I've had enough now, Trump has just kept letting me down and down and down this whole fucking year. First he ignores all criticism and actually intelligent questions ever presented to him, then he invites Kanye West to the white house for one of the worst mockery discussions of the entire century and NOW more and more of his own handpicked cabinet keeps on resigning orleaving due to corrupt scandals.
How much more shit has to happen before you people realize we put a JOKE in office and made the country worst? The fuck you people think this is funny? that the state of america is just some joke to you? Fucking edgelords dont want america to be better, they just want to keep the fun going. This is why being american in modern times is so disheartening.
>89.9% black vote for Democrats We already know your allegiance stop pretending it was ever otherwise. We all vote by demographics now, see you at the next race war
Zachary Powell
As a black man, how the fuck did you think electing trump was going to have any positive effect on people of color, or hell, even the country at large? Are you dense?
William Gonzalez
wow so this is what the average burger who calls me a leaf looks like
Jordan Nelson
He just bumped Sessions you fool. The ride is just beginning.
Samuel Flores
>there are blacks here after nigger threads
Why wont blacks just start a National Socialist movement in Detroit or some shit? Show us wh*toids the way.
genuinely I reread your post for a specific complaint and I didn't find one what are you most concerned about?
Blake Fisher
How is America worse off than it was in 2015?
Ayden Butler
Eh I don't like Trump is sucks too much kike cock, that aside being a president isn't being a dictator. He doesn't have the power to do whatever the fuck he wants.
Ian Torres
Kayden Foster
Fuck off nigger, you have an entire continent to ruin. Trump is a pro-Israel mistake, but he isn't yours.
Evan Collins
theyre just gonna calll you names, you cant even expect half a real argument
Chase King
The fuck are you talking about? Kavanaugh is in, the economy is doing great, birthright citizenship is about to get wasted, the Senate is still our to put in more right wing judges, Sessions is gone, and there was no blue wave. And this was all in the last month.
I voted for trump you fucking idiot, this reminds me of a time. I was in kansas and this white guy didnt want to offend me cause he ASSUMED I voted for Hilary and I had to tell him who I voted for just to have a standard sane conversation. Seriously whats with these fucking stereotypes on people you have never met.
Neither choice was good, but democrats have been ruining the country and hillary has had too many slipups just on her own.
I'm concerned abou america's future on all accounts and how the country is taking a turn for the worst with all the racist, sexist, gender dysfunctional, political phobia nonsense plaguing the nation with the helping aid of social media turning brother against brother and a President who isn't stepping up to the plate the way he should even though he has most of congress on his side.
More racism, biased behavior and idocy. I was born in america you fucking dolt.
Yeah thank you man, starting to see that.
This is true, however these are small steps to a larger fixing. Education is still poor with more and more teachers being loss, medical care is still absolute dog shit, literally one of my friends had to pay for his medical card,democrats still actively ruining the nation.
Nice opinion, did you want me triggered by it now or later?
Either get you mind right, get in the game, or stand on the fucking sideline where you belong. No one said MAGA was going to be easy, and clean. How else do you think we take down a bunch of criminal pedophiles, unless we put some skin in the game? You think you can BTFO of satanic elitists by “The Book”? We needed a dirty street fighter, who isn’t afraid to take chances. While you’re crying about decorum, and being presidential, real motherfuckers are getting ready to water the tree of liberty.
>I don't use race >posts picture, "see I'm black! pay attention to me!" neck yourself, my man. you will only ever be a net fucking drain on our country.
Who cares about Kav, Republicans could of appointed anyone and he isnt anything special
Tyler Bell
my only complaint is he is still trying to fucking play nice with the left Get shit done or fucking go away. I didnt vote for him so we could have 4 years of nothing GO AFTER THEM YOU FUCKING ORANGE FAGGOT he has 2 years to prove he can slap the left down or im not voting for him again acceleration is better than stagnation.
Parker Campbell
I cannot wait for america to become a liberal wonderland over the next 25 years. You can see that it's happening, can't you? It scares you, because although there's been a slight uptick in support for your 'politics', you can see the overall trend. You're not an idiot, just in denial. I understand. America is trending toward liberalism, and you can't stand it. You know that uncomfortable feeling you get in your stomach when someone challenges your viewpoint? That's cognitive dissonance. And that feeling is going to get much, much worse over the next few years ;^)
Ethan Rodriguez
wheres my doctor and $2500 in average medical savings, obama?
