Poland literally has concentration camps for muslim refugees

Poland literally has concentration camps for muslim refugees

Attached: sanctions-punishing-poland-eastern-europe-are-mistake-b.jpg (788x460, 143K)

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No, they're just enforcing No-Go Sharia zones established by immigrants, unlike Sweden.

good. when will the zyclon be administered

mfw there are a couple outside the fence

Attached: eyes_of_gate_goebbels.jpg (1080x1600, 202K)

Oh another cut-off fake picture and blatant lie in the OP.
It's all so tiresome.

There are no muslim refugees in poland as that status is lost as soon as you leave further as 1st safe country. they are all illegal imigrants and treated as they desrerve.

Redpilled and aesthetic

That pic is from Hungary, you fucking shitleaf.

Attached: 2C13557600000578-3226054-image-a-48_1441721212657.jpg (962x641, 209K)

Fake news. If that's a concentration camp where's the gas chamber? Gotcha Danny.

sorry honest mistake pic came up when I searched for "polish police"

Love you hungary! Brothers forever, you have friends in canada although most are fags here


there are literally hungarian signs on those shirts you stupid fucktard without private life


Day of the rake when Madzyar bros?

>and it's a good thing

ok, that's a good thing, whats your problem leaf? are you a muslim? are you in a polish camp? then whats it your fuckin problem? we shouldn't meddle in the affairs of other countries when it comes to genocide and keeping tabs on groups
besides, they're muslims, its their choice to follow a religion, therefore they should have to put up with the slings and arrows that accompany such a faith

and redpilled


If only there were some sort of "final solution" to this problem.

Attached: Nazi Banana.jpg (313x302, 48K)

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You mean zyklon B? Hopefully soon.

This, and where's the hospital, brothel, and cinema?

Attached: Lets dance.gif (286x306, 1.67M)

Was that a fucking pun

>Poland is Hungary now

And here’s why that’s a good thing.

should be the norm

Attached: 1512582431403.jpg (900x540, 389K)

>Some leftist ban people from doing a march on the 100th year of independence for Poland in Warszawa
>Steam at least recognizes you guys
Not to say any corporations are based but, they can show signs of being based sometimes

Attached: b492145e29195cac051c94e0ef623524.png (1354x1483, 545K)

They're just being smart. Patriots buy games too.

well they can take a stance against it as well you know, like the mayor did or whoever is trying to ban the march on the 11th

its from hungary
this is from poland

Why the fuck libs in the EU hate Hungary so much?

Cause Hungary is based and doesn't afraid of lefties