>Be Northwest State of American Frontier Superiority
>Everyone around you votes red, unanimously
>Sperg out and turn into a blue state for some pot
Enjoy the decline, don't come into my based Idaho when your state crumbles.
>Be Northwest State of American Frontier Superiority
>Everyone around you votes red, unanimously
>Sperg out and turn into a blue state for some pot
Enjoy the decline, don't come into my based Idaho when your state crumbles.
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Lol there is nothing wrong with weed being lega. Sincerely a White Nationalist.
basically montanafags voted Tester because Tester was born there but Rosendale moved there
That's right, their state is being taken over by mexicans from california but their big concern is not electing someone who will get them out of montana but instead preventing a non-montanan from replacing their homegrown communist
They are conservative in the worst possible ways, I bet they'd elect an anchor baby "born there" over a white republican born in north dakota.
Boise is going to turn Democrat.
The cancer that is California is spreading.
This is not a drill.
t. Californian
>dude it grows braincells
You aren't a white nationalist. Every state that legalized weed will now be faced with an invasion of stoners who will vote Dem because "Trump harshes my vibes". You are lazy drug-addled cancer and would not be allowed in any ethnostate.
it's literally commiefornians and northwest fags who ruined their state with multiculturalism and high taxes then fled to the next available state
A state being invaded by left coast fuckers that what it is they are a fucking parasite that needs to be ripped out.
Montana fag here from Bozeman
That's fine, take a Ron Paul style take on it for all I fuckin' care, make every drug legal. But you vote Democrat for it? You're totally fucking your entire state for something that is already so widespread you could walk down the street and find a dealer.
The reason you went for it was greed, don't turn it into a "principles" argument.
Reminder very rich liberals like ted turner own 100,000s of acres of montana and wyoming
How fucked are you with Califags and jews rn?
Boise can turn Democrat, Pocatello and southwestern Idaho will never turn blue so it will keep the district red.
As for northern Idaho, they will be the last red district in the nation if it comes to it.
I work in IT and want to move there from Illinois. I was looking more at Missoula or Billings for job opportunities, though. I'm in small town Central IL so I don't imagine it would be vastly different than what I'm used to, minus the lack of Casey's Pizza.
Missoula here, please nuke us.
Rich liberals love ghettoes as long as they don't have to live around them. When south africa fell all the British liberals fled to Australia leaving the conservative Afrikaners to get eaten by niggers. Liberals are mindless NPCs who won't stop until someone puts a boot up their asses.
Can't blame everything on Californians. Someday we will have to realize its the schools. It's the teachers and professors. They are doing it. They are brainwashing and programming the NPC.
GOP needs to legalize weed before the Libs do. Otherwise, we lose the next generation of stoners forever.
You may laugh but those stoners vote.
Hate to tell you I read an article a week or so ago about lib California faggots moving to Idaho because they’ve fucked their own state. You all need to build a wall around your state.
See post. They congregate around Boise and Caldwell, they won't take the district. You think Mexicans are going to topple Mormons? Good one. 9 child family, every single one of them grows up to attend BYU making 100k a year. Shit, I'm more afraid of Mormons becoming the dominant demographic than Mexicunts from Commiefornia.
I support it but still want an all white society. I’m aware that’s a problem.
I’m not from Montana. I will always vote red no matter what. I voted for Cruz cause fuck gun control Beto. I do value guns and immigration restrictions more. I’m better off pushing for it within right wing circles.
You've been visited by the Lolberg party of bearded spoiler candidates. Good fortune will come your way if you reply THANKS LOLBERGS!
Pretty fucked. Cities are pozzed.
Bozeman for the tech sector, then flip a coin for Missoula or Billings
Someday Yellowstone will go off. Hopefully.
Idealists self-sabotaging again.
>based potato farmers
That motherfucker dropped right before the elections too. Tester might have lost if he didn't run. Problem for me is that I don't care for that party, but gd dropping out right before elections? No respect from me.
>stop blaming us califags
Your expats are ruining surrounding states. Heller would be senator and so would Rosendale if not for you, these are facts.
Been considering moving to Montana, but that stopped after this election. Also, I heard from several former Montanans that the state has several considerably (((wealthy))) counties in the state where rich liberals tend to dwell.
Bozeman looks nice, not much smaller than the city I work in now. Are there lots of good IT jobs in that area? How would people, rather prospective job opportunities, feel about someone moving away from their state to go work there?
Still you all should make them feel very unwelcome. Don’t serve them at restaurants, don’t sell them groceries or other items. That’s what happens if you wear a Trump hat in MD. Some judge ruled it was ok to kick you out of a bar for wearing a Trump hat. Take my warning seriously. You have no idea what it’s like when you get a bunch of these people together. A few now aren’t bothering you but just wait and see
Don't forget the democrats sued the green party in Montana to get them off the ballot.
Hi Matt
>Gianforte, the body slammer, wins the statewide election
>Tester, a fat cuck, wins the same statewide election
How the fuck does that happen?
>votes for spic born in Canada
the saddest thing is that spics et al massively outbreed whites, so this is probably >our last chance at having a Republican party that actually has power
the Overton window will shift massively to the left as coloureds become the biggest voting bloc
the saddest part is that this seems irreversible unless something drastic happens
Liberty or death.
All the fags are pointing out Californians moving to Idaho but at the same time many conservative Washingtonians are fleeing to the Idaho panhandle to escape our draconian gun laws and high taxes. I can only imagine this number increases after i1639 just passed
There's a huge pot shop on almost every major Washington Idaho border crossing. Based Idaho my ass you just have a bunch of quiet commuter pot heads.
t. Washington poster
>dude liberty or death
>strips naked and rants about why teenagers should be legal
Fuck off retard, you cancerous fucktards are literally the reason why Democratic socialists are in government so often. How the fuck is it so hard for you niggers to understand this? You are literally undermining "liberty" by letting Democrats win you stupid fuckstick.
