AOC - remind me again why we hate her?

>wants universal healthcare
>wants people to earn a living wage
>wants housing as a human right
>is going to push student debt forgiveness
>is hot af
Honestly, if this is what socialism in America looks like, maybe it isn't so bad after all

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her foot game is weak

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NPC behavior, not here

I will never like or be in favor of Socialists.

Wanting universal healthcare and wanting open borders are mutually excluding points. She probably doesn't realize that.

Nobody takes you seriously with a memeflag you fucking dipshit. All this shilling is for nothing because your flag gives it away every time.

You obviously haven't lived under Latino rule.

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I honestly believe I could fuck some sense into her.


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>remind me again why we hate her?

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Well, she is literaly a product of public education, and it showed in her interviews.

fuck off jew

>Communist, not a Jew.

Oh the ironing.

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This, this and fucking this

>not realizing communism and capitalism are two sides of the same jewish coin
We need non-Marxian socialism.

>Marxism is far more shitty than crapitalism.
Fuck off broke fag. Her proposals are shit.
Wheres the money going to come from when Americans are already taxed 30%+

>Jew York Goblina will only embarrass the Dumbassrats

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I don't forgive butthurt manchildren and womenchildren for spending tens of thousands of dollars on a degree in star wars studies

"Hey we build 30k tanks every year and we don't use them. We have to keep them in working conditions, so we scrap the unused ones we build 10 years ago"...
You have trillions of GDP and still drop it on nonsense. Then whine you don't know where the money is.
The country runs on student debt they will not pay back, way too big cars that will impounded when the economy crash, buying shit stuff nobody needs and so on.
But reserving a fucking field somewhere adjacent to a city to allow 30k homeless to live in tents, oh, third world alarm.
Maybe they could bunk in the unused tanks, bro?

Because she's not white. That's all Jow Forumsreally cares about, they're too stupid to understand something like healthcare

Look at her fucking eyes. She's goddamn crazy.

Puerto Rico has a habit of electing politicians who promise gibs just like this Puerto Rican woman. Look at where PR is now.

this 100%. the have nots will keep increasing in number and the system will be out of balance

Are you baiting or shill baiting?

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Real Marxism has never been tried because it runs out of people or money or both.

>Fuck off strawman merchant.

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She's a goddess

>open borders
>gun grabber
fuck off you retarded memeflag faggot

Then you'll like this one too.

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>student debt forgiveness
>2/3 of undergrads are now women
>scholarships thrown at you left and right
>still pursue a useless humanities degree, work at starbucks

and the men who hit the books in real, applicable areas of study will now be on the hook for it through more taxes. Women are a meme.

>"free" shit that middle class whites have to foot the bill for
>"free" shit that middle class whites have to foot the bill for
>"free" shit that middle class whites have to foot the bill for
>looks like a horse

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Isn't that Huma? Wait, I can't fucking tell. That's Huma, isn't it?

Socialism only works with a pure white population. Thats why it'll never work and if you want it to work then kick out all non-whites. Can't have your cake and eat it.

>Right on one issue
>Wants anti-white policies
>Wants more gibs for niggers
>Wants more gibs for niggers
>Wants more gibs for niggers
>Ugly as sin with creepy senpaku eyes

You're a kike and if you ever open your mouth and speak this cringe in public you'll spend the rest of your week picking your teeth out of the grass.

>is hot af
you like trannys dont you OP. you that faggot from atop the fourth wall? are you alex jones? do you have 37 terabytes of dick girl pron?

HERESY! Each society has its own word for HERESY!

Communists called all HERESY! fascism.

Fascist Italy called all HERESY! Communism.

Today, the Politically Correct tyranny calls HERESY! "Hate!"

They call people who speak HERESY! names.

You Political Correctness fanatics are playing a very old game.

When you scream HERESY! aka Hate! at people who disagree with you, it says nothing about the point we make.

But it tells us ALL about YOU ANTI-WHITES.


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Anti-whites permanently paying White Genocide reparations.

The main problem is that she probably talks shit about whites, particularly white men. And even if she doesn't, her supporters most certainly do.

>Housing as a human right

Are we going to re-enslave some group and whip them when they aren't building new structures fast enough? -because someone will have to build those.

Reminder to report all spam and nontopic slide threads.

this is her kind of people

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She'd be excellent if she weren't anti-white. But she's anti-white. There's no getting around that.

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>>is going to push student debt forgiveness

FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>She's a goddess

If she was a republican you would say she was a butt ugly dog.

Her bf is literally a ginger

I’ve unironically blown so many loads to her

Says the brave incel from his basement, fuck of Q fag

She say she needs 40 trillion to make this happen. Kek free isn’t free especially with lazy fucking spics and niggers leaching off the system. You have any idea the tax hike to get there would and it won’t just be the rich being taxed.

capitalism is a WASP system.
the jews exploit it every time though.

Would you say no if she came looking for your dick?

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look we all know her base is full of the "kill all white men" brigade. Many of those types weirdly have white boyfriends but that doesn't make it okay

According to Jow Forums
>She is hot as fuck
>Lauren Southern is ugly as fuck

It is as if Jow Forums is infested with spics or something.

Oh right, it is...

she's anti white and anti gun

>thinks USA belongs to her kind

>is hot af
If you're into horses maybe

because as every champagne socialist before her, she'll sell her stands for the highest bidder without any questions.
> hot af
you got shit taste Jamal, go slay soe prime Latin pussy like Keisha Grey

meh, that's what they all say
>>wants universal healthcare
fuck off Im not paying for tanisha and her 7 kids
>>wants people to earn a living wage
this is how you kill small businesses
>>wants housing as a human right
fuck off
>>is going to push student debt forgiveness
absolutely not. I've worked all through school, so can others
>>is hot af

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you forgot dumb af

>small businesses
Yes, I would hate to lose the remaining 6 in the country.
All of your other points are sound though.


wtf is that

That's an insult to horses.
She has a flat ass.

A wild jewess blocks your path

Hell no. And lets be honest it's only because she's one of the very few hot people in politics that she gets all this attention from both the right and the left.

you say...
She's a horse faced ugly goblin.

Another shill thread for this horse toothed retard who cant even do math