Cameron Robinson
you're giving me platitudes, not concrete complaints. Stepping up to the plate means what? and I want trump's agenda to fly through but just because you have a Republican legislature doesn't mean they are trump style Republicans.
I get where you are coming from, but unless you convince airports to stop playing cnn the passions of the nation and rhetoric won't change
Isaiah White
Hope you find the light soon because it’s clear you haven’t. Trump is literally fighting evil, we’re ALL fighting evil. The media cannot break Trump — that’s why they paid MILLIONS to Beto and he couldn’t even defeat the man who LOST to DT. Enjoy EVERY SECOND of this administration before it goes away in 2024. We’ll have patriotic SCOTUS’s defending our core liberty values for DECADES. Be proud.
like a typical black guy your arguments are nothing but emotional jabberings, you refuse to substantiate your stupid claims with any articles or references, you literally sound like a crazy homeless person screaming crap.
Ignores all criticism ?, he is being criticized every single day by the media and he always addresses their stupid talking points, just today he had a press conference with the media.
What intelligent questions ?, are you stupid ?, most of the media's question are comprised of stupid leftist talking points, if stupid contrived questions are considered "intelligent" to you then you're freakin retarded dude.
Trump didn't invite Kanye, Kanye came to him.
What corrupt scandals ?, they are not resigning they are simply being fired.
The economy is doing fantastic but then again I bet you're a welfare nigger so you wouldn't care at all, he's is doing great, your stupid arguments have no backing whatsoever, I don't care about what you believe I want to know WHY you believe all this shit, if you don't give me a why I'm not gonna take you seriously dude.
Jason Lopez
have you considered the source of your concern? is it twitter? news? social media? do you know what everyone is doing and thinking?
Jordan Allen
Imagine relying on the entire government and all taxpayers to coddle you just so you can barely make it by vs actually having some grit and self-sufficiency.
Jacob Edwards
>doesn't actually present a reasonable cause to hate trump, still hates trump You sound like a woman.
Brandon Butler
Trump is a deeply flawed man, and nobody with any sense was going to put their destiny in his hands, even if he was viewed as a step in the right direction or whatever. For myself, to "BTFO Socialists" or "trigger SJW's" isn't my modus operandi and anyone with an ounce of maturity wouldn't be entertained by that. People like Ben Shapiro give these little cretins a fucking voice, but he'd never risk his brand by debating, for example, civic nationalism vs. ethnonationalism with someone who isn't a hysterical 20 year old. What really should be is that they are starved of their attention and dopamine. One who thinks that somehow "calling out bigotry" would inherently make them less of a piece of shit shouldn't be trusted with anything. Honestly, how this isn't a prevailing opinion and how much people get out of hearing what they want to hear is the most disturbing thing about all this bullshit.
I'm happy to take any help that I can get. Enjoy toiling in the fields.
Joseph Morgan
Larping nigger faggot or legitimate faggot? Either way still gay and still stupid.
Ayden Diaz
correction, it was, then it woke up and burned the fucking rainbow flags. who is it that's scared?
Ian Smith
Oh, definitely a genuine fag, not black though. You seem upset. Wanna talk about it?
Levi Sanders
This is why you aren't a fucking politician or businessman. You don’t know how to play this game. Every move has a countermove, and so on and so forth. You don’t get it just go in and napalm everything you retard. There are people out there who’s livelihood depends on stability of the the country. You edgy anarchist faggots would run this country into a ditch in the first week. Do you know how imbedded these assholes are? Do you know how long they have been in control of this country? You don’t just go in and cut the arm off, you have to rip the scab off first and let it bleed out a little bit. He’s been in less than TWO YEARS. Learn to play the long game, or neck yourself over not getting the instand gratification you so crave.
This.... right now is peak time for high school kids to raid the board. Every day from about 3pm EST to 9ish or so the board goes to shit as all the Caleb's and Zoe's hop on before doing their homework.
A lot of bullshit racial larping during this time as the kids thing they're being edgy.
I wouldn't be mad friendo. I'm sorry you have gents in here who hide under the umbrella of anonimity but to tell you the truth trump is on the side of good he hasnt let you down. What progress and steps we have made from what we were and you wanna say he let YOU down. No friend i'd say your letting yourself down.
Dylan James
You die first, Tinkerbell. You have no one to protect you anyway. Fuckoff back to Gay Twitter.
