>American demographic projections


There will never again be a Republican president after Texas turns blue. Let that sink in, really think about it. There. Will. Never. Again. Be. A. Republican. President. After. Texas. Turns. Blue. Fuck your stupid ass 14 words, if we don't tell everyone right fucking now that demographics are destiny then America is lost to the brown tide. If you aren't using bots to spam social media and telling your friends and family then you're part of the problem.

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Other urls found in this thread:


don't be racist user, just accept what you can't change.

Do something about it then dipshit

This map is very inacurrate
Slavs are not white

B-b-b-but RUSSIA BAD

Im marrying a latina.

The Republican party will have to brand itself as something other than outright racist

Like it or not, spicks and niggers are here to stay. The all white ethnostate fantasy is never ever going to happen

An inclusive Republican party needs to return to the basic principles of small government and personal liberties. The scare tactics will not work in the future. Voter disenfranchisement and gerrymandering are a bandaid solution. It will not work forever.


I was under the impression that this was common knowledge for quite awhile. They even brag about america turning non-white.

Attached: Baby Boomer.jpg (1080x1099, 660K)

Alaska looking like the last hold out in War for the Planet of the Apes.

>There will never again be a Republican president after Texas turns blue. Let that sink in, really think about it. There. Will. Never. Again. Be. A. Republican. President. After. Texas. Turns. Blue.

The two parties will still be around long after they stomp out all white people. They will just change their message to pander to a different demographic.

I think they injected too much vaccine.

They did it, they actually fucking did it. Their plan to import a bunch of these gross brown creatures worked and now they'll win every election from now on. The Democrats did this for their own personal gain, to gain power, at our eternal expense.

I have never wanted to line traitors up and shoot them as much as I do at this moment. Civil war is inevitable.

no one cares

whites WANT to be replaced

Most whites are just too complacent. They think they can keep being surrounded by niggers and being treated as before. They think THEIR houses and THEIR neighborhoods will be "okay". They don't understand that the "racist" profiling cops and the "rich old white men" in high positions is the only thing keeping the browns from raping and murdering every single white alive until sparse, besieged gate communities remain, like in South Africa. They don't understand what they stand to lose, because they never lived without it. I'm 30 years old and at 6 my school was teaching "equality" already. That was the fucking mistake. There is no easy way to unlearn that without critical sense. It's a terminal teaching for most people. A war has to be fought and it has to be won, otherwise America and the rest of the west are doomed forever.

There is some humor in all this.

So the white race will be lost and the color peoples will rule the world...

But what world? China is doing its best to turn Earth into Venus. India is mass breeding the 'modern human', one that is almost purely a waste creator. Pollution is not going away, plastics are being produced nonstop. 3rd world cities are becoming trash heaps, and as those people move to others cities, they so to pile up. We are not getting to space.

Jewish/British offshoring has never been stronger. Banking cartels control the flow of nearly all wealth. Corporations continue to monopolize and fortify their industries.

The Left wants more 'state intervention' in said Corps, as if a multi billion dollar company and the State have ever said "oh please dont make us work together"

The right can;t seem to find the right ideological basis to properly fight the new age woo cult the Left has become.

Socialists have blamed [[[capitalism]]] for everything, allowing the mercantile - corporate - oligarchy to use it as a false flag while they get fatter.

On and on and on.

For any of this to sustain itself many, many people will have to die. Be it by revolution or be it by apocalypse.

>There will never again be a Zionist president after Texas turns blue

This makes me want to kill myself so the white race can live on.

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Those are insane leftists/Jews. Normies are oblivious to this or don't think about it out of uninterrupted dissonance. It's okay to be white is fucking stupid, you should be posting demographic projections.

Every American politician pledges fealty to AIPAC.

Dude, balkanization is the future. Once white dudes figure out being the authoritarian backbone(police, military, fire service, etc) is a shitty gig, communites will be on their own.

Thats sepsis of somekind , that baby wont make it by the looks of it.

