YOU lost Jow Forums

YOU LOST it guys
its over

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3 to 7 are idpol

Damn Hitler was right.

Jow Forums on suicide watch

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>Gave themselves a considerable buffer on the Senate after Trump campaigned for a bunch of them and pushed center-right justice Kavanaugh through, meaning future Trump nominations will go through without as much resistance, and Dems can't do a thing about it.

Speaking of Nevada, they had a democrat who lost to a dead man.

Yes please continue pushing identity politics, keep making whites feel unwelcome in the democratic party. You will soon drive every last white person to us.

is this nigga for real
florida is purple

People on the left don't understand the long game at all

>ousted the only two black Republican Representatives
fucking based

Could've saved room by condensing it down to
>Won house
>Muh diversity hires

>becomes the party of niggers, beaners, chinks, muslims, and jews
This will all end in tears.

ngl I'm pretty surprised about those governor seats

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Ok hitler was right we knew that already

I hate Piers Morgan, but goddamn if he's not right.
no my friend the west lost
with the ,now inevitable, collapse of the west ,due to demographic, come the end of prosperity and peace for everyone

just as it did and the end of the Roman empire the world now stand at the edge of a new dark age

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If you want to wake up white people, show them all the identity politics the left is engaged in, and how we AREN'T allowed to.

>50 States - 0 Black Governors

Only the first two items are accomplishments. Not enough to achieve their "impeach drumpf" agenda.
Only enough to obstruct, then be used as a campaigning tool for Trump to justify the lack of a wall in 2020. Perfect excuse to use the build the wall meme again.

Stop wasting our time with these shitposts.

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