What will be the greatest accomplishment of his first term? For me it's the tax cut

What will be the greatest accomplishment of his first term? For me it's the tax cut.

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His greatest accomplishment? Devalueing your country and making it an even worse laughing stock.

i wish he's devalue the dollar, my emerging market stocks are getting killed!

Raising the deficit

Americans don't care about foreign policy unless a lot of us die.

having a lot of excuses for accomplishing nothing on his agenda

building the wall! MAGA!

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projection is one hell of a drug you fucked over all of europe and sold out the future of your children to the third world you genius.

>tax cut
Thanks for the extra pennies overlord! What’s that you want me to suck your cock while you reap the true benefits of the tax cut? Oh by all means!

His executive order taking birthright citizenship away from illegals

Best relations with North Korea in 70 years

Getting NATO to pull their own weight incase Russia goes expansionist again, allowing us to focus on Chyna

Deal with the drain of American wealth headed east. Over past twenty years 20 trillion in accumulated wealth has left the US for Asia.

Redoing Nafta in a way that benefits Mexican agg without hurting US agg (we can still export overseas) and protecting manufacturing jobs will introducing minimum wage for manufacturing across the zone for 60% of effected workers.

Two conservative justices on SC, may even be able to flip 9th circuit.

First real wage increases for workers since early 2000s.

Being a Twitter-whore.

Him expanding the majority in the Senate and getting rid of cucks like Flake and Corker, ensuring that once Ginsburg dies we'll have a 6-3 Scotus in our favor for the next 30 years ensuring libs will be constantly BTFO at every turn.

>What will be the greatest accomplishment of his first term?



>dude just give everyone free money

I guarantee if we had "free" healthcare you'd be shrieking that you're still fucking broke because your taxes went up. You are poor because you are a retard who cannot budget for shit and lives beyond your fucking means.

>he says, as 2 million sand niggers invaded his country while no one batted an eye

You must be a 1%.

Expanding the overton window to the point difficult issues can actually be addressed, particularly anything with a perceived racial background. (immigration, crime, discrimination by diversification, censorship)
He shoots himself in the foot a lot, but most politicians won't touch those issues with an ebola grade hazmat suit.

7/10 bait coming from a German

Oh and his accomplishment of making Muslim shitskins like this assblasted as fuck before we deport them back to somalia in the next 5 years

>implying I don't hate you faggots more than your semite kin

Kill yourself Ahmed

well yeah, it's literally the only one

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Pulling security clearances...

tax cut is the neocon agenda.
immigration is trumps.

His greatest achievement is 2 supreme court jusitces and hundreds of lower court appointments.

Trumps second greatest accomplishment was selecting Sessions as AG. forget the russia bullshit, this guy has been busy doing trumps immigration work.


Settle down scholmo, or we'll cut you off

For me it's the 40 billion dollar gift to israel.

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>help me Germany, I cannot handle all the fugees because I'm a shit country like Hungary or Greece
>t. Bergdeutschland 2015


literally every civilized country on earth has proper socialized healthcare
americans are literally drooling retards who get shat on by the rich and then turn right back around and ask for another serving

pardoning some slimy jew and giving his rich pals the best handjob

It better fucking be mandatory VoterID laws, by executive order if necessary. How this hasn't fucking happened yet is mind boggling.

Using tariffs to increase US taxes share from heavily rich democrat areas.

this is another thing where america is literally the dumbest country on earth
how the fuck is the question of presenting an ID when you vote EVEN A GODDAMN QUESTION IN THE FIRST PLACE?
american stupidity is mindboggling

>Be a good goy and give the government more control over your life

Alright explain why children are sentenced to die in the UK and the parents can't do anything? Explain why people come to the US for any procedure past a broken leg or routine biopsy?

getting out of the tpp - first accomplishment best accomplishment

the right wants to keep its cheap labor

That Korean was a Jew!

