What happened to Internet Atheism?

How did a single meme destroy an burgeoning internet movement?

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There are still just as many if not more atheists, the only reason this meme is a thing is because when a transgressive ideology gains in popularity a population of shrieking status quo defenders expresses their unease at the development by spamming feminine insults about how the onto way you could hold said belief is by being of low social status

*only way

There are still plenty of atheists out there, they just don't fucking talk about it. The whole era of atheism being a quasi-religious movement is over (and rightfully so.)

It caught feminism and got very sick.

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I don't know you but you talk like a retard

Do a line, maybe it will help your reading comprehension

It’s not a meme, nearly all atheists are cringey as fuck.

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Atheism was just a tool for political control and spiritual destruction. Now that our spirit has been crushed and these political goals have been reached, atheism is no longer useful.

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Atheism+, "Brights", and the fact that everyone is basically an atheist at this point killed it. God doesn't exist - WE KNOW.

Fedoras became alt-right racists. Racism is an esoteric, pseudo-religious ideology and therefore atheism/Darwinism have no place among the right. The moment Jow Forums turned from libertarian to fascist was the moment they turned away from atheism in favor of Christianity and/or Paganism.

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They all collectively realized they are in fact following a religion and set their own laws and 'commandments' or else you're not a true atheist

so they all killed selfs

It filled their purpose to drive away Millennials from Christianity.
Now atheists have to do justice for Muslims or some shit

Dinesh D'Souza lost a debate therefor God doesnt exist.

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Never underestimate the power of mockery

The truth hurt them too much

early internet atheists were more about honest skepticism in regards religious theory and not so much the old man in the sky stuff, but rather the lessons religion tried to teach. They had no issues with religious people just didn't believe in it and saw some value in some lessons, much to be criticized in other lessons

after them came the smuggie atheists, they didn't give a fuck about the origins, history, or lessons of region they just wanted to point and laugh at the theory of a creator. Thought not a very polite thing to do, at least they mostly stuck to their own message boards and kept their jokes in their circles and didn't actively try to go out and offend people

then came the neckbeards aka militant atheists, it wasn't enough for them to laugh among each other at people who follow religion they had to go seek them out to pick e-arguments, had an inflated sense of IQ, and would roast people for things like saying "god bless you" or "thank god it's friday"

these guys got hit hard with the neckbeard meme because it was true and probably folded into the incel movement

They became the sceptic community.

They hit puberty and grew out of atheism

Fedorafags were just edgy kids with a superiority complex.

Atheism isn't as hip anymore so the new breeds are latching onto other pretentious bullshit.

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Humanity isn’t interested in facts and logic, they are only interested in fairytales and lies

They wanted gibs from Youtube, so the talked shit for a while, then moved over to "truth" and "debunk" shit and now they just pick the low hanging fruit of the week.
Sometimes its a idiot flat earther, sometimes some religious nut, mostly cringy SJW who talk nonsense and retry old debunked hot topics.
For a career, just hopping on the single, low brow, boring issue of semantics between agnostic and atheist is just not cutting it with the advertisers anymore.

Atheism is definitely not as strong as it was in 2012. Stop reading the front page of (((Reddit)))

There is an awakening going on

Ah, that explains the increasing atheism in the world

They grew up and stopped caring about what jewish 2k year old fairy tales other people believed in

do you guys make fun of atheists because they are fat and cringey?

do you make fun of them because you unironically believe in god?

or do you make fun of them because realizing theres no god is brainlet level and forming an identity around atheism is teenage tier.

im just asking because i was very, very religious growing up, surronded by religious people, but later in life i realized all by myself that there is no god and humans are just sentient bags of bones and saline. i didnt have any help or support becoming atheist, it was real hard, buy i did it.

i just feel atheism is a central column of the future utopia if there is going to be one, cant have science progress and make believe coexisting forever, ones got to win out

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Embarrassing people or simplifying their whole existance accurately is powerful

Atheism is still alive and well. In fact in some areas it's taken for granted that most people will be atheists. The reason that atheists aren't as present now is simply because they won the ideological battle, like it or not.

Because Atheism is disproven as soon as one applies logic.

It ran it's course, discredited evangelical Christianity in the United States, and then continued to beat the dead horse until everyone just got bored and stopped paying attention to them.

tell us another lie

>reddit spacing

I would say that if by "ideological battle" you mean the battle between atheists with shallow theological knowledge and evangelical Christians who swear to absolute Biblical literalism, you're probably right.


