Does anyone have a good explanation or theory for why Reddit is mostly liberal? I have heard the argument that it's because it's users are mostly younger people but that seems like a bad reason because Jow Forums probably has the same demographics minus a lot of women. I don't think it's true that youth tend to be more liberal, although it is true that they are easily misled by their liberal teachers and professors.
Does anyone have a good explanation or theory for why Reddit is mostly liberal...
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Reddit is mostly centre-right. Socialists are a minority.
Because reddit does not allow free speech, it's easy to understand
Here's why
It glows in the dark
They are making money on ads, that is why.
It is "liberal" because it is heavily moderated
Just read this op
It seems like anything mildy conservative is downvoted.
I suppose there is top-down censorship but see above.
I'm not incredibly familiar with Reddit other than what I've heard from here, but I have used non-user forums with upvote systems in the past. Reddit wants to sell ad space, and nobody wants to advertise on a controversial platform, so the community uses the upvote/downvote system to push non-ad-friendly posts out of existence.
The upvote system demands it
Also the mods and admins make sure of it
Censorship. It's really that simple
Good points. They seem to also ban conservative subs every once in a while.
I can never even get an account going because everyone replies "user as of 1 hour ago" and think I'm a Russian bot ,and my karma goes so low. Shit website.
>every once in a while
Be gone shill
The voting system is specifically designed to hide harsh comments so it attracts people with nice samey opinions.
They changed the algorithms to silence dissent.
T_D dominated the front page for months before they took steps to suppress it.
Reddit is a psyop run by the us military
Who cares if your downvoted? Is there any reprocussion for down votes?
I don't see how radical leftist posts are ad-friendly. Getting rid of borders seems more controversial to me than enforcing existing immigration laws.
>T_D dominated the front page for months before they took steps to suppress it
Didn't know that.
I think it hides downvoted comments or puts them at the bottom where no one can see them.
Don't know desu
was compromised after swartz was killed, they decided it, like we, were a real threat. swartz spent a lot of time in the ircs with us. he was made an example of, and reddit died that day. its now one of the biggest programming platforms in existence. like most problems, fucking glowniggers, man.
>committing seppuku over copyright
That sucks
The ircs
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