We have hundreds, probably more like thousands of newfriends on Jow Forums right now and you know what that means right? They need some essential reading! You anons know what to do.
Now newfriends... Have you heard about the Frankfurt school of Degeneracy? I wonder if they ever managed to achieve those goals they had ;)
Already in 2010, the UN was planning the ethnical replacement of white Europeans. They want to move over 200 million immigrants to Europe. Most of them from African and Middle-eastern countries.
If we thoroughly study the racial nature of the Jew, we conclude that Jewry is not a race in the ordinary sense of the word. Instead, as Houston Steward Chamberlain wrote, it must be seen as a counter-race, although the term “counter-race” cannot be understood in a biological sense. From a biological standpoint, Jewry is a stable, inbred mixture of extreme races and racial rubbish. The concept of “counter-race” primarily means the destructive and disruptive effect of Jewry within natural races. The distinguishing mark of Jewry within human races has to do on the one hand with the racial makeup of the Jews, who have been scattered for millennia, and on the other hand in their stubborn adherence to the crassest materialism, based on their so-called religious laws.
Jewry is the result of the mixing of every possible race. It is the biggest racial mish-mash in history. This racial mish-mash is so dangerous for all peoples because it because it includes elements from every race. The bad characteristics of these races have been passed on for many generations through Jewry in ever stronger form. From this artificial, rootless, materialistic racial mish-mash, a parasitic counter-race has developed among the peoples.
The core of Jewry is the coming together of rootless, rejected, asocial, sick, and degenerate elements of the various races, predominately of Middle Eastern and Oriental origins. One should remember that in antiquity, lepers were ejected from their racial community, just as were criminal asocial elements.
On the topic of redpilled music why doesn't Jow Forums love Hilltop hoods? youtube.com/watch?v=0b_9VQcnQZY Baby boomers, Woodstock what happened to the love? >What happened to the cubs? >(((they))) fed em to the wolves, >Set a trial for pedophiles, >They let em in the schools, >Set 'em on the students, >turned em on the kids, >And everyone responsible should burn for what they did, >And if they try to deny then an eye for an eye, >The government and church on which we try to rely, Both rob us till it hurts chasing lie after lie,
Jewry wormed its way into almost all the races on earth. As a social parasite, it infected the lower classes, slaves, proletarians, the mob, etc. They had the least resistance to Jewish racial parasitism. These classes, which had largely lost their instincts against racial foreigners, allowed Jewish blood to infiltrate.
Already in the Old Testament, we read in Exodus 12:38 about the departure from Egypt of the Children of Israel: “Many others of the rabble left with them.”
Since these lower classes leaned strongly to criminality and asocial behavior, and were inclined to political revolution, the Jewish racial mish-mash incorporated the negative characteristics of these races, and increased them over the generations by mixing with the blood of the lowest elements of other races, passing them on in increased degree from generation to generation. Thus, the Jewish counter-race moved ever more to the negative side. The artificial Jewish racial mish-mash was held together by the force of materialistic religious laws that focused on life this side of the grave. It promised its adherents prosperity on earth, and lordship over all other peoples and nations. This Jewish racial mixture was kept strictly separate from the influence of foreign gods.
During several hundred years of the Babylonian Captivity, the Jewish racial mish-mash was strengthened by inbreeding. The inclusion of foreign elements, from this point on, was almost nonexistent. For the first time in history, a well-defined and distinct type emerged in the form of the Jewish counter-race.
This Jewish counter-race incorporated to the greatest degree the bad characteristics of nearly all races that it had inherited over the centuries by a process of negative selection. The Jewish racial mish-mash primarily carries the traits of the Middle Eastern and Oriental races, but also influences of the Eastern, Western, and Nordic races. Mongolian and Negro traits also are frequently present.