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>his only “””acomplishment”””


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This. Why the fuck didn't this happen decades ago

>be american
>get shot
>go to hospital
>190,000$ bill
>go bankrupt
>end up homeless
>get shot by some nigger again
laaaaaaaand of the freeeeeeeeeeee


Literally every country on earth relies on American pharmaceuticals for life-saving drugs. You pathetic subhumans can only "afford" your shit off the largesse of the American republic. And this goes doubly for Jewland since your country only exists because Evangelicals protect your asses. The minute this country goes under Iran will nuke you back to the stone age.


Obamacare is literally better because I get a fucking tax break to cover my health insurance AND get to keep my private doctor

Socialized healthcare is a money sink for fucking retards and causes taxes to go up unacceptably- it would never work here for that reason because retards literally think it's "free" and won't be able to fathom why their taxes have to go up to pay for their "free" benefits- especially the youth who want this so badly, since they're already half-retarded and can't budget at all

Which reminds me cost of living in Israel is fucking high so how can you even justify socialized medicine- especially since it ends up taking care of retarded Arabs as well

Of course this is ignoring that literally every job has health benefits nowadays, negating the need for "socialized healthcare" since corporations will pay for your health needs

But year keep pretending your system where you wait a month to see some quack you've never met is better than a system where you keep the same doctor for a decade or more and see them the same day you make an appointment

Administering the death blow to the US media.

Based Jew

>oy vey muh taxes

Fostering White identity. Rallying a people that all others forgot.

>be foreigner
>post memes
>sit smugly in your overpriced hovel while the government takes half your paycheck to squander on patrolling arabs in Golan because your bosses thought land-grabbing was the best way to keep the peace and wouldn't piss the towelheads off more than before

Yeah me too, that extra trillion in debt really speaks to my conservatism

The only conservatism I care about is conserving the nation my grandparents gave to my parents

Businesses having to pay for employee healthcare on their own is crippling to U.S. industry, especially small business owners. It should be subsidized by everyone on a Federal level.

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There's a reason why states with low taxes are financially secure and states with high taxes are financially FUCKED- the people who handle money and want more of it will always end up squandering it. The government is full of powerhungry sociopaths and giving them more control than necessary is retarded especially when your Uncle Chuck is running the Democrats in the senate you dumb jew.

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how is this even a question?

its the absolute booming of the saltmining industry. this man triggered boomer neocucks as hard as he did blue haired sjws. never forget

Giving your kids a bankrupt shithole isn't conservatism.

>Which reminds me cost of living in Israel is fucking high so how can you even justify socialized medicine- especially since it ends up taking care of retarded Arabs as well
costs of living in israel are high because we're a small country, import most of our stuff, there are monopolies everywhere and like 5% of our GDP wasted on the military
all things considered, our healthcare is actually pretty decent (for now). meanwhile america spends like double % of its GDP on healthcare because all that insurance money goes to fund Goldberg Investments Inc. instead of actually taking care of people

Take your pick:
-Tax cut
-2 SCOTUS justices
-ISIS destroyed
-Peace with North Korea
-Economic boom

That nation is gone. You should care about trying to prevent your kids from inheriting the nation your parents are trying to give you and instead give them something better.

Enabling the Chinese Eurasian agenda

tax cut for multinational corps

that money you worked for goes to fund things like education and, yes, healthcare

>instead of actually taking care of people

Except nowhere in America do people have to wait a month to see their doctor. In addition the tax credit system means you get money back depending on your income level- the more you make, the lower the tax credit. Our taxes are already pretty low. The only thing that needs fixing is price fixing to prevent your uncle Chaim from raising rates every year.

>Receive proper health care
> live

Kek nice try you guys are literally dying from bottle rockets getting launched by people stuck in the dark ages.