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I've told my mom this and she doesn't care. She doesn't see it as bad. She is one of those small town girls that was a "rebel" and now having lived in the (((city))) for a while, "wants to be black"
I wish I could move

actions speak louder than words

Surely that supreme Aryan blood will win out lol :^)

This. Future is ww3/revolutin/big change/economic crash call it what you want but in suma sumarum many, many people will/must die and im afraid it will be white people first targeting/competing with other white people.
In ashes of aftermath brown/yellow people will quitle die in heaps untill all of civilisation is lost.
What happens after will no longer concern humans, some other simple life form that can thrive in poor enviroment conditions will thrive, for thousands of years before things improve even slightest.

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I know man, but we're losing territory in the meantime. Decentralization will save us all but I don't want just some small patch of land in North Dakota when the lines are drawn. The sooner we get to that point the more territory we get.

>sperging out to everyone you know just to shill for a jew controlled party
The republicans won’t do shit to solve demographics. The vast majority of their base has no problem with the hordes of subhumans flooding this country. Many of them may not like niggers or beaners but they would still be appalled if you suggested removing them from the USA. Stop counting on cucked political parties to solve your problems. Move far far away from the city, become self sustainable, and have shit tons of white kids and raise them right.

I'm not saying to shill for republicans, just that they are a proxy for white power and will soon be powerless in the executive. We need white identity now and a picture of demographic projections is the way to spread it.

>Move far far away from the city, become self sustainable,
Bro you can't ignore politics because politics don't ignore you.

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This very moment if America/Europe/china/Russia decided not to use nukes and deal with ``local/regional`` nations they would wipe out 99% of them.
This very moment If america alone decided every black person on Earth must die it would be over in a few years and there wouldnt be a thing stopping it other than other white people, literally.

>muh pendulum swing
There’s not any fucking pendulum swing to the right. The whole pendulum thing is retarded. I always hear the stupid ass “the pendulum always swings back twice as hard” when does this happen? Give me a fucking example of this
>muh weimar to nazis
The nazis came to power under some very unique circumstances that won’t be replicated today. They had just lost the biggest war in history to that point, there was a huge economic depression, millions of germans starved to death from the depression as well as blockades, and their neighbor had just had a major communist revolution. Besides weimar lasted 13 years whereas we’ve been in this degenerate decay since the 60s. And let’s not forget they were probably close to 99% white. You’re a fucking retard if you think any decent political parties will take power in the USA.

We need to form a white workers union, with the explicit goal of stockpiling enough food/water to survive a one to two month strike across all industries. If whites stop working, the entire system collapses and we can regain our country. The next two years need to be about white solidarity.

Voting doesn't change anything. Trump could stay in office for the next 50 years and Whites would still be a minority within the next 15. Let's be real, his cabinet is filled with Israel-firster kikes and he's definitely working on their behalf. All US politicians are, they can't get elected otherwise. And if they betray Israel in any fashion, they get their brains blown out like JFK. The uncomfortable truth is that our problem can only be solved with violence. And most White Americans are far too comfortable in their everyday lives to risk dying in the streets for their beliefs. As long as they have food in the fridge and a big flat screen to watch sports on, they couldn't care less about how brown the country becomes. Sure they may voice their opinion on it, but they aren't willing to go to desperate lengths to change anything. By the time their quality of life plummets to a level where they'd consider risking it all, it'll be far too late to do anything about the problem. We can't vote ourselves out of our predicament. We have to be willing to fight. You can call me a glow nigger all you want. But you and I both know it's the truth.

I'm okay with this. Survival of the fittest. The weaker lesser species always die out.

The republican party is done. As is America more than likely.

I’ll still go vote straight red in every election, but the odds of it actually solving our demographic issues i’d say are close to zero. Even if we never let another non-white into the country were still fucked cause theyre outbreeding us. Republicans are not going to do anything to encourage wite birth rates. Also the mainstream republican stance on immigration is that they’re only against illegeal immigration. “We don’t care where you come from, just do it legally!”. Republicans will not do anything to encourage white birth rates, they won’t stop non-white legal immigration, and they won’t kick any legal non-whites out. They couldnt compete as a party if they did because maybe 1% of people would actually support this. And these views are not ever going to be widely supported in this country. All of these are necessary to solve our demographic issue.


