Seriously, every time I'm on the subway or walking down the street I see white timidity on display. There will be a group of white lads just fooling around and being youngsters then a group of blacks come around and they become quiet.The blacks are talking amongst themselves, laughing and minding their own business but the white chaps assume a submissive role.Their eyes dart downwards, their voices become low or they just stop talking all together.It irks me to my core whenever I see this. I'm old enough to remember when a nigger knew his place. That he was inferior and carried himself accordingly. Now whenever I have the misfortune of dealing with a nog, they always look me dead in my eyes when addressing me and their voice is cocksure.What does the future hold for the Aryan.
When did white men stop being men?
I still encounter blacks that know whites are superior. even the kids you talk about get quiet and semi respectful around older white men
Maybe in France, but here in the US its business as usual. Why the fuck do I care what a group of niggers think?
>To End White Supremacy, White Women Must Stop Sleeping With White Men
interracial is White Supremacy!
That white Aryan blood is supreme!
>even the kids you talk about get quiet and semi respectful around older white men
Never seen that.
>50th race mixing thread today created by the same person
you're on a roll today
it's ridiculous just how many threads they make about this and people always fall for the bait, like i guess im doing right now
>race mixing thread
you can't read.
based af, we need to make other races better by breeding the nig out of them
It happened when they realized blacks are far physical superior genetically.
Sage Cucks.
Problem is, Mixed people have no identity, and therefore usually side with blacks. Then have mixed / black babies.
more fake bullshit
Most blacks here are looking down at their phone while listening to music and unaware of their surroundings.
We get pockets of Jamaicans that are busy shooting everyone, mostly themselves. That's about it.
sage what?
White women destroyed Western civilization, and white knight cucks gave them the (vote) hammer to kill it
>the guy in the background rubbing his hands
The movie is based though, totally missing the point.
>the point
blacks are quirky and sexy and all white people wish they were black
this reminds me of the tranny thing
do lefties really enjoy being told who they can and can't fuck?
no they enjoy the notion that fazing out their own people from existence is somehow virtuous and justifiable
Niggers travel in packs, unlike whites
>can't even hold on to their own countries
Slide the mindfuck thread, its just a jew a jewing
This is one of the least jewish threads in the catalog right now what are you talking about?
why is the mantra "end white supremacy" if we are not supreme?
You aren't wrong, it's not a meme anymore. In my town I see a good majority of white women with blacks/asians, even white mothers with their mutt babies. When I encounter another actual anglo usually with blonde hair, since there's tons of slavs in my town, they look timid in their approach, almost like a natural effect from what's happening to us, and I'd admit I'm the same. It just doesn't feel good anymore. If nothing is to be done and we rely on bullshit watered down political solutions or thinking a miracle is going to happen, give it 5 years and it will all be too late.
Even the cunts that spout "oOOOOH BUT STILL THEYR JUST AN UNDER 10% MINORITY". Listen, if this "minority" is everywhere to be seen in abundance around major towns, even creeping into smaller ones, TV and even our own fucking politics. I can't imagine what's it going to be like when they hit 20%.
We will need a full blown race war by 2020 if we ever want to get back on top; Anglos have been the minority in the USA, and even in England they're being bred out. Even if England remains white
Never seen this, ever.
Seen this before. Stale pasta. Your shoudl pasta la vista yourself.
Have never seen a white female like your pic related in America.
Amerimutt whites look a little different, on top of their weight
>When did white men stop being men?
When they were first expected to compete against black men, when they realised that a slightly higher IQ is great when viewing a population in isolation over many centuries, but means jack shit when your women realise there could be black cock on the menu tonight.
Unironically, we are not made for urban life
Wasn't that from that website that AgeofShitlords made up back in like 2016 to make libshits look libshittier?
American universities already teach that whites are obligated to fuck niggers. pic related
fake as shit lol
>it's a pol gets triggered by a fake article episode
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
I talk to blacks normally, but if they call me 'boss' or 'boss man' I make sure to refer to them as 'boy' no matter how old they are
Uit welke kanker stad kom jij dan
It's sad to see everyone else holding a laxed view on this. The only way would be some sort of extreme as you suggested, all of those fucking ecelebs cunts and politicians everyone loves to meme about will never cross that line, those that have are immeditately defused., and now the only least intelligent with their lack of awareness will step up to that position, which again is making me feel hopeless with everything. People aren't realising it's happening so fucking fast. The best of whites are told to pursue individualism which they all fall for in some sort of enlightened man's etiquette, once being against racemixing and holding down superior nations was once seen enlightened in the white man's eye, it's just not there anymore with white people it seems. It's not a direct genocide, it's almost like a parasite infecting the nervous system until it's unable to move, then once we're in that immobile state utterly we will starve off and die as time goes on; which we are seeing now. Marxism, affirmative action, welfare states which are fueling their limitless birth rates, even here, there's new rules being put to place where foreigners will join our forces. It won't be long now.
