What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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what the fuck do you mean “wrong”? would you rather have a bunch of peckerwoods running the country?
The Hart Celler Act ruined the country.
Don't be racist you stupid nigger.
The towns and cities in this part are no where near 90%+
Ive looked at
Beaumont, Texas,
Lake Charles, Louisiana.
Port Arthur, Texas.
Cameron, Louisiana.
All of them are full of niggers according to wikipedia
How come the south is pretty much the same since then?
No reason to change demographics that already vote for you.
were hispanics counted as white in the 1940s or something
Blacks moved north ("Great Migration") but Hispanics, Asians, etc. came in.
Yeah but the honkies there still vote republican
No, despite that one Brazilian shithead spamming that in every one of his threads.
"Mexican" was briefly a separate racial category but that was gotten rid of.
Redpilled: They picked the wrong side in WW2
Bogpilled: They picked the wrong side in WW1
Blackpilled: They won their independence war against the British Empire.
They were, and Indians were as well. I also know Filipinos were at one point considered white. We've definitely received a lot of immigrants in the last 50 years or so, but this picture is a bit disingenuous. The western coast has always had a lot of non-whites.
coastal elites wanting to bring in minority scum because they know they'll get votes out of those stunted brown pygmies
Fuck you, it's bad enough that the Brazilian spams that shit.
haven't been in previous threads, I can understand blacks moving out of southern states shitting up the figures but I can't rationalise southwestern american states not having large hispanic populations at all even in the 1940s
Yeah, and the (((one percent))) can keep wages low with constant immigration.
Lol idk nigga
You have to remember that both Northern Mexico and the Southwestern US were nearly empty from 1840-1960.
>Wonders why other ethnicities immigrate as well
Classic Amerimutt logic
>that beautiful all red texan border with rio grande
White Americans have been here since the 1600s. How long do we have to be here before we can claim "indigenous" status and not accept immigrants?
This was planned by the way. This didn't just happen. And it's going to happen in europe too. It is happening in europe.
It already happened in South Africa.
Shit status = No
HUwites BTFO
there was sricter inmigration control for non europeans before 1965
south africa was never majority white though.
>That Texas
heard this line of thinking before elsewhere, I realise modern northern mexico is a desolate wasteland but my understanding is that there were non-insignificant hispanic/indian populations in the new mexico/arizona regions before secession that weren't counted in official figures due in part because of the tribes being hostile, I'll take your word for it though
ps, you weren't discussing the american border in an Jow Forums thread a couple of months ago were you? we might have talked about this before if so
I was thinking more preexisting populations, especially indian, but I realise that might be a little silly now in retrospect
Only on the far east ... You bought the rest from the land in the 19th century, and from there conquered the west. So yeah literally yesterday.
But this isn't the point. As long as your corporations and your govern continue to destabilize countries you'll have immigrants
that is a lie, since always South Texas has have a fuck load of Mexicans, they were considered white for some reason in the past
I don't see nothing wrong with that 2bh, I see it as something possitive since hat means more people have more opportunities
i've been in Beaumont and Port Arthur, can confirm you that there's a lot of black people in there
the map is wrong
There were never any quotas on Mexican or Latin American immigration. It's a common misconception. Hart-Cellar only lifted the restrictions on Asian and African immigration.
this but unironically
you started the same thread on Jow Forums.
it dies
so you start another here?
>During debate on the Senate floor, Senator Kennedy, speaking of the effects of the act, said, "our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. ... Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset".[12]
The Kennedys are garbage.
Hispanic immigration picked up in the 60s after the Democrats passed a bill (sponsored by jewish senators) removing immigration restrictions on people of non-European ancestry
>However, the ethnic composition of immigrants changed following the passage of the law. >Specifically, the Hart–Celler Act allowed increased numbers of people to migrate to the United States from Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.
>The 1965 act, however, imposed the first cap on immigration from the Americas.
>This marks the first time numerical limitations were placed on legal immigration from Latin American countries including Mexico.
How can this ever be reversed? Is America (and Europe) fucked in the long term?
Not looking forward to when i'm in my old age and in a country where 50% of the population is black or brown desu. But it will happen
So what made them emigrate so much after the 60s in there were never any major restrictions?
idk, population growth probably. Plus back in the day the border was incredibly fluid to the point where you didn't really even need to 'immigrate' for work. You could just come back and forth as you pleased.
at least your countries become fascists again and expulse all immigrants, then it will happen
but it's not fucked, simply you'll have more people from different backgrounds, that's it
> simply you'll have more people from different backgrounds, that's it
this is a lie and you know it.
how's that a lie?
>Not looking forward to when i'm in my old age and in a country where 50% of the population is black or brown desu
Balkanization will be the inevitable result for the US. The south-western parts will eventually be majority hispanic. In California whites are already the majority minority. As for the northern parts of the country, I think they'll be fine
America has always had a desire for population growth and cheap labor. When European immigrants tapered off it's no surprise the political/economic elite immediately looked elsewhere.
because muslims and blacks have not integrated into this country, it has already become highly segregated and is actually getting worse with each passing generation. muslim children are just as radicalised as their parents, do you honestly think when they are 40% of the UK population they will not try to utilise their voting bloc and instigate further islamification in this country? It happens literally everywhere they go
scary how parts of texas went from 100% white to almost 0%
How will you guys stop it though?
Time to move to maine.
Jk ohio is still p good
back then there was no such thing as a "non hispanic white", hispanics were simply grouped together with actual whites
There is no political will to do so, and any popular support is suppressed.
>White is a world minority
>leftist parasites constantly want us dead
>no country left in the world that is pure
>China on the rise militarily
What now? is there anywhere that is safe? Civil War 2 is gonna be bloody, and if you think its just the US that will fall to war you are mistaken. The EU and USA are gonna completely change soon
No government-owned healthcare, no responsibility from goverment for the state of the citizens, and thus the ability to import rabble in unlimited quantities.
immigration used to be restricted to white people
We fight for our homes, brother! Join a local militia that ISNT a glow-nigger Honeypot (look for the ones that primarily focus on training and defense, if you find one that talks about "covert ops" or the like [terror attacks, rebellion, etc], stay clear -- don't even give them your name or you'll start getting watched for being "high risk").
Arm yourself with training, tactics, and equipment. Ensure you and your family have a plan incase of home invasion (by multiple armed and trained personnel -- plan for anything from antifa rioters to paramilitary/contractor squads), and have an escape and rendezvous planned.
If enough people did this, we would become an unconquerable people. Once the anarchy/leftist riots start (and they will once their beloved political and media heads are sent to gitmo), you'll have everything you need to win the war against evil. Then, and only then, will we have the authority and the influence to attract the whites of other nations to our cause, and we will create a bastion from which all whites shall blossom.