It’s hard to do anything when you get banned from communication platforms for speaking the truth and if you set up your own communication platform, you get banned from the internet like Gab did. The people causing this downward spiral hold the control on public discourse and “hate speech” is being hunted everywhere.

You’re not allowed to talk about the problems unless those problems are white people.

There’s nothing wrong you idiot. There are more whites now than ever before in history. Sage this shit

I don't because if you try to do or say anything about it your cowards friends who privately agree with you will condemn you.

>can only be solved with violence
No. Even if you get violent and kill all the non-whites it won’t help. This isn’t going to happen overnight, and (((they))) will see it coming and will simply move all their money to new nations, set up shop there and fund a huge military to destroy you. Germany tried to do this, but the jews fled to USA and Britian and then used them to crush Germany.

>the odds of it actually solving our demographic issues i’d say are close to zero
Anti-immigration policy is good and significant. Awakening white racial consciousness sooner rather than later is what will save us.

>All of these are necessary to solve our demographic issue.
Preserving the territory we have with good policy is important. We'll likely balkanize in the future and the breadth of white land is being determine now.


yep. we are royally fucked. Even if there was a civil war that we won, there's still be massive deportations that would be a logistical nightmare. Even a flat-out genocide attempt wouldn't work. the 1965 immigration act ruined us. Reagan was actually the last hope to save us demographically and he didn't.

This is kind of like if some microorganism infected lions and made all their teeth and claws fall out so lions eventually got exterminated by hyenas. Is it survival of the fittest? I suppose. But it’s still the loss of a majestic species due to a parasite that the lion isn’t even aware of.

the world isn't divided into whites and non-whites you mongoloid

It is as long as Jews use non-whites to attack whites as they've been doing for centuries.

All of this was decided before we were born, our parents and grandparents did nothing. It sucks, but white people are fucking dumb as shit and are going to suffer tremendously soon. Atleast here in Australia its mostly Asians, so it will probably just be a slow decay into a 3rd world SEA nation of Hapas.

It's Europe and USA full of niggers and muslims that are going to get very violent.

Attached: sorry we are fucked.jpg (500x336, 114K)


probably has this as well. dicked

I haven’t seen a single politician support an anti non-european immigration stance. The only “anti-immigration” we have is anti illegal immigration.

>there will never be another president from the Grand Ole borrow-and-spend party of loophole hypocrites and impotent sandbaggers

Seriously what a retarded solution. That would take so much effort to actually get people to do it and stockpile all that shit. Instead you could devote that effort to moving away from the city, being self sustainable and having tons of white kids. And if you convinced people to do that instead if go on some dumbass strike it would have a much bigger impact.

What if this was the black cloud Steiner Van Rensburg foresaw in his vision of ww3?

That's a vast improvement over the left's plan.

That strategy won't work for the Jews this time I'm afraid. The Jews will be slaughtered once all whites are aware of the Jewish Problem via internet.

It's already fucking happening. Take your black pill and shove it up your ass.

Much more realistic. God bless.

Jesus Christ that poor baby.

Bullshit, you are a fucking loser. Whites will win and you will grease our tank treads.

And i don’t disagree, which is why i said i’ll always vote red. But it’s not going to solvd the demographics issue. And it’s unlikely the republican solutions to immigration will shift much in the direction we want, as all politics have been moving rapidly to the left for centuries.

maybe nonwhites should be exterminated. just sayin

What a fucking larp. This awakening of white people would take years to happen, and (((they))) would have plenty if time to react accordingly. If you actually believe there is going to be some massive jewish slaughter in thr USA, you’re a retard. And i’m not black pilled dumbass. I’m just telling the truth that politicians aren’t going to do shit and stop putting your hope in them to save the day. There are other solutions.

Trump is president, he sets the rules for apportionment after 2020. Texas has about 6 more electoral votes than they should because of illegals. If Trump takes away EVs from states which have lots of non-citizens then California, Texas, IL, FL, NY all lose about 30 electoral votes combined and states like Iowa, Kentucky, Ohio will all gain EVs.