Over the centuries, the Jews have memorized and passed on Talmudic doctrines. In religious discussions they have worked through the pros and cons of their laws, looking for loopholes that can be used to get around the laws. Over the course of time, Jews have developed a mental flexibility that often impresses the naive observer. Our ancestors in particular were often unable to defend themselves against influences from the Jewish spirit. The Jews seemed able not only to understand each and every intellectual movement of thought from the German and other peoples of the world, but also use it masterfully. The German, for example, might have an idea — it was the Jew that gave it form. A great German or other thinker in the world might discover a brilliant idea — the Jew cleverly became its proponent. No one saw how hard the Jew worked to follow the thought processes of the European peoples. When it was noticed, unpolitical people were astonished at how cleverly Jewry was able to explain deep intellectual matters so clearly.
We today must recognize that the Jew was not interested in competing with the great ideas and personalities of our intellectual world, but rather that for him those intellectual labors were nothing but a political tool that he could use as a lever of spiritual destruction on the peoples he intended to rule. Spinoza is a classic example. He used the thought of Decartes and Giordano Brumo in a way that completely changed its original sense. Leading Jews have done the same with the thinking of other great Europeans; they pretended to be the real proponents of these ideas and were nonetheless greatest liars. Remember how Karl Marx falsified the German conception of socialism as a natural order of life, based deeply in German blood, and turned into the phantom of the dictatorship of the proletariat. This doctrine so deeply mirrored the nature of its Jewish inventor that the world knew only to connect it to his name: “Marxism.”
People have allowed themselves to be blinded by Jewish intellectuals, and do so even today. How much was said in Germany about the abilities of Jewish attorneys. We need only recall the “great defender Dr. Alsberg.” What praise there was for the “great” philosopher Einstein, “the Newton of our day,” for the “great” doctors Freud and Hirschfeld. How much praise people attempted to heap up for the many Jewish university professors, for the whole so-called “intellectual world.” A look at the influence of the Jews and Jewry on German literature gives opportunity to see how the much-praised Jewish intellectualism was nothing more than the most bitter and painful expression of the destructive Jewish spirit on its host people, even when one looks at less well-known writers such as Maximilian Harden, Arthur Schnitzler, or Emil Ludwig.
In this regard, one must note the striking lack of a concept of honor in the intellectual realm. Alfred Rosenberg (Myth, pp. 686-687) writes: “The fact that they lack a true concept of honor is shown by the religious laws that often even order deception. This is laid down in astounding ways in the Talmud and in the Schulchan Aruch. Schopenhauer, the brutal seeker after truth, called them the “great masters of lying.” Kant said: “a nation of merchants and cheaters.” Rosenberg compellingly argues that Jewry does not display a great part of what is to us normal life. One cannot speak of morality in the European sense. Aside from self-praise that rubs us the wrong way — “Just as the lamb, so are the Jews perfectly holy.” (Schir hasch-schirum suta 6, 6) —the Talmud has an abundance of doctrines that enable us to understand what the Jew thinks about Gentiles.
Ian Morales
The outcome of the Brazil elections followed the lines of racial distribution. Most white people voted for Bolsonaro, while most mulattos and blacks voted for his socialist opponent Haddad. Brazil is also one of the first countries in the world to lost a white majority.
>Stop defending women. Textbook D&C. If you let them create hatred between white males and white females, you are only giving speed to the white genocide train.
All of the university students voted against Bolsonaro. exceept from a mixed Brazilian 23 yr old female “Things are getting worse here. I’m fine. I’m worried not about me, but about people who can suffer with all the hate that Bolsonaro encourage this people to have. I have privileges, I’m white, not poor, i had good education, but Brazil is made not of people like me, u know? Gay people, black people, poor people can suffer with this government”— SOUNDS FAMILIAR DOESNT IT CNN
>All of the university students voted against Bolsonaro University students are consistently left-wing. You can prove it even in America, if you look at Bernie voters. Most of them are upper class and have not worked a single day of their lifes or expent a minute outside of their gated, all-white communities. They dont know how bad the problem is.