HIV is a nigger problem, not a gay problem.
Daily reminder
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More like a faggot problem.
How can one race just be so bad at everything? I'm not even doing a bait post or anything I'm legitimately curious how an entire race of people can just fail at everything.
Guys, let's just split the difference. It's black faggot problem.
every nigger is a faggot. they will fuck anything like the animals they are. before the muslims came in africa was a literal shithole filled with niggercum
>Implying there aren't more niggerfaggots per blacks than fags among huwhites
Everything is a nigger problem, except perhaps school shootings.
do you really have to ask this? Niggers living in our society is like trying to keep a wolf as a house dog. they’re not demosticated to the extent that white people are and in africa the traits that help one most in a civilization was not chosen for as they had no civilization like we do. our ancestors knew this but we’ve forgotten, which is why their laws against races look “wrong” to us.
Blacks are the most effeminate race, thats why they are angry all the time, like shoes and are stupid
More like a single mother problem.
How does life expectancy go down when coloialism ends?
Black women far less than black men. So where are those black guys getting aids from?
i'd say
>hiv is for faggots and niggers
Yes it is mostly drug abuse related.
Other men, isn that obvius? There are more niggers faggots than in any other race
Well said Austria.
gays are taking nigger dick
still a gay problem
based HIV
Only 0.1%?! We can do better!
Is this map right? I thought all gypsies had AIDS
It's a gay nigger problem.
It's technically nigger faggot problem, that sometimes spreads to non-niggers due to all the mass faggot fucking that occurs under Crystal Meth and alcohol out in Palm Springs or the NYC club scene.
>Other men, isn that obvius?
Most blacks are homosexual, so
It's still a gay problem, faggot
To play off this comment, think of it in terms of adaptation to environment. The exodus from Africa brought forth harsh conditions which required more future time orientation to plan ahead. Future time orientation is the understanding that actions you do now will have consequences beyond the immediate future. This means more cooperation between group members. This change likely occurred with Neanderthals with whom the exodus humans mixed. The continued pressure only selected more for these traits.
Meanwhile, in sub Saharan Africa the people never encountered Neanderthals and did not face the same environmental pressures relative to those who left. There were no selection pressures for the abstract thought needed for future time orientation and no pressures to lower aggressiveness as the cooperation need did not extend beyond the individual’s immediate group. This is seen in the fact that sub Saharan Africans have much higher testosterone than others, a factor for why sub Saharan African men have much higher instances of prostate cancer.
The key is to think of people and their environments. A Nordic dude thrown into the Congo would be pretty fucked. Skin would burn, wouldn’t be as aggressive over access to resources. Switch the situation and you have someone severely disrupting your society. In the pre modern days if someone like that was putting your life at such risk you’d banish them or worse. That’s not happening these days.
There’s the 101 for you.
Well, you need to learn how to use venn diagrams faggot. Some niggers are gay like you.
Aids happened because a nigger fucked a chimp.
>HIV is a nigger problem, not a gay problem
Niggers are plenty gay though.
Just saying. It is virtually impossible to contract AIDS from hetrosexual sex.
It's frustrating that the answer to just about everything would be separating the races and put everyone back where they belong because that looks so easy and straightforward but it's a massive uphill battle.