Also TX turnout was low, Trump will get 4.9 million votes in 2020 and the Dem will get 4.1 and call it a win. In GA the Dems will get 2 mil and Trump will get 2.3 mil and shit on them.

The reality is that the future lies in turning out whites and moving EVs to white states.

>why aren't you freaking out

Most young whites tend to be secular regardless of party, "conservatism" is dead. In the long term Maryland- where a white Republican easily defeated a black Democrat because 70% of whites voted Republican- is the future. White Liberals will get kicked out of the Democratic party by non-whites, then they'll become liberal Republicans. Whites in general will end up becoming a block vote like in Brazil. Brazil is what happens when whites are only half the population- you get Bolsonaro cracking down on the niggers instead of Trump hugging Kanye.

Reps got 29% of Hispanics, 35% in Texas. It will take a long time before anything happens.

There needs to be either a coup, a war, or secession; otherwise, we're going to have to start returning to Europe.

There's no way to salvage the US throuh liberal means. There are just too many larinos already in the country, and they've spread to so many states,

k i'll go tell other races to stop having kids brb

Still waiting on America's claim of being the greatest nation on Earth to be fulfilled, and not the bringers of doom. They'll correct things just you wait.

This will never happen though. Whites are too engrossed with sportsball and mt. dew to do anything.

Yes, white identity is the only thing that can save us which is why I made this thread. Waking up normies to the future is our only hope.

This is precisely the type of shit that turns normies off white identity.

No, tell white normies they're being replaced.

What is?

Too little too late on demographics. This is now a lost cause. 2016 Trump/House/Senate was a last ditch effort and nothing happened. The focus should be on what comes next, because it's clear that immigration is not changing anytime soon and the clock ran out on this issue years ago.

>An inclusive Republican party needs to return to the basic principles of small government and personal liberties. The scare tactics will not work in the future. Voter disenfranchisement and gerrymandering are a bandaid solution. It will not work forever.

> yes goyim pretend this is not an advance auction of stolen goods
> go barry goldwater!
> go ron paul!
> don't worry you guys are going to start winning any day now
> in the meanwhile welcome to new brazil


the amerimutt that made this doesnt know that there is WHITE people in argentina

This “info graphic” is inaccurate. You do realize that white people live in Africa, right? And that Asians aren’t black?

sorry couldn't spot you behind all those niggers

This. Like i’ve said still go vote red just in case, there’s like a .00000001% chance republicans will do shit to solve demographics so why not take the chance. But don’t count on that as a solution. Move far away from the (((city))), become self sufficient and have tons of white kids.
>hurr durr youre black pilled
Yea, let’s just live in complete denial and pretend voting R will fix everything. If i was blackpilled i would be saying there are no solutions so we shouldn't even care about white people, just do what the fuck you want. Instead some people are actually trying to offer solutions that will actually do something. Good luck counting on Ted Cruz amd Sheriff Brown to save the white race.


I intended that for this:


I doubt there are many. Most have some indigenous admixture, even then spaniards have a decent bit of african dna to begin with


I actually had a plan to go around my town asking whites how they feel about becoming a minority and giving subtle redpills with each question to make them more uncomfortable. Alas, I do not own a camera or a microphone or even know what video software to use.
If anyone wants to take my idea and do it, go right ahead, I'm sure you'd get a good amount of views.

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>return to Europe
You realize Europe is facing the same problems we are right? Except they don't the guns to deal with the problem. We have the guns, but not the resolve to do anything because most whites are too engrossed with sportsball, video games, and mt. dew and I don't see those things disappearing anytime soon.

I love it when newfags realize the demographic crisis and freak the fuck out, it's like a right of passage almost.

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White women suck though.

>i have this great idea i just need someone to do the work for me

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It hurts for a while, but eventually you just have to laugh at how fucked this world is.

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fuck off. White women are the best.

Who cares. As long as we secure 2020 we can proceed with the final steps. We level the dome, rebuild the temple mount and hopefully invade Iran. The future looks bright, don't worry.


