Only 6 more years til President Cortez.
Only 6 more years til President Cortez
2 more dipshit
Too soon....
She won't be old enough in 2020.
The only thing she could possibly be good for is using her mouth as a fuck toy
inb4 she runs that district into the ground
And saving America from the boomers.
Yassssssssqueeen. Slay!!!!! Any other response would be sexist.
she makes a good margarita. ariba ariba
You fags are dumb as dog shit
I'd vote for her. I mean shit, she actually seems to care about doing a good job, and she's a LOT easier on the eyes than the current orange blob, or that run down Slavic prostitute he hangs out with.
She plans to do socialist policies that literally failed miserably in France,Italy,Canada etc.
That tells you almost everything on her decision making and leadership.
America can produce people smarter than this chicken but will (((they))) allow it ?
Or more accurate question what they need her for ? Purpose ? Katalysator ?
Why did they draw her white?
>failed miserably in France,Italy,Canada
France and Canada are doing better than us. Haven't looked up anything about Italy.
Because there's only one race, user, the human race.
Nah, too much of the country is unwilling to vote for a literal socialist. The bigger danger is she's Schumer 2.0, with a New York base that will always, always vote her in. I wouldn't be worried about her running for President for another 14 years at least.
>too much of the country is unwilling to vote for a literal socialist
Then it looks like it's time for a purge.
Look. Dude. Right now we're talking about universal healthcare. Which, btw, is something literally every other developed nation does. If she manages to 'seize the memes of production' or what ever? Then I'll be worried. You have to understand. We spend like 9,000 USD per YEAR on medical costs for everyone here because we're not animals, and have laws against leaving people to die in the street. Problem is, giving everyone ER visits for medical care is literally the worst way to deal with sickness. It's way cheaper to send Paco, Shaquanda, and Zeke McWhiteoid to a doctor to get some antibiotics than it is to wait until we have to spend 50k to cut off an infected food or some stupid shit.
Then 3 months after she loses, Camwhore Cortez.
Spoiler alert - That district is already ran into the ground. There is nothing to run, hence why she won.
t. commie faggot
dnc put a gag on her within 6 months of her campaigning for an essentially unopposed house seat. imagine all the dumb shit she'll say now that she has has to politic.
I'd be impressed if the vapid horse faced cunt learns basic math in six years.
Look. Dude. I hope some nigger murders you.
Did /Pol meme Cortez into Congress?
She looks far too normal here, someone shop it please to be more like reality (pic related).
This piece of shit dystopia won't happen.
Stay salty. I'll be betting with my friends about what we'll learn when subpoena season starts.
She's too ditzy to win anything but a democrat seat in a Democrat state.
No. no. No. it won't and can't happen. She is dumb as a rock and she is about to find out just how out of her league she is.
Who’s that a picture of? If it’s ment to be that crazy eyed flared nostril Cortez it’s way off.... reminds me of this
Id vote for her if you know what i mean
Yes. It's going to be fun watching her fail.
This would be more accurate
Fucking kek.
I said some socialist policies to make ``30 trillions`` if i remember correctly.
Not entire economy, she cant change shit about that , thats clear.
You med system is corrupt to the bone to gain max profits as i can see it. People that dont have jobs should have just basic heatlhcare covered i agree.
Don't backpedal too hard, you'll sprain something.
Loving all this insulting art, shows they're more scared of her than they were of Obama. 2024's in the bag.
I'm not sure she will run as soon as she is able to, but I wouldn't be surprised if she ran in 2028 or 2032 as long as she hasn't seriously fucked anything up.
And make no mistake, if the current trend to become more socialist prevails, she will be president one day (again, assuming she doesn't fuck up). She's just too perfect of a candidate for the puppet masters to not use.
don't forget to say POR FAVOR
she's not that white
By 2024 will be in last year of tribulations.
That doesnt make sense but its lovely you care about me user.
>President Cortez
>2024's in the bag.
very true, she cant loose with these policies