Democracy’s a funny thing

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People are incredibly lucky libs like to stick with one another, and largely stay aware from flyover area. But that's just a ticking time bomb, I wonder how long until the popular vote spills over into electoral victories.

demographic replacement through massive immigration should be illegal

This happened exactly because we are not a democracy, we are a republic.

Senators are elected by states you fucking idiot.

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>It's almost as if the Senate is made for state's equal representation, regardless of population
>It's almost as if more seats in states with heavier democrat turnout were up for reelection

>Representative republics are a funny thing!
Too complex for bugs.

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>CA senate race
>dem vs dem

Lick my anus

>implying US is a democracy
>implying popular vote matters at all for the Senate
>implying any running parties weren't aware of this
>implying California should decide every decision in the US
Say hi to Shinzo for me.

This, its literally in the Pledge of Allegiance. Schools need a year long class on the constitution and how our country functions.

You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. Please read about how the US government functions before making yourself look even more retarded than you already do.

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>senate races are nation wide races not state races

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>fill up overpopulated shitholes full of foreigners to make them vote for the destruction of the country
Democucks BTFO, we are a democratic REPUBLIC.

California contributes like half of those votes

america is a democracy

and a republic doesn't mean u win with less votes

>Schools need a year long class on the constitution and how our country functions.
Is this no longer a thing? I remember taking non-elective classes like this, where we went through the entire constitution and how the government works.

I also went to DOD schools, so maybe that's the difference.

You don't understand democracy do you?

>demographic replacement through massive immigration should be illegal
Something that sounds so logical yet most just can't see through their (((progressive))) brainwashing

>jap doesnt get US civics.


>some people's votes are worth more than others
wew totally not rigged

user, the pledge isn't required in public schools anymore. In fact, people aren't even required to stand for the pledge. That was what the whole "taking the knee" autism was about a couple years ago. Retards are forgetting about the pledge of alligience because they are no longer required to instill national values to american children.

Government and US History classes still exist, but now they're taught by democrats and liberals who weren't smart enough to get a better career than teaching. They are poisoning children's minds.

>the United States is a federal republic.
braindead leaf

don't forget that word

Careful, we always have more nukes.

We live in a constitutional republic.

Good thing the US isn't a democracy then, it's a representative republic.

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State races, those aren't a national races. It's also a representative democracy to prevent the larger cities from running the county.

Population centers such as LA or NYC rely on gibs and bigger government, so they vote blue. Rural areas are more independent and don't need a bigger goverment. There are more people in big cities so they have a higher turn out.

California only had 2 democrats on the ballot so ALL votes coming out of california we democrat votes

You wouldn't understand being from a country a fraction of a percent of the landmass of the USA.

Woooooow it's almost like Californians aren't allowed to elect senators outside of California, so it doesn't matter how many of them vote.

A representative democracy is not the same as a pure democracy.

its already started. just look at wyoming, utah and colorado. the libs will have us all on a state rationed weekly good stipend of onions-protein dinners before 2030

Why do people pretend as if they don't understand how the USA's electoral system works? If everything was decided by popular vote, then it wouldn't be the United States of America, it would be just be America, because the states would be irrelevant. It's not a very difficult concept to grasp.

You do realize the purpose of the Senate is to represent the states right?

>people in one state can't vote for a representative in another state
>people in one district can't vote for representative in a different district
>some districts are more grossly overpopulated than others
Wow, so rigged! Dumb euro, that'd be like saying Germany deserves to choose your representatives because it has a bigger population.

The USA is a union of states. It's literally in the name. United States of America. Each state is an independent governing body and gets 2 senators to represent itself federally. Making this a country-wide popular vote would be like allowing a German politician to represent Poland in the European Council.

we're a republic. You need to read up on American gov't japan-bro.

That's only half you idiot. America is a hybrid. The house is democracy. The senate is republic. Besides, the senate was never intended to be voted on by the people in the first place. The state legislators picked the senators until the 17th amendment corrupted the country.

rofl, gee tell that to all the sovereign state government, they must not have gotten the memo

Please continue to push this meme, libshits have been at it all day and are making themselves look like fools.

Democracy is simply an umbrella term, America is a constitutional republic where the founding fathers set up the electoral college to avoid mob rule.

Democracy is a very ambiguous term, many communists and socialists consider their countries democracies, Fidel Castro wanted to label Cuba s a democracy and claimed that he was fighting for democracy, North Korea official name is the democratic people's republic of Korea, let that sink in.

America isn't post revolution France or the Wild West where mob rule once flourished, at the end of the day the constitution is the supreme law of the land not the people.

Let me put this in a way that it's easy for a nip to understand
Let's say you have 50 anime pillows with red hair, and 50 with blue hair
Every 2 years, you wash the cumstains out of 1/3 of them, and redye the soiled fabric according to your current preferences on the pillows that have so much cum in them that they have been essentially bleached
This year, you take 34 (about 1/3) of the pillows to the laundromat
Among these pillows, there are 22 with blue hair, 6 with red hair, and 6 with bleached cum hair
Back home, you left 22 with blue hair, and 44 with red hair
There are 100 pillows total, but you are only washing 34 at this moment
Among the bleached cum hair colored pillows, you decide to dye 4 of them blue, and 2 red, because you are more into blue haired anime characters this year, but a smaller part of you still has a tiny erection for the anime girls with red hair oWo
When you return from the laundromat, you find that you still have mostly red haired anime pillows, despite dyeing more pillows blue at the laundromat!!
Upon reflection, you realize that most of the pillows you took to the laundromat were blue to begin with
In order to come back with a majority blue anime pillow set to cum on, you would have had to dye ALL of the bleached cum hair colored pillows blue
Knowing your mistake, you vow to not be so much of a faggot in the future

Democrats won more votes because more Democratic senate seats were up for reelection. Dems won more races than Republicans in this election, but only 9 Republican seats were up for reelection, so they don't have a majority.

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Jesus Christ leaf his point was that the US isn't a direct democracy. Nice fucking reading comprehension.


Democracy is designed to have checks and balances. It isn't intended to be a simple mob rule because that easily leads to tyranny.

You get 2 senators per state regardless of population size. How is this confusing for you?

no. this happens regularly because states aren't a representation of population (land /= amount of people).

Also California had two democrats up so no one in california could vote republican, so ALL votes for senate from califronia were democrat

Good thing the US is a republic, and good thing the very same people currently bitching about how things go would be the very first to defend it if it gave them the edge.

It's not a funny thing at all. Look at it like this. All states get 2 senators.

California has 2 senators. 40,000,000 people live in California.

Rhode Island has 1,000,000 people.

Both send in 2 senators. In a senate race a Rhode Island vote is worth 40 times that of a California vote. So it doesn't matter if 10,000,000 Californians vote for a senator because each state ONLY GETS TWO.