I've been coming here since Trump was elected and it was only a week ago that I realized what was really happening. I didn't sleep at all for the first three days after discovering that whites will be a minority by 2040. I'm still having trouble sleeping, but it's not quite as bad.

They're all whores

>Smelly shitskin thinks he can conquer the White man
That's what the Persians thought in 500BC
The Punics in 250BC
The various Moors and Muslims throughout late antiquity and the middle ages
The East Asians in the modern era
And countless other fools

We conquered you all. And we set you free. The only force that could bring us to our knees was our own.

You think a brief moment of lethargy is a sign of our downfall?

Our blood was forged in the frost of mother Europe, tempered like the Extremophiles which became the archetype of all true life.

We suffered the plagues, the famines, the fires, the wars and the ruinous ideologies which sent us into darkness countless times.

And every time we fell, we found a way to rise again.

Do not mistake our cuts for mortal wounds or our slumber for a lifeless corpse, unless you want to make the same mistake that all the other opportunistic hordes lost throughout the ages have done.

So by all means continue with your heckling, continue with your defilement of our legacy, continue with your delusions of victory, the sooner you wake the sleeping giant the better.

It matters not how many of us remain when it happens, we have turned the tide against greater calamities before.

Mother Earth will once again feel the marching feet of her greatest children on her surface, perhaps this time in true unity, and perhaps this time to your lament; with less mercy.

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I've been here four years, it's time to mobilize on revealing the demographic future to normies.

t. alt-lite

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Gtfo fag your kind is part of the problem

It's over bros. We hitched our wagon to Trump and what remains of the just electoral process in the hopes of saving the White race peacefully.

But now we have to admit it may have failed. Trump has accomplished almost nothing to stem the tide. Now there may even be no wall without military intervention. The biggest Republican legislative victories in the past 20 years was spying on their own citizens and some tax cuts.

Once Texas turns blue either in 2020, 2022, or 2024, it's over. Without a serious and permanent realignment in the North and East the Republican party will be officially done forever. Beto came within 4 points, we are the end of our rope electorally right now. The Civnat meme has failed spectacularly

Remember to buy your ammo in urban and Dem areas if you can, leave them nothing.

We don't advocate nor are we planning violence, these are purely defensive measures.

We should also start seriously raising the idea of succession to our friends and family members and online, put it in the public consciousness.

Ignore Jow ForumstheDonald transplants, many of them are not even White, as we know. There is no risk to them in continuing to put their faith in a hamstrung Trump and Kek memes. Many of them are just enjoying the show.

The Marxists will not forgive or forget anyone in the Trump administration, their families, or their progeny, if and when they seize power. This goes for anyone with an R next to their name in state or federal positions.

Bad advice to the Trump Administration would be to seize the throne, and do it soon, re-election in 2020 is not guaranteed. Do it quickly, fast, silently and confusingly as possible. Send your most loyal generals and units to call up militias in deep red areas. Do none of this.

This post is a joke, take none of it seriously.

Attached: dyingmonkey.jpg (600x600, 40K)

White? Lmao hardly whitish at all, you aren't white.

White people is a late 20th century invention. There are no such thing as white people prior to it.

t. shareblue

A lot of people crying about white genocide sound like the people in the 1840's who worried that English people (the only true white people according to Benjamin Franklin) would become the minority in America. People freaked out as Italians, Germans, and Eastern Europeans immigrated to America. Guess what? They all mixed together and merged into what we now call white Americans, and this made America better. The same thing will happen with Hispanics and Asians, but blacks will possibly remain because of their dominant gene expression.

The same thing that happened in South America will happen in the USA. The whites there mixed in with the native population with little resistance from either side. You can oppose race mixing, but people will still mix. These identitarian movements always fail in the end.

There's no point in crying about it. Guess what? Non-white girls like white guys. Go get laid. Literally just talk to them, and you will get sex.

you've never been here so how can you know? typical of americans bragging about knowing everything and anything when they know fuck all
i can trace my ancestry back to the old continent, can you mutt?