Racists will not be allowed in heaven

When the book of life is opened and the names in it are called, vile racists who soak in hate-lust and schadenfreude will not hear theirs .You may feel smug and edgy now as you make a witty retort to this post, but when that day rolls around, as it inevitably will, you will know the definition of dread like no dictionary could ever describe. Tears will come from your ducts in torrents and your voice will break like a petrified child as you beg and plead with all your might and in all earnest for just one chance at redemption. But alas, you shall never receive it. And despair shall consume your very soul once you hear the voice of the Almighty say:


The abominations that await you below are so horrid that the imaginations of H.P Lovecraft or Kentaro Miura would be revolted. These entities,whose hatred for you is so refined and pure your earthly loathings will pale in comparison, will have you for a plaything for all eternity.




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Fucking disgusting chimp

niggers tongue my anus, faggot.

racist white botch chose a black man because he was exotic
see ya hell cunt

>believing jewish fairy tales


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do you think robert bowers will make it into heaven?
i sure do
jews are the children of satan john 8:44

fyi, that infographic is way off. Jesus was basically telling them off when he said that stuff. it had to do with Roman law, or jew law or something. It basically means to shame them i think. It doesn't mean what you think it means.

>God made seperate races, divided them by skin color and language and geographical location.
>actually wants them together?
Are you fucking nuts?

This is a condemnation of revenge not a directive to lay down and let people stomp on you, you manipulative kike.

>no racists in heaven
Then nobody is getting into heaven

>skin is just a skin
Imagine being this bluepilled and retarded. There are people out there that legitimately believe blacks are hated because of their skin color.

I'm not racist, I just hate niggers, jews, chinks and spics for good reasons

Only white people go to Heaven anyway so whether they're racist or not is irrelevant.

fuck off you disgusting jew

Attached: heavenforwhites.gif (533x300, 2.57M)

I see this I dont get mad, she does look a little bit like a trans, so she might not be the mom. Then that looks like it might be NYC or somewhere in the US. Well at least she's straight.

racing mixing is fine as long as its in the USA, Canada, NZ, and Australia. Anywhere else is to be illegal on planet earth except for AMXF (yellow man and woman or trap of any color).

I don't want to go to heaven if there's niggers in it.

So all the racist brown hordes don't get in either? Well that's a relief.

Theres only one race. The white race. Sage

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>skin is just a skin

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t. 3 inch dick asian ‘male’

>RFK supposedly Catholic
>thinks God might be black, or any skin color and not pure actuality.
wew Robbie, shoulda read some Aquinas before getting shot.

heaven is completely empty, what a surprise.
it might as well not exist, if a tree falls in a forest etc.

Salvation is by faith alone. Go be catholic somewhere else.

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only in fucking france lmao

I’d rather be in hell than in heaven with blacks, spics, and jews

Black Madonna and Child, located in a Chapel in Europe. Orthodox Christian Churches, for the most part, unlike Catholic and Protestant Churches, have allowed the original Black Christians to remain Black.

Attached: Black Madonna and Child, located in a Chapel in Europe. Orthodox Christian Churches, for the most pa (198x298, 16K)

jesus was based dude.

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Pope kneels to black Jesus

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toll = paid = when ?

I didn't know pattern recognition was a sin

>Imagine being so BTFO by Jesus that you have no option but to kill him
just cuz Jews use Christianity against people, just like Jesus said they would, doesn't discredit the only good religion ever created, and if you disagree name another religion that tells you God loves you regardless of what you do, as long as you simply reflect on your wrongdoings and try to do better. Only literal psychopaths would hate something so wholesome and good.

Hate to break it to you, but you are already in Hell.

According to which verses?

I wouldn't want to share Heaven with niggers anyway. Atleast in death I can escape them.

So Mary was a black Jew living in Israel?

In the year 65 b.c. the Roman armies under General Pompey captured Jerusalem. In 70 a.d. General Vespasian and his son, Titus put an end to the Jewish state, with great slaughter. During the period of the military governors of Palestine, many outrages and atrocities were committed against the residue of the people. During the period from Pompey to Julius, it has been estimated that over 1,000,000 Jews fled into Africa, fleeing from Roman persecution and slavery. The slave markets were full of black Jewish slaves.

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>not understanding biology
>using the word "racist" unironically
You don't really get how the world works do you?

Negroes are not human. They are a beast of the field

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I believe I've been told there are records of Jesus' existence
Would there be the same for Mary?
Does she have a genealogy in the Bible or through Roman records?

◄ Zechariah 14:21 ►

Every pot in Jerusalem and Judah
will be holy to the LORD Almighty,
and all who come to sacrifice will
take some of the pots and cook in
them. And on that day there will no
longer be a Canaanite in the house
of the LORD Almighty.

all non whites are Canaanites
and god has you all marked
for extinction. enjoy what time
you have left on earth for if
you do not accept Zeus as
messiah you will go to the
lake of fire after one thousand
years in the dust in agony.

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This post has been blessed by Kek.

Neanderthals were smarter and tougher than given credit for, living and sometimes thriving in the harshest conditions. Perhaps what put the white person at such an advantage to other races was the DNA of a superior ancestor. Somehow SJWs think this is a check mate against whitey, but really it just shows that Hitlers Eugenics research was all correct and the answer to our difference in mental development is biological and not a boogeyman racist system

actually what you say is in direct conflict with what i was told by jewish marxist professors, that the bible is racist, god is racist, and so is man because he is made in gods image.

so...guess your a heretic huh? i'm a find a jew and tell him i spotted a goy drone that is deviating from the dogma, you will be shamed into becoming a tranny now i guess...faggot...

legalize euthanizing mixed-race children
why the fuck should we let these things speak
euthanize or melt the lips shut with acid


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So you are saying that almost every nigger, spic, chink, and jew are going to rot in hell? Fuck yeah! White people allow shit skins into our countries and tolerate/help them. We white skins are literal angels.

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God loves the ethno nationalists. They are keeping unique traits separate. If whites all interbreed with blacks, Mexicans, there will be no unique traits anymore. Mixed blahness.

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not taking revenge for misdeads is soi as fuck

Where does the bible say that? I can give you plenty of lines where it says that Jews are evil.

Heaven would be a place without niggers, spics real life women and Jews.

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That is the shitest metal lyrics I ever read.

>The only race that never achieved anything is the fittest and every other one is flawed

Wake up. You are actually against dirversity and liberty.

Jow Forums basics

>Who we are against.
>What we do. What we want.
White supremacist,Nazi,Alt-right among others are just labels given to those who speaks for white people and to those whites who want to preserve their culture,heritage & identity. So situation is like -Die or be the "bad guy"

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why did god make me racist then?

>The only race that never achieved anything

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>H.P Lovecraft
Yes please!

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You're wrong. Dark people are demons incarnate. Only those with the ability to see it and courage to call it out will be right in God's eyes.

The cucks who are helping the demonic take over of God's creation will go to hell where their handler lies.