Trump could have used the military to build the wall from day one

>Trump could have used the military to build the wall from day one
>Doesn't do it

Explain why he didn't do this without saying '4d chess' or some other mental gynmastic drivel.

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The real wall was the friends you made along the way

Occam's razor suggests he isn't a White Nationalist he just uses that rhetoric to fire up the base.

Trump is mostly passionate about saying controversial stuff on Twitter. Which is disappointing because I'd rather have seen sneaky backdoor White Nationalism.

Shut the fuck up, DemocRAT shill. You're going to Gitmo soon when Trump declares Martial Law, begins the mass arrests and subsequent draining of the swamp, and the military tribunals ensue. Praise Kek, hail our literal GOD EMPEROR OF THE UNIVERSE, and AWOOOOO and Shadilay my fellow epic Kekistani MIGApedes who haven't fallen for the DemocRATS' lives.

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Democrats speak and act like Destiny fans lol.

I don't see why he does no just claim a mile or two inside the entire Mexican border as a long ass military base. Build a wall on that base for national security purposes via exec order.

because he has to secure funding first, moron

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Because Trump is a kike puppet

Fools. He's building the wall underground, and when the time comes he'll push the button and it'll rise gloriously towards the sky.

Based and Q pilled my woke brother. WWG1WGA

Congress ok'd the wall in 2004. Still waiting on that funding.

>Made one of the most successful reality shows ever
>Became a staple of New York City, one of America's most well known cities
>Literally shit talked his way into presidency over a decades enduring politician everyone expected to win
>Had info come out about his locker room talk and fucking pornstars and STILL won

>Sad, embarrassing wreck of a man


I marvel at this timeline, headlines like this, I can't get enough of how quickly the US is weakening.

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How about you explain how he could have used the military to do so?

>Trump could have used the military to build the wall from day one

#1 It would still cost money.
#2 As a former military man, let me say that you don't want the military to do anything other than destroy shit if you can help it.

>Secure funding
>For the military

He could have used them from day one and bypassed any need to secure funding.

>life long democrat turned republican oligarch is a liar and controlled opposition all along

Are people really so stupid? You have to burn both parties down. Anything less is treason.

President is the head of them and has the power to use them for whatever he wants.

>#2 As a former military man, let me say that you don't want the military to do anything other than destroy shit if you can help it.

Yes I know it would be very slow and expensive (1000 dollars for a hammer and so on) but ultimately it would get done, which is more than can be said for the state things are in right now. And Trump has poured enough money into the military that it would be nice if it was actually helping protect America rather than LARPing in Syria or whatever.

I hate you faggot. It's the faggot Mueller is our gay people that will make me vote for Bernie sanders or some other leftwing populist. Idc if I switch political parties to vote in their primaries. I want to bankrupt this country with Medicare for all because I think it would be funny as fuck to fuck trump for not building the wall and doing e verify. He gave a tax cut to rich people and middle class gets some extra gas money. Enjoy radical socialists running the show by 2020 faggot. I shoulda voted for beto. Gun control means nothing to me I was always going to die when I got that knock demanding your guns anyway. I want boomers to suffer and see their q conspiracy theories be destroyed in their very eyes.

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:^) The wall was just a metaphore, it was real in my mind.

I see and you're a legal scholar who can 100% verify this or just a fat faggot on the internet using a memeflag taking potshots at shit you'll never understand because you dropped out of highschool?

The President is the commander in cheif and can give direct orders to the military, Trump did this recently about the caravan for example.

Too busy to take care of his billionaire buddies to look after the concerns of low level plebs, obviously.

Fuck this orange asshole. I'm with her now.

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>Obama could have used the military from day one to enforce gun control since its a matter of national security to not have white terrorist running around killing people

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He could have if he wanted to, but Obama was never going to take everyones guns like that because it would end in disaster and probably civil war. Gun control is generally done over a long time, inch by inch.

I'm surprised people here don't know what 'commander in cheif' means.

>everyone who points out Trump's lies is a Clinton supporter
>If you don't like RED then you like BLUE

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