why the fuck did the felon thing pass? Florida is fucked in the next elections
Why the fuck did the felon thing pass? Florida is fucked in the next elections
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It passed because it makes sense if you serve your time for a nonviolent offense you should be able to vote it's called justice.
"Black people, who are disproportionately arrested and incarcerated, will benefit the most. In 2016, more than 418,000 black people out of a black voting-age population of more than 2.3 million, or 17.9 percent of potential black voters in Florida, had finished sentences but couldn’t vote due to a felony record..."
>Letting criminals vote
In what world do you think that people who cannot contribute positively to society will be able to vote for positive change?
libertarians are the worst..
>implying they'll ever give enough of a shit to vote
we're talking about the least demographically likely entity to ever vote. a criminal black male.
Sentences are meant to correct poor behavior in the case of non violent crimes. I'm not saying that Tyrone Kent from da hood who raped his sister and shot at a convenience store should be able to vote. The amendment clearly states that.
If the dead can vote then I think blacks will find a way.
>felons get the vote
>Florida becomes blue
I wouldn’t be surprised
And the moment their sentence ends I say vote away. While they are still criminals they are still being corrected.
>letting more violent minorities vote
A lot of potential red voters who cant vote because of criminal status here. I mean its Florida capital of trailer trash and domestic abuse.
You guys automatically think felons are democrats?
Aside from blacks... felons are usually conservative macho types, and would vote for Trump. Not the blacks though
are most felons black?
>Gang leaders will decide the majority of votes
>Gang leaders almost always benefit from democrat laws
Yeah I'm sure the democrats are pushing this hard for republican prisoners to vote
That's exactly what this amendment is though. They still can't vote in prison.
Actually its a non issue. 21 states have it already.
And felons arent civic minded. They almost never vote. On top of that they dont always vote dem. A former Black Gorilla Mafia guy might vote dem but an Aryan Brotherhood guy wont.
Most blacks are felons.
my point exactly
>not realizing for every black felon in Florida is a white hick felon in the panhandle
>still not realizing mathematical majorities
you think they're pushing this shit to get more red votes? don't make me laugh
Nobody is pushing against that amendment though I dont remember any Republican voting info saying to vote against it hence why it got nearly 70 percent approval
Another “oppressed” group for Dems to exploit.
I've been saying this. There are felons in all these threads saying they vote conservative and so do thier ex con buddies but they seem to be ignored.
You’re making the assumption that nigger felons will actually vote.
If it's really a department of corrections then they are repaired and turned into functioning citizens.
We can use this against them!
Democrats will be torn between their love of felons and their hatred for firearms
>Sentences are meant to correct poor behavior
Felon voting is a meme. They can't vote while they're in jail and most felons are almost always in jail due to recidivism. The other felons are either too lazy/high to be bothered or they're genuinely rehabed and remorseful and thanks to spending time locked up with animal democrats are hardline righties.
Jow Forumsfags are comically stupid. White people get a shitload of DUIs, after 3 in most states you are a felon.
You guys are missing the big picture
Now that felons can vote, the dems will do everything they can to make sure felons get early release and stay out of prison
Basically they'll use the same protectionism they promised illegal immigrants
Most of them will be in jail again by the time the next election rolls around.
Whatcha doin rabbi
>why the fuck did the felon thing pass?
There's no relationship between punishment for a crime (incarceration, restitution, diversion, etc) and disenfranchisement. The right to vote in Americans elections is a positive right enshrined in the Constitution. It's not something the state can take away without proper justification.
LOL like that will work. Haven't heard so much bullshit in my life.. Dems are jerking themselves off so much about such a minor win, thinking they will change anything
Because >90% of people who vote do not research anything regarding the candidates/ initiatives. They hear “muh second chances” and don’t realize they give the Dems like 400k net supporters.
Nigger dems mostly all have at least one family member in prison, what better way to secure not only their vote but the vote of their significant felon?
Why,gibs of course!!
Can't do it monetarily but can do it this way so they get another entitlement.
Mark my words, next they will be able to skip the requirement of registering or declaring their felony status for employment because it "keeps the black man down"
You watch.
they paid their debt to society u fucking moron
They will be driven to the polls and back home with a gram of weed in exchange of voting like they did in Alabama.
>They hear “muh second chances” and don’t realize they give the Dems like 400k net supporters.
The vast majority of which already live in established Democratic territory.
Like 15% of the people who voted for the initative voted Republican
Does it stipulates that only non-violent offenders can vote?
Everyone who is not a sex offender or murderer can vote
Question: What percentage of former felons actually vote when legally able?
Turnout is like 30% for Felons, and Florida has 1.5 million
And they vote 70-30 Dem