Midterm Elections Blackpilled me

What is the solution to demographic change in the US?

These midterms have really blackpilled me. It doesn't matter what whites do to help persons of color, they will still vote Democrat. Black employment hits all time high and they still vote for the welfare state. Whites are truly a minority in the nation of our fathers. The democrat/republican dichotomy has changed substantially; no longer is it minor disagreement, but tyranny or liberty. With the expulsion of neocons like Flake, Ryan, McCain from the party, republicans have taken a shift to be for national liberty instead of global tyranny.

I do not think Trump and Republicans have enough votes as stands in 2020, from a pure demographic view. And that is the only view that matters anymore, as evident by this midterm election. So what can Trump do to secure a white majority? Most recent studies on illegal immigration believe there to be 20M+ aliens in this nation. Can Trump begin mass deportations with a Democrat house? Whites must take a stand for their castle and expell these trespassers or whites will be near extinct by the end of the century. Further it seems a must that the US must encourage legal, white immigration.

Thus, is it best for these things to occur by legal means? Or must one become an accelerationist? Must the US collapse into civil unrest to be reborn from the ashes like a Phoenix?

TL;DR Is it a necessity for the USA to turn to ashes to solve demographic change, or is there still a chance in a legal manner?

Note: These midterms result are a direct refutation of civil nationalists. Minorities were not properly integrated into society from the outset, and are now large enough of a group that they may not be integrated.

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blackpilled civnat here
I endorse this thread

hyperinflation is coming

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What is the next step? Hyperinflation leading to collapse as suggests? How would this occur and why would Trump & the fed not stop in to stop it?

One thing I found encouraging in the midterms was 14% of blacks did not vote for Andrew Gillum, despite his black ethnicity. This is a good sign anons.

That is a fair reason to be encouraged. How to we get another 5% to vote red though? The #blexit seems to have halted following Kayne West statements.

50% of income taxes paid are currently used to pay down the INTEREST on the national debt (more than military spending)
The deficit is still growing
Debt to GDP ratio is at 105% when typically capital flight starts at 77%
Eventually the markets will crash once (((they))) figure out the US will be unable to pay
The government will have to print money to stave off bankruptcy and the cycle will begin, most likely plunging the world into a depression.
Niggers wont get their gibs and racial tensions will increase
The government will crack down ushering in security measures that will make post 9/11 look like nothing, further increasing the debt
Fuel scarcity will eventually set in leading to food scarcity

Learn to shoot and get good at it

cuckservatives are more dangerous than communists
Unironically gas civnats

>mfw be Brazil
>low IQ, mixed country with a white minority
>makes the smallest party of the house of representatives become the biggest party (1 congressman to 52 congressman)
>elect the most based and redpilled president of the world
Become Brazil my friend, here every minority has accepted catholicism and votes alongside the majority

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>capital flight usually starts at 77%,we are at 105%

Perhaps this is an indicator that a crash will not occur? As any student of economic history could look at this and realize that if they don't keep in the market they will literally have no where to go; as you say a US collapse will lead to global collapse. The USA has time and time again proven to be exceptions to historical precedence.

Practicing at the range is always a good idea though

When you are promised free gibs from a party because you have a certain shade of skin or have an ethnic sounding name you vote for those free gibs.

>Midterm Elections Blackpilled me
the leading party usually loses seats the goal of the Republicans was to lose as less as possible. Hell R's literally managed to keep the senate and the house is only slightly Dem majority.

It could have been way worse.

It is non violent means to a solution ; however the midterms have indicated that it will not work in the US

>become brazil
your country is a third world nation

Things are going to get a whole lot worse before they get better. I’m starting to think that America was destined to be in this state. It feels like we’ve been kiked from the very beginning and this is just the outcome of 200+ years of jewish tricks.

not for long, if anything we are the most redpilled country on earth nowadays

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so much for Alt Hypothesis's "firstworldism"

Of course, they even branded your dicks with their jewry

The only thing that would really make Republicans/Boomer Conservatives change their ways would be for the Democrats to win big.

