Do we deserve what's happening to us?

Is everything that's happening to white countries karma for what we have done to the world.Even if we did elevate the lesser races it is not as if they had asked us to,and it was only accomplished after much subjugation and suffering.Are the chickens coming home to roost?As I sit here and watch the white man go the way of the Dodo bird I have tears streaming down my face.This really hurts.Louis CK was a prophet

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You deserve it for being emphatic cucks

Colonization was a mistake.

Based cuckposter

this, we should have just genocided all the other races we came across

With the possible exception of asians.

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Naw you're all just filthy kikes eating kike pills. Your Jewish overlords control you and poison your children while you're hard at work finding the (((real))) bad guys. All your medications are laced with diseases and your medical system uses blatent satanic symbolism as their logo. Lol Jews are gross. I wunna gas you all and start over.

>Amsterdam - gayest city in Europe

yes. you deserve every bit of this, and worse.

Shut the fuck up, yellow fever degenerate faggot. Even after reading shit like OPs pic, you still have the audacity to shill your shitty racixing bullshit.

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Lol you don't honestly believe women prefer other races over white men do you? Come now my boy you've been brainwashed.

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Colonialism brought civilization to the world.

Oh good idea goyim, share your shit with literal orcs and goblins.

First of all, the asians are pretty damn based. They don't need to be genocided. Second, I didn't say we need to racemix faggot, we just need to be separate.

>We're Dutch. Dutch people are crazy.

>what we have done to the world

You mean like spreading civilization? Introducing modern medicine and farming that resulted in the general end of mass starvation (granted, Africa still has problems).

The world owes a huge debt, especially to England.

Good one.

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He said it brought it not that the animals had the ability to adopt it.

Cherry picking: The Image

You deny white genocide.

you deserve it only if you keep allowing it.
get mad and get of your ass

Dude we literally had to civilize the asians into submission and cooperating with us for monetary purposes thru war for the majority of the 20th century. Asians are based at all with exception of north korea cause they're still giving a big fuck you to the entire world as opposed to S. korea who became bitches to the globalist industry and now have one the highest suicide rates. They're not based at all just subservient to the power structures. After asians came the mid east the gulf arabs are subservient and build a place like dubai while a place like Iran gave a big fuck you to the world and locked itself off. Hell if you wanna talk about population replacement im pretty sure saudi arabia is like 80% indian now. The upcoming decades we're probably going to begin regime change in africa which happened a lil bit in the 90s like rawanda. Pic related is rawanda today. The needs of technology and capital have always outweighed the needs of humanity in western civilization. No country in this world today is based other than N. korea and Iran. Everyone else is a bitch to globalism and we fuckin want it that way.

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You are a paranoid incel

It's truth