i mean what are you gonna they might be carrying weapons it isnt worth it to die because some nigger wanted to some bullshit fight
We would be fine in cities if 99% of the other inhabitants were our people, the problem is not city life, it's being forced to compete with blacks in cities, towns and everywhere else. The trouble is we all know the rules, we have honed and perfected social norms over many centuries, then we decide to invite millions of primal beasts who, whether we want to accept it or not, exhude a kind of bestial sexuality and who do not give a flying fuck about romantic courtship and social graces, add 'liberated women' into the mix and the vast majority of average white men are simply BTFO.
It's a product of Jewish culture war advanced in the example of Herbert Marcuse. The media guys use rap music and black slang and normalize them by use of distribution. The music in particular is often degenerate and hyper-masculine. The Moral Majority mostly succeeded in making metal (the white people equivalent to rap music) unpolite, but whenever they tried to do it with rap music (and they did, during the 1990s), they would be harangued by a still-influential Jewish media elite (that the internet has since undermined) that they were being "racist."
A lot of rap music was just R+B and fairly innocent hiphop, but most of it was a product of Jews involved in the sexual revolution, who sought to use blacks as a fifth column to undermine American hegemony in favor of socialism.
urbanism is a cancer in racially/ethnically pure societies too, theres no point in having any kind of racial consciousness if we're going to adpt sick methods of lifestyle after the fact, how would a nation of fat white people or communist white people be any better than what we have now?
fuck this pasta is amazing
thats a pasta fr? lol
but white women adore white men!
Shut up you filthy dalit.
Link archive or this is fake and gay.
Around blacks never relax
No, the point is how blacks are used by the liberal elite for their own gains and while they sell themselves as tolerant and not racist they live in all white neighborhoods and treat nogs as exotic beasts.
fak off meme flag faggot
Hello rabbi. Fuck off with your interracial fantasy.
goddamn B-class horror flicks from the 70s made more sense than this piece of shit movie
100% fake. literally 0 results.
No really. Your point is correct but you're not considering the fact that our metabolism does not handle well the urban lifestyle. I'm descended from two families of farmers, craftsmen and tradespeople both from the countryside and the only time in my life when i felt weak and depressed was when i lived in a big city. Urban living is bad for you and despite how active and disciplined you are you'll always be a better version of yourself in the countryside. This is a verifiable fact
Kill yourself dirty pissdrinking Hindu Dravidian shitskin.
I don't. I was on the LUAS one night after a night out and some Brazilian was shouting his big ape mouth as loud as he could, on fucking public transport. I shouted back to him shut the fuck up monkey and he did.
Fake and gay. Your faggot country is gay.
fuck off meme flag fag
Cool fantasy life, bro.
Fun fact: Living in a city exacerbates the risk to develop schizophrenia
Not surprising. This is why they are so neurotic
I see your black husband and raise you an Asian wife, your move Roasties.
Women will never stop sleeping with socially dominant men.
Handgrip Strength and Socially Dominant Behavior in Male Adolescents
>over 50% of Jow Forums users are bisexual
>tries to use gay as an insult
World War 1 pretty much wiped out most of the European quality gene pool.
Magnus Samuelsson closes Captains of Crush #4.
Nice Shop.
Neanderthal BTFO'ed by superior black man.
What a sight
I have also noticed this. My father is a bitch, his father is a bitch, and I, a female, have been forced to pick up the slack. It's the turn of the cycle, I suppose.
Because it was told that we are criminals, due our past (colonization, slavery, fascism). And of course, it's genetic and cultural, europeans/whites are usually more clam, at least i talk about what i see in my people, we portuguese are usually introverted, its a trait... blacks are expansive by nature.
that doesn't happen out here in the country.
they hold doors open for whitey because they remember how bad it used to be and they know it could happen again, so they address you as "sir" to give you the respect you deserve for ALLOWING them to live in your society without lynching them anymore.
Why are you posting fakes btw?
c'mon satan that was low tier bait
go deas
his shoes are fucked up on the left image too
He just resized the image lulz.
Can't have white supremacy if European people are extinct, and their blood lives on only in La Atrocidad mutt monsters.
jej, absolute state of jews
When they dropped paternalism for liberalism
Thats because city cucks are literal subhumans
>muh edjewcation
Still a fucking coward so any good is nullified instantly
Based Chucky
Havent gone away
Good effort botbro
Why'd you age this thread? It's an important question.