Anyone who can "bail out" the US already has in 2008, low interest rates accelerated wealth disparity by bifurcating market gains from labor gains making the economy worse for the little guy and better for the big guy, hence cuckservatives don't care because they're getting rich off of all of this

Be sure to practice shooting from a variety of positions, sitting, leaning, kneeling. Also work that cardio: t3 ballistics vests are like $600

Nig-merica is on its way to holding the world hostage via a large nuclear arsenal that your country is incapable of competing with

>fuel scarcity
you dumb fucking nigger

I won't even touch on your other points as it is clear you have no concept of American Hegemony or what's been happening under Trump.

Remember that trying to save the US in 2018 is like trying to save the USSR in 1988.

Focus on securing the resources and building foundations for new communities.

>It doesn't matter what whites do to help persons of color, they will still vote Democrat.
Anyone with at least half a brain should have realized this ages ago. It's never going to happen, so stop trying to make it happen. Pursue a different strategy by focusing on white identity. That will get the GOP through the next decade or so if they can pull it off, but even then, the demographics trend is still heavily in favor of the Democrats.

Unless we see mass deportations of non-whites, a change to our immigration policy to only accept whites, and a propaganda push to encourage whites to have more babies, the US is lost forever. Seem impossible? Because it is. If you want to see a white, conservative state in America, you need to come to terms with the fact that such a state will never be the US again. You need to form a new state through civil war.

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Uhm, we can honestly make our own nukes easily, as we already have the technology m8

Maybe if you exteme right retards would stop acting so damn edgy, more non-white and gay people would be comfortable voting right?

>ship the blacks back to Apefrica
>gas the kikes
>kick the spics out
>fucking faggots
>no kebabs

>why are blacks, Jews, Muslims, Hispanics, and homos voting left? :(

What is the solution to current white overpopulation and over representation in USA now?

If you dont want your population controlled, dont try to control others.

Dont (((SHUT IT DOWN)))

As a black user
Voting Right is literal suicide

You could start by engaging in solutions that don't require you to rely upon mana from the voting god (pic related).

Reminder Maine is turning red because of all the red pilled whites pulling back from the horrors of diversity and the only white group above replacement birthrates are "extremely conservative".

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>dumb nigger
can't buy gas if you don't have money leaf
Yes we produce energy but if farmers can't afford it they go out of business.
Who will bail them out? The US govt? Oh look more debt they can't pay.
Your country is next, once all the liberals start fleeing here they're headed your way. Enjoy your nigger neighbors leaf.

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>voting rights are bad

Sorry you've been brainwashed by this board. Seek sunlight.

Build wall in Texas
Start mass deportation there when they get worked up
Then do same in California
Use military build giant base down there to help
Never leave just squat on the border as you clean out Texas and Cali
We win

The problem is that there will never be a truly conservative black pop star/rapper. No black conservative would prance around a stage looking and acting ridiculous like all the other attention whores. Best hope is probably to get one on board as they grow up and become more conservative but are still popular.

imagine thinking brazil has military capabilities on par with the US or China

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>What is the solution to demographic change in the US?
There is only one true final solution and everything else is a waste of time.

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oh shut up you stupid nigger minority groups never vote for anything other than socialism as seen all over the world

If someone started a Black Interests party, and campaigned on asking niggers
>what do trannies have to do with me?
>what do faggots have to do with me?
>what do jews have to do with me?
>what do mexicans have to do with me?
>fuck democrats
they would probably wreck the Democrat party.

>TL;DR Is it a necessity for the USA to turn to ashes to solve demographic change, or is there still a chance in a legal manner?
I have been searching for the answer to this question, OP, and as an user who was originally right-wing libertarian, it hurts my heart to say that I think everything must fall apart before it can get better.
Whites just do not have children in the U.S. anymore and we are being bred out by the other races that are being brought here willingly. We must learn from our mistakes and restart with a better civilization, because the one we have right now is collapsing around us and turning into a well-fare state used only to control human livestock.