Colton Cooper
>Gay marriage legalized in 2015 >First openly gay governor elected to office yesterday
That doesn't really support your argument now, does it?
Also, the icing on the cake: >First muslim elected to office
I can't imagine the spastic screaming echoing through the basements of Jow Forums
Isaac Hill
>it goes away in 2024 Not if he runs on the VP ticket indefinitely and shadow-presidents.
Ethan Reyes
man now i know youre larping dude, why would you care what the media says.
Lucas Perry
>How much more shit has to happen before you people realize we put a JOKE in office and made the country worst? the only thing actually worse about the country than 2015 is how people like you have reacted and you cant even explain why its just a bunch of buzzthoughts the media told you to have with no logical explanation
Isaac Allen
How do you feel about your containment board being overrun with tranny postings nonstop? They might as well change it from /lgbt/ to /trannycentral/
Adam Wright
Hard Attempt at Shilling for $600 Alex.
Ethan Jones
Well, the 'T' in LGBT stands for 'transgender' sooo...
Owen Lee
Only toiling my own garden. Never needed government assistance for anything. The only real reason, (not saying this to be hateful) that white males lean right and all others tend to lean left is because they (the left) honestly feel they cannot keep up with white males without severely holding them back while simultaneously giving everyone else a boost. Hence diversity quotas, minority scholarships, and lowered education admission criteria. The truth isn't kind. White males are more and more saying every day, fuck everyone else demanding my help constantly, wanting to live in countries we built (U.S. and Europe), demanding we hand over all our power, and then smugly boasting it will all be better without them. If that isn't true, then there would be no reason for mass migration from non-white countries to white ones. We will defend our own unapologetically. Move to Canada if you want a liberal utopia. Or California, and fucking don't even think of bringing those shitty politics to another state. (Pictured below, left: "muh dumb hick states" right: Liberal Utopia.)
Yeah but that's ALL the board is about now. I know a few gay people who are rather anti-tranny. They're essentially sick of them.
David Rivera
Polis is an insufferable faggot. Colorado has sucked the last 10 years.
That Muslim chick hates Jews and Israel so IDGF.
Eli Wood
why should white people share a country with black people ive never heard an explanation beyond we deserve punishment for slavery its funny how easily blacks will admit that living with them is a punishment when you just phrase the question like that
>Seriously whats with these fucking stereotypes on people you have never met. lmao maybe because 95%+ of you dickheads vote for communism, without fail, every single election
>Education is still poor Our education is great, our crime rate is great, all our statistics are impressive when you remove all the nonwhites.
Arguing with blacks is pointless. There is no level of accomplishment, appeasement, or argumentation that will convince blacks to vote with whites. Muh BASED Kanye wave of blacks doesn't exist, it will never exist, same with hispanics.
>You know that uncomfortable feeling you get in your stomach when someone challenges your viewpoint? That's cognitive dissonance. And that feeling is going to get much, much worse over the next few years ;^) 4 u
Ok dumbass. 40 never trump RINO's retired from the house who were blocking Trump's agenda. We got rid of Flake and McCain in the senate. Got 3 more trump supporting senators. By the Senate approving lower cout judges preventing progressives from circumventing the laws and Constitution is an unmeasureable win. By losing the house, he helps boost his 2020 presidential run because the Dems will chimp out and obstruct from here until etrnity.
The amount of blood on hands. I would rather a puppet than full blown Psychopath. Better to be butthurt than swimming in another toppled Asian countries dead.
Michael Robinson
Wait did you like sessions?
Justin Wright
fuck the haters. I can't possibly get niggers off the democrat plantation, but you can. Of course you will be an uncle tom at first, but never lose sight.
You're suppose to take a picture with the name of the board followed by the date. Anyways I don't mean to offend you since I'm not white either. I was wondering though what you think can be done to get black folks to vote Republican. I agree that Trump comes off as a buffoon at times but it's his greatest strength in a weird way. Any other guy would back track and start being nice Trump will double down and probably win reelection next year. I also hope that guy John James runes again in 2020 for the senate seat. He's a war veteran which has been shown to be a huge advantage in races and I think Fox would hype him up even more. So to recap can you time stamp the way I like, what can republicans do to win black votes, and I think Trump will win reelection. Feel free to opine brother!!!
David Adams
Joseph Cook
What other choice do you want to go with? The economic collapse that's fast? more war? Or a stop gap with our own punching bad that is saving lives. Or do