Can we meme falklands into argentine ownership? Just to make brits mad and for the lols

Can we meme falklands into argentine ownership? Just to make brits mad and for the lols

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no, they're British you faggot, the people there are white and speak English

We'll defend our sheep farmers to the death.
That and the oil.

Argentina is 97% white while britain is about 70% white

While being buttfucked by subsaharan muslims.

>making bongs mad
I'm in.

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Argentina has different standards for white from the rest of the world, this is coming from an Amerimutt

Honor ans healthy teeth

Its easy to be white when there is no sun 80% of the year


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>britain is about 70% white

Britain is around 80 - 87% white

Are you guys still butthurt over that little island? Lol... the fucking state.

>disgusting argie tries to meme shit
Stay mad argie. Falklands are British

The sun is about to set on the british empire

We can meme it into English possession, oh wait it already is intended by them

The Sun will never rise over an Argentine one

You wish subhuman, despite all the help from Germany and France aka the states of Somalia you still got your shit pushed in by a roastie leader

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I'm for this.

They killed Patriotism for my country (England) , but if this happened it would fuel patriotism for the united kingdom & co.


Just make up some shit about Britain owning them being racist or something. The bongs will sign off those useless rocks faster than I can say "fuck my wife Ahmed"

Idk why do you care for a shitty country like england. Argentina is great but Peron happened. They were ok until 1800 or so.

Could work. Its not like i care about them but the memes would be gr8

We should ask London mayor William Wallace, sorry, Sadiq Khan (very english name btw) what does he think