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I like it here
Its raw and filtered.
But it shows how some people on the right really think

annnnnd fuck that...you really think I would vote for you guys?
it's "nigger hate" threads like 5 times a day.

Yea, no, fuck you guys


fuck you nigger, the internet was a better place before you low IQ savages could afford it

There isn't a single successful black country on the planet, even in medieval times you low IQ monkeys couldn't compete.
Some races are good at science, others are good at being loudmouthed dancers

Statistically speaking, it would be foolish not to.

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Thanks for the 2020 BLUE WAVE fuel bruh

Nothing just die already.

Yeah, Imagine a US ambassador also calling us to join NATO

>What is the solution to demographic change in the US?
As long as the west continues to believe in democracy there is no solution. It simply doesnt work and it will collapse. Until democracy gets abolished, you wont have your way. And it is very unlikely to be abolished in a peaceful way, you would have to wait until your system collapses for you to do anything about it. Even then, your chance of actually succeeding after that collapse is slim. My country had collapsed because of communism, but nobody could really build anything in place of it.

Be prepared for the worst and hope for the best.

Right now maybe. But you'll never change it if you still keep marginalizing specific groups. Sure there will be outliers, but as a whole, if group x thinks you legitimately want to kill or deport them, you'll never get their vote.

stop handouts they will expire w/o them either through getting killed looting or just leaving for greener pastures like canada

Black on black crime is real issue. I agree. Radical right wing is a seperate issue. You think whilst dealing with black on black crime, i should also vote in some white ppl who hate blacks too? tf

Plus the economy is a non issue to me personally. I succeed in democratic or republican climates, as any hard working intelligent person can.

I was totally fine with black people until I realized how racist they are you fucking bootlip

We need to get young whites to understand the danger they face and stop voting for their own destruction.

1. Breakup of US. You did well for so long. Tear it down and rise like a phoenix.
2. Ethnostates. Whites have a right to live by themself. Invites only.

My biggest concern with a rebirth of the nation is the preservation of knowledge. If the US collapses we will thrown into a dark ages and digital storage would likely end up failing us. How may we learn from the past if we have no past to look to? There is a war on the soul of men indeed.

The left and right isnt reducible to racial sports teams. The day it does is the day the West is over

fat women should be put in death camps you plebbit faggot
marginalization is a product of nature
some people are smarter than others
communists are so fucking stupid

The fed already caused this. Their policies have led us down a path to ruin. They cannot print anymore without the hyperinflation setting in. It is coming either way alongside a grand solar minimum, and pole shift, and the great year. Famines and wars incoming. Learn to grow your own food faggots. Learn to shooot a gun. Learn how to get clean water so you turds don't die of dysentery in the cities. Good luck.

I know you won't believe it. But I will tell you, wholeheartedly and honestly.

Blacks racism to whites is COMPLETELY a reaction to whites racism towards blacks.

For me this is terrible, grown people shouting and all and even in public. Its disgusting, someone should discipline them.

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That is a long term solution and will not be ready for 2020. How would that pass with a Democrat controlled house anyways?

>is there still a chance in a legal manner?
I don't think so. I don't think their is any political will either. The right has gulped down the egalitarian cool-aid.

>Or must one become an accelerationist?
I'd recommend it to anyone that's lost faith in the GOP. Find the most insane communist socialist, and get them elected.

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florida and texas are now purple states you fucking brainlet

USS secession LARP go

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This whole situation at its worst is gonna be a French Revolution 2.0. City people revel in their ideological orgasm, think they have finally acheived a fair and equal society, only to walk out into the country and enslave everyone there to provide food to the 'Paris Communes' that refuse to go out and work. Any suburban and rural people are basically Girondines. And it always ends badly, but we might get ourselves a Napoleon after, eh?

Yeah, and it will continue until one of us is gone. May the best man (not monkey) win

I want to impregnate her crazy ass.

You guys are literally fucked. Arizona, Texas, Florida, Georgia, Nevada, Virginia, Pennsylvania will never vote Red after 2024. Hell it might even be hard to get any of them except Texas in 2020. Trump came 8 years too late.

