women were a mistake
just make a gay scouts
thats what this is about right
Remember this.
Opening your organization up for women and doing what they want won't satisfy them.
They will want more and more and never be satisfied.
isn`t this what they wanted?
Where were they when the Boy Scouts were getting cucked by feminists and jews? If they stood in solidarity with the Boy Scouts, they wouldn't have seen this change that will make them irrelevant.
Saw that coming a mile away. Rule #1 - No amount of compromise is ever enough for these people, they will always demand more.
They aren't the same organization. If boy scouts becoms just The Scouts, even if Girl Scuts change their name and include boys, the boy scouts will have access to the more recognizable name which could be bad gor the GS.
Have you guys been sleeping under a rock about this issue? The girl scouts of America and the (Formerly) Boy Scouts of America are two entirely different organizations that have no bearing on each other.
The Girl scout organization opposed the Boy scouts starting girl troops because they know that their program sucks ass compared to girls and given the choice everyone would rather go camping rather than going door to door selling cookies
No it's that girls wanted to ne in the Boy Scouts and forced them to change, so they were trying to change their name, and girls won't let them so that either. Welcome to 2018 bro, enjoy the stay.
I fucking hate what has become of Scouts.
Girl Scouts was always a joke of an institution that in no way mirrored the male counterpart, so Venture Crew was set up for girls that wanted a more Boy Scout experience. But Girl Scouts didn't want to lose members, so they never advertised Venture Crew. Still, women complained and Boy Scout upper brass was so bad at retaining young boys that they felt the need to open the doors to women. Now Girl Scouts is suing because they know they will lose membership, Venture Crew will become nonexistent, and everybody hates both of the main organizations.
sucks ass compared to the boy's program*
Adding on to this, this isn't a women thing, this is a shittily run organization ree'ing over the competition, nothing to act misogynist over
It's an organisation that's suing, not "women"
based n redpilled, women are more sexist to themselves than anyone else.
Girl Scouts has effectively neutered the "Boy Scouts"-female organization, Venture Crew, for years. Boy Scouts opened it as an opportunity for Girls to get into the more traditional outdoors activities, but Girl Scouts vehemently opposed it. Now Boy Scouts is just going full hog (because they are doing a fucking awful job at retaining membership) and Girl Scouts is mad, knowing a that the Boy Scouts brand will do a much better job of luring away their members.
Boy Scouts has a program that girls can join named Venture Crew. Granted, the age requirements are higher than normal scouting (14-18 iirc) but the real reason Boy Scouts opened the doors is because they were bleeding membership.
The Girl Scouts are pretty based compared to how full of faggotry the Boy Scouts have become over the last decade.
Different organizations.
One is run by a money making scheme to sell cookies, the other actually teaches useful lessons.
Both groups are a scam, I'd never donate to either one or let my kid join.
They have good but overpriced cookies, that's it.
this is a textbook case on jewish cultural chaos
Jews spent YEARS pushing for first gays then girls to join the Boy Scouts
this is not opinion it is documented. they're PROUD they were fighting for "inclusivity"
the result is that now two formerly admirable institutions are effectively destroyed, and no decent person would go anywhere near them
Boy Scouts is still largely inept.
They do a good job of raising young leaders, but most don't stick with the organization until they're much older and have children. That leads to a very old-fashioned leadership group that has no idea how to keep young men interested in the lessons. One of my neighbors is still actively involved in his troop and they've struggled with membership numbers.
I was an Eagle Scout almost a decade ago and every year even before then the kids thinned out in numbers and became less and less interested in the lessons we had planned. My troop was the only one to retain a decent portion of its original members (the majority of whom got their Eagle). I can't imagine how bad it is today now that kids can play fortnite on their phones.
You are the mistake
Keep it as "Boy Scouts", let girls join if they want.
Scout here, boy or girl is not important, I just want to say one thing:
Cheers to the Boy Scouts
Cheers to the Girl Scouts
Cheers to the Guides and the Venturers
At least for Boy Scouts I think video games and the internet have led to a significant drop in membership. Young men don't want to go camping, they'd rather sit on their smartphones or play whatever games are popular. If you like being outdoor odds are you play sports and don't have the time to commit to Boy Scouts as well. Almost every merit badge you can receive that doesn't require some physical interaction with other people could be done online (Personal Finance lessons for example, you still need to be in-person for Emergency Preparedness).
>boys joining the girl scouts, ever
What world do you live in. Some girls just want to do outdoor shit and learn about knots and camping. No boy wants to learn about selling cookies and honestly I have no idea what GSA does because no one lasted past 4th grade. BSA scouts stay thru senior year and use their completion as application fodder. It's revered. No one gives a shit about GSA.
I'm just being clear that they aren't the same organization like retards in this thread are saying.
Based girl scouts.
GSA is basically a front to teach little girls how to sew and sell cookies. And then once you're older you can work on your Gold Award for a week and then put it on your resume.
Fun Fact: Girl Scout rankings are based entirely on your age. That's right, you don't have to do jack shit to rank up in Girl Scouts except for aging. Girl Scouts organizations will gladly let you join for one month when you are 18 so you can do all the requirements for your Gold Award as long as you pay them a monthly due. I can understand why girls wouldn't want to be in Girl Scouts, there is no fucking incentive to even be there until you are at least 14 years old.