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the fedoras haven't changed their internet perfected argument in 15 years because they've never actually studied anything to do with Christianity, it's just too tedious to listen to them so the conversation has drifted into "who fucking cares" territory, but most people I know would describe themselves as atheist because they think religion is simply only about saying where the world came from

atheism is considered an adolescent phase
reddit is a place for adolescents
atheism is the rejection of god, which was seen as popular among the youth for a while
the government acts as though israel had the right to act on behalf of the Devil
if the government pretends the Devil exists and makes policy as if the Devil were real then it is more a matter of fitting in to society and flattering the infantile beliefs of violent jerks than faith

The image of the modern christian has been irreparably smeared by the Westboro church, flyover evangelicals and the left wing media. Atheism is now the socially acceptable choice.

I will apply simple logic.

As human beings we can directly observe the state and varying levels of consciousness on beings that are lesser than ourselves. For example, we can study consciousness from the tiniest of ants to the more cunning of wolves. Consciousness inherently scales in all life. Consciousness sets a limitation on what a being is able to both comprehend and perceive. An ant for example has no possible way to conceive of a human being, we simply are out of their range of consciousness. So when a child comes and destroys an anthill and slaughters hundreds of ants, the surviving ants have no actual way of understanding what happened to themselves, have no understanding that a conscious entity interrupted their existence, and have no possible way of relating this in any way that could even be conceived as a conscious thought.

So, in this regard, consciousness is an observable state of mind that we can directly observe in biology and that we can see in levels. However, what you are suggesting is that consciousness scales in this way and then when it reaches human beings it simply stops and there is no possible way that any consciousness greater than ours could in any way exist. To me, that is the most arrogant and anti-logical statement one could make when you can directly observe the opposite in nature.

I misunderstood what you meant, then. You're absolutely correct, unfortunately.

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They got bored and moved onto other issues, like feminism, sjws, mass-migration and islamification after the initial goal of coming out and giving religitards a piece of their mind had been achieved. I was not even aware of the fedora meme until after the movement lost steam.

Also, great job that after all those internet arguments and flame-wars the only thing you are really proud of is not actually refuting what they have to say but spamming charicatures like a bunch of 12 year-olds.

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It got over itself.


I'm sure you have done an extensive study on this and aren't just reaffirming the prejudices you have.

I think people are starting to forget about that. There is an appetite for a harsher church that doesn't go full autism, but we're just going to get Creationists and Episcopalians until then.

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Nice refutation. You sure showed me.

In the early to late 2000's the internet was still relatively unknown and mostly inhabited by edgy teenagers angry at society. These are the types of people generally interested in atheism. Most of them have grown up and a lot of regular people are on the internet now so atheism is back to being fringe topic even on the internet.

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checks out

Trends come and go, also as usual feminists and sjw's infiltrated the movement and ruined it, and that's a good thing.

I did and you didn't respond in any meaningful way.

>a population of shrieking status quo defenders expresses their unease at the development by spamming feminine insults

It couldn't possibly be sth else but status quo defense, huh? Nice way to show what's wrong with 'internet atheism', moron.

lmao your country is home to the most autistic ruler of the 19th century

>However, what you are suggesting is that consciousness scales in this way and then when it reaches human beings it simply stops and there is no possible way that any consciousness greater than ours could in any way exist. To me, that is the most arrogant and anti-logical statement one could make when you can directly observe the opposite in nature.

rather than a word salad of gobbledegook, do you have any demonstratable independent evidence of any supernatural godlike force being real?

if i burn the bible, will i be struck by lightning? no

if i pray will amputees regrow their limbs? no

when i die does my brain get uploaded to some eternal form? why would it? a brain is just a bag of organ meat. theres nothing profound about it at all.

>word salad
How was that "word salad"? It was a logic. By applying what is observed in nature you can make the hypothesis that higher consciousness must exist because we can see it scale ourselves in nature. Saying that consciousness simply stops at human beings is illogical. Also, you left out the important part of consciousness and one's ability to even perceive things of greater consciousness. Perhaps there are events we take for granted that have to do with forces we simply lack the mental able to perceive. It's highly possible considering the same happens in observable beings of lower consciousness than ourselves.