Imagine the french revolution with nuclear, chemical, and biological arsenals

Just couldn't be a grown up huh? Had to slide in some slick insult. Good luck to you.
t. the real better man

I get that a nigger would think voting for the right is bad. But how can you not see that the Dems are just as bad and hate you just as much as any GOPer? They have imprisoned you with welfare dependence. They love abortion and the fact that most abortions are blacks. You need to wake up. And i am not telling you to vote for the GOP cuz they are the same fucking party in a diff color. Both parties are corrupt, pedophile shits. Please wake up nigger.

Of course you do Jamal, you have low impulse control like the rest of your subhuman species

Okay then don't complain when you don't get these groups votes and lose elections in the future.

Protip: straight, white, Christian males in perfect shape are in the vast minority and can't win shit by themselves.

But continue to act edgy online. I'm sure it will work out great for you.

If you think it's bad now just wait you dumb motherfucker. Thousands of years of history stand as a warning to the position we're in now but you're too fucking stupid to see what's coming.

Can't impregnate through ass, jamal.

>It doesn't matter what whites do to help persons of color
get over yourself

I voted Libertarian my son
I voted transhumanist for the 2016 presidential elections
Im awake
the problem is 99% of the population is not so other parties have no shot.

Protip: reddit spacing gets you marked for extermination

Don't get mad at me because you have ED user.

I can give it a shot tho

So edgy xD

Enjoy the decline, buddy. Nothing you can do now, on a large, global scale. It's over.

haha wow bruh sick burn
good thing white people can do things like invent medicines that will fix that problem

>demographics is everything

Demographics was irrelevant in this election. It was entirely white-on-white which cocked everything up.

Trying to be a good civic nationalist, wasting time hanging out with Kanye- and the white districts ended up flipping because Trump didn't remind them of who they were.

We havent learned from the past ever, this is the same as every empires collapse, but it still happens. The past is irrelevant because it will play out the same, that and history is simply another aspect to be interepreted and percieved wrongly.

Why are anglo cut off west coast?

If you thought an election would change anything or that Trump could change anything overnight, then you're as much of a useful idiot as the democrats.
The whole point is to move the scale to the RIGHT so we can start to fix these problems without falling headfirst into anti-white socialist territory.

>Muh Viagra makes me a man, doesnt matter that I have high estrogen

Okay. Can't argue that

Don't shit your pants. Not everyone is revenge horny.
The brown people will not come after you.
You also can still be racist. No problem.
We love you with swastika or without.

There have been a few rare cases of butt-babies. Google it if you don't believe me.

Looks like you awake but stilll a bit sleepy. Do you think that the races should be forced to stay together? Or should the races separate in order to fix our world?
I say let the people separate. Meaning i just don't like state policies that force diversity and integration. I think that takes time, not law. Do you think the holocaust happened?

Good man, Fuck knows what the answer is.

What is one republican policy that has been used to offer equal opportunity for all Americans?

texas and florida are purple and places like wisconsin and minnesota are electing muslim women to congress
not even 100 years ago this was unthinkable
you're living in denial

>Maybe if you extreme right retards would stop acting so damn edgy, more non-white and gay people would be comfortable voting right?
Its pointless to try to compete in a democratic system. It is pretty much mathematically impossible for a democratic system to do anything sensible or rational. The best thing you can do is try to educate yourself and others. And thats what we are doing in here.

Not true. The vast majority of Republicans are civic nationalists who don't care at all about race. And if you're referring to past racism that's not legitimate because you can't fairly tie the actions of the current generation to those of the past. Blacks just seem more naturally inclined to hate whites based on my observations, idk if it's because of IQ differences or relentless progressive brainwashing

ending slavery you stupid cunt

Hmmm perhaps then it is best to break apart the foundations we hold dear and lay our own? I'd this what you suggest? Would this make a new society truly free?

not good for southern white folks.


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The blackest pill in this thread desu senpai

actually looked it up

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