negress.
Not gonna happen
when amerifats post, we get to see the ugliest creatures.
ban amerimutt ip when?
Nice to see another savannah fag, scads really making this place land of the cucks but they are getting rid of all the ghettos
Yeah, Idk Chatham is nice but damn the hipsters ruin it lol.
Anyways Abrams is in denial
So is in charge of calling the race? How does this work out? Kemp clearly won. What happens if she keeps doing this? How long can this go on before they are forced to declare Kemp Govenor?
Basically,Abrams is being a typical black woman and in denial and thinking she deserves it.
People have called it and All ballots have been counted but she refuses to concede because probably she has a box of ballots somewhere waiting to be used illegally...Idk Gilliam had more grace than Buckntooth
I honestly expect every nigger candidate to never concede. I'm actually surprised Gilliam conceded gracefully, especially in a state like Florida that seems to need a recount every election.
Yeah, he knew it wasn’t gonna go well for him.
Oddly, I feel like Abrams has a lot of debts to pay back to Obama and Soros and wants to keep it going for a while but in actuality she is done.
It’s just chest beating now.