It's so embarrassing to see how these flyovers blame everything on California
>dude vote for the "local" who wants to pozz your anus with a million shitskins lmao
Kill yourself
Why is everybody blaming California? Montana had both Democratic senators and Governor, until 2014 when they knocked one of those senators out.
President Trump said he will support a congressional effort to end the federal ban on marijuana
If every state legalizes then the stoners can stay where they are. No population shifts occur. Balance is maintained.
The bobcats still suck Matt. KYS
Now fuck you.
Yeah. Trump would have won the electoral vote in 2016 and flipped numerous states were it not for the Libertarian scum.
Hispanic birthrates will fall to 600k per annum by 2040, all you need to do is look at how quickly births are falling all across latin america to see where the USA will end up.
25% of spics under 18 and 50% of spics overall are obese, by 2040 their deaths-per-year will exceed 800k. The only thing keeping their population growing will be immigration, but this assumes immigration will continue at current levels. In fact Obrador is planning massive infrastructure projects in South Mexico where most of the illegals came from and expanding the border patrol down there, so that will basically solve the problem of spics.
Spics are irrelevant on the longscale- Asians are the ones who will be nearly equal in number to niggers by 2060 due to longterm immigration.
If Trump successfully ends birthright citizenship through the SCOTUS then our births will jump from 49% white to 64% white overnight, which would put us on par with England in terms of white births.
East coast chink here. Are chinks welcome in Idaho? I am pro gun, anti illegal, anti refugee
Montanans are less concerned with Obama and Tester flooding their towns with Somalis than they are with the fact that Rosendale is from Maryland. I shit you now.
montana is a shithole.
I was looking up bozeman and this faggot is the most liberal asshole I've ever read a full article on:
His biggest gripe is the lack of diversity, and the fact that there is no "Ethiopian Food" or Indian Food... Fuck, you want that then go back to California you faggot.
Wrong. Stoners will just diffuse across the country as New Yorkers and Californian stoners will now have free reign to pick the cheapest states. The cheapest states of course are also the reddest ones. These stoners will then vote for FREE SHIT aka the Democrats. Red states become purple, blue states become brown. America goes down.
If republicans supported weed this wouldn't happen.
Remember what Jesus said about splinters in eyes.
No u fegget
>my based Idaho
You're a carpetbagging turd from Georgia and everyone knows it.
Meanwhile, Montana is the state that elected Jeanette Ranking twice. Toe-ing the party line is not a priority here - living sensibly and practicing all things in moderation is more in-line.
That shit wasn't even on the ballot; fuck are you talking?
i hope you're right, but spics are going to vote for open borders because they have no ancestral connection to the land or its people
you're literally at a tipping point here
guys i vote republican and live in california, but i want to move to montana with my gf, wat do?
>t. Yekaterinburg
Hitler never banned drugs, the war on drugs is a ZOG scam. If the republicans abandoned the failed policy than the demoshits would lose their most effective weapon
Monatanafag here. Thinking of running in elections here at some point to try and fix my beautiful state. Since I have to do the big two, I'm going as an R, but not a conventional R candidate.
I'm very vicious on a mic, a cold born killer of words. I don't take shit from anyone. At the same time, I am as kind as a teddy bear. I'm also tall and have a big beard.
I refuse to let my state fall. I refuse.
work as a radiographer and want to move there. I really think its a last bastion for whites
It's almost like the meth epidemic was a government operation to create mindless retards
Do it. It is your duty.
>taken over
If "taken over" means "seeing a seasonal influx during spring/summer harvests" then I guess you've got me there. More likely you're mistaking Hispanics with Natives, which are the Actual biggest minority here.
Rosendale's a carpetbagging cunt, and Gianforte is triply worse for being an unapproachable uncharismatic oligarch but w/e
>homegrown communist
Now you're just being retarded.
mormons are based tho, they are conservating white and belive in staying inside the race
Pretty much all the liberals here.
Move to Texas and help us cancel out the liberal California transplants
Good luck user. Here in TN it's basically impossible to run for anything unless you're willing to give rimjobs to every church and corrupt shithead on the planet.
My only problem is funds. For those wondering, I'd be going straight for the proverbial throat, the governor ship.
I'm not a coward who runs and hides like some R's did this year during midterms. I won't betray the trust of the people. Bet on it.
The only people doing that are retard boomers who can't find a dealer that doesn't think they are a cop, or are too retarded to know its everywhere, in every state.
>Besides, drugs should be legal anyway (just don't sell out your entire fucking state for it)
Your life is bleak and meaningless if you consider the Northwest US flyover.
Mormons also bring over mass amounts of third worlders they convert to work Mormon businesses and help them get citizenship.
There's a demographic that goes around with voting statistics of race and gender. Idaho is one of like 2 states in the US that based chinks vote red.
Come on in, but don't bring yer extended family or nuthin!
war on drugs is a zog propaganda. whites don't use drugs or at least are the race where addictive personality disorder is least prevalent. the problem is jews and coloreds, not drugs. remember, an inanimate object can't be evil or bad. you're applying a morally qualitative statement to something that can't think. a white majority country will not abuse drugs.
Is it really as great as everyone says?
I've been trying to get out of this 46% nig shit hole but I just cane bring myself to just up and abandon my family
Also i seriously doubt my business would take off like it did here
Nigger the city already is and has been.
Jesus Christ, I'm really happy libertarians are not a thing here
Idaho has one congressional seat for the whole state. They elected a Puerto Rican who is not from there and who supports amnesty for illegals. Whites in the interior West are blue pilled as fuck on racial issues because there are no niggers in those states.