God having made man as a creature who, in God’s own judgment, ought not to be alone, drew him strongly—by need...

>God having made man as a creature who, in God’s own judgment, ought not to be alone, drew him strongly—by need, convenience, and inclination—into society, and equipped him with understanding and language to keep
society going and to enjoy it.
John Locke
>He who is without a city, by reason of his own nature and not of some accident, is either a poor sort of being, or a being higher than man.
>The man who is isolated, who is unable to share in the benefits of political association, or has no need to share because he is already self-sufficient, is no part of the city, and must therefore be either a beast or a god.
>Man is a "social and political animal."
St. Thomas Aquinas

It is clear that Western civilization is inherently anti-isolationist, anti-loner. What then, is to be done with the modern breed of socially mal-adjusted, withdrawn men? The robots, the incels, the NEETs, the love-shy's?

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Let the incel losers die off..men are a dime a dozen

Oh look, a cool wine aunt in the wild.


We need men for society to function, numbnuts.

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Really, nobody has any input on this? It's a pretty serious issue for contemporary Western societies.

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Religion is meant to have a strong following and sense of community. God forbid you think for yourself and make your own decisions and rationalizaions in life.

look at those nice heavy tits.

Modern society is now made of irrational misfits and weak sociopaths drawn under the banner of cultural marxism. Outnumbered, thinking men are pushed to the boundaries.

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After you nigger

They socially isolated and marginalized white men so that they could be slaughtered.

Good point. For as you can see, Aristotle, while attempting a strict application of syllogistic logic, was yet implying that no one worthy of being called a man is a beast, and that no one is a god, and therefore that no man, properly so-called, is without need of a political respite.

I'm a perma virgin because I want my wife to be an educated (or at least intelligent) virgin Christian as I am. I will not settle for less, because I can not not imagine a woman who previously had partners with her face facial-ed by her ex, because it most certainly did happen. And the only thing I feel towards such a woman is disgust. I'm by nature an introverted and in modern world that only solidifies my perma virgin status. There's also the fact that today woman play endless games of hot and cold. You have to be direct, but not too direct, you have to do this and that and on and on. It's just so tiresome as based Chink said.

man is withdrawn because there is no more need for him. life is pretty comfy and women are unbearable

My only input is you can't fix it. Damage done. Let the neets carve their own path or die off.

I'm not a big fan of Peterson, but he has had some good points.
It isn't just respite that man needs, he needs direction and the opportunity to build the skills for teamwork, neither of which can properly be attained on his own

> niggress
that's definitely a roastie bro

that's a bleak outlook

That's really well said, and it's not just cultural marxism but also neo-feminism that says women aren't just equals but should be untouchable and unjudged for their actions (slut shaming is "bad", etc). Now women will only date who they see as "uber males" or if they're super anti-male SJWs, the extremely effeminate nu males. Anyone who isn't a mountain of physical perfection or a shambling proto-woman just has to be incredibly lucky. I Society has got to be changed. I don't advocate being rude to people but women have got to start being judged again for being whores just like guys are still judged for being womanizers. Too many women are being accepted with their hundred partners and three bastard kids by desperate men, to make society healthy you've gotta socially punish some people who make stupid choices, that's the natural order.

Just my opinion.

Your advice is right, but the societal decline is a process yet to be stopped by any civilization. In USA conservatives have all but given up on the societal issues and basically hold opinions that liberals had 10-15 years ago.

how old are you serbro? I'm a catholic and want something similar but as I'm about to hit 39 I guess it's time to get off my high horse and just bite the bullet and get a submissive wife, as long as she can give me children I can put up with it...

I'll be 23 in December. I still have time, but it's not like women are getting more traditional with each passing generation. I'll probably have to give up on my notion. My mother thinks my reasoning is not normal, but then again she's been a communist for 40 years and is pretty much a second wave feminist. Man I hope I don't end up like you, no offense.

>It is clear that Western civilization
You know that reasoning comes from Jewish books, right?

> Man I hope I don't end up like you, no offense.
None taken, I ended up like this because I didn't want to end up like my dad, brothers, or uncles did...

> My mother thinks my reasoning is not normal
Life's indeed not easy, God bless!

Another wise user said "I no longer see women like other than cocksleeves"
You pick

>He who is without a city, by reason of his own nature and not of some accident, is either a poor sort of being, or a being higher than man.

I'd say the latter. The likes of Ted Kaczynski are higher men than oversocialized city bugmen, who are weak people who need and crave the approval of the herd.

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Send them to war obviously. What do you think the ancients were up to?
But the way society functions now allows for this sort of behaviour.
You can wake up to a voice on the radio talking about people you don't know. You go to work in a cubicle where you move words and numbers from column to column and the only people you know are the ones handing out your pay. You don't even have to talk to them. You drive your car alone on the way hom alone. Not even stopping at the store where you might exchange three or four polite words with your local merchant, and you sit at home on an anonymous Mongolian basket weaving forum.
No faces, no meaningful interaction, no cause.

>being this white
No wonder everybody loves it when they come to Mexico

>friendly people
>great food
>the possibility of getting killed by crossfire
This is how you become social and stay on your toes

I can not do that. Even when I was going trough my atheist phase, I thought that sex is supposed to be the highest form of love, reserved only for those whom you truly love and want to spend the life with. I refuse to act like an animal and stick my penis in anything that even remotely looks like a hole.
My father married with 39 and had kids (obviously). There's hope for you yet, but I think finding a virgin wife at 39 is really pushing it. My cousin married at 35 and I think she was a virgin at the time, given that she was always a truly religious woman, but I'd say such women are one in a million at that age especially.

You're halfway right. I'd prefer not getting PTSD from going grocery shopping. But about; I'm saying OP can change and so can a lot of other Jow Forumsacks.
/SIG/ is unironically the answer here, who the fuck wants to change when they see bitter and weak people speak about the most horrid things they know of in a cavalier manner?

But we had a war only 20 years ago and we're really not that far behind you Scandies who've been twiddling your thumbs for good 2 centuries now. My nation is completely demoralized. If there was a war right now, you'd get more protesters against it than volunteers

Thanks for the kind words brother.

Yeah, I don't expect to marry a virgin at this point, but it is what it is. Up to a couple months ago I didn't want to have children due to my universal vitiligo and it was only recently that I chose to fully embrace by catholic beliefs that I found love, understanding and purpose again. Now I'm working towards having my own family but yeah, there are compromises to be made after all these years.

Good for the Croats you won't fight you lot of cunts.

>Implying Croats will
And don't turn this into /balk/ thread.

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Leave people be.
Western culture is defined by incredibly aberrant people. It's the weird people who do the interesting things.
But also kys.