I don't benefit from medicare and I make less than 40k a year so I get my money back in the form of a tax credit which goes to pay for my private insurance. Effectively free healthcare.

nobody in america waits a month to see a doctor, either. dunno where you heard that bullshit.
operations DO have long waitlists (especially in the periphery) but that's because our system has been neglected and not properly funded for over a decade now.
I'd still rather wait 2 months to have a knee surgery than not being able to afford a surgery at all and end up dying of leg cancer

Answer me retards. Look at that graph, we spend more money per person on healthcare than any other country on the planet. Look at this receipt, this is the cost of a rattlesnake bite in America. We need the government to keep the pharmaceutical industry in check so they don’t price gouge us on life saving treatment.

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Don't forget trying to hide AND jailing anyone who even talks about the muslim rapes

>tax cut

you mean the tax increase?

>our system has been neglected and not properly funded over a decade now

Did you try and loose your own argument? I don't trust the government to run a lawn business let alone control health care

>the tax cut
yes, because tax cuts for jewish corporations is literally the only thing he's accomplished

Firing Jeff Sessions

>Effectively free healthcare
except for all the hassle
imagine having to worry about arguing with your insurance company when you need to call an ambulance
oh wait I don't need to imagine, we in Israel have a retarded system where half-private corporations are the ones that actually pay for everything, and sometimes they get all jew-y and make dumb demands so you can have your money back
I wish we'd have something like the british system where if you need healthcare service, you just... go have it. no stupid forms or "user fees" or anything like that.

Well no shit, if it's not properly funded of course it's going to start sputtering
do you expect the government to start magically conjure up funds for expanded wards and more doctor/nurse job openings?

You are welcome to all the monies

Th. Amerigans

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Legal weed and infrastructure investment

repeal of individual mandate

No you expect our government to conjure up funds for you

which reminds me, goy, remember to vote trump in 2020, we need those shekels

Him failing to get re-elected will be the highlight for me.


Dont get your hopes up

On the real: I ain't about any of this hippie, snowflake, social justice warrior bullshit. I'M OLDSCHOOL, JUST KNOCK THEIR TEETH IN.

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Still waiting. Jow Forums btfo. The rest of the world knows that socialized medicine like socialized education and roads is the only answer.

You're right...the inevitable really doesn't require much hope at all.

You guys barely took the house and we took seats in the senate during an election when democrats were more riled up than ever. Get ready to get steam rolled come 2020

Shouldn't you be eating some immigrants blutwurst instead of posting here?

Krauts are fucking cancer.

Good luck with that with a bankrupt hell hole led by an uneducated reality TV star

USA government can literally never go bankrupt
if you ever run out of money the federal reserve can just buy government bonds indefinitely

How's that cultural enrichment going Hans? Still enjoying the trucks of peace and Ahmed raping your women and children?

Recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel ofcourse, amirite fellow pedes XD. The tax cuts are great too ofcourse, anything to please our jewish friends :D MAGA

And people say all Jews are good with money....

>the federal reserve can just print as much money as they want, with no negative consequences!

well of course there's a limit but it's only when inflation starts to rise

Use the catalog function dimwit.

This is debunked daily.

As long we can can retain the petrodollar and hold our spot as the world reserve currency, we can export a lot of our inflation. This is why Saudi Arabia is such an important ally and Iran will get bombed in the next decade.

Hillary should have won, she knew what had to be done to defend American interests abroad. Even if that means a no fly zone in Syria. Geopolitics is a dirty business, especially for a superpower, and she recognized that.

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How does cutting taxes benefit Jews any more than other Americans?

they were tax cuts primarily for the rich, regular americans got leftover crumbs as hush money

Everyone is benefitting from the economic boom due to the decrease in the corporate rate. We are finally competitive with other countries on corporate taxes and this has been a huge boon for American business.

wow i want the economy of an anti white sole superpower to do well XD

>We are finally competitive with other countries that boom could've just as easily be achieved by an equivalent increase in spending
or, you know, a tax cut for regular folk
or literally anything else that would primarily benefit middle class and poor people instead of trump's rich friends
(assuming the "boom" even really exists - real wages are still stagnant)

remember, amerimutt: "trickle down" only really means you're being pissed on

Boy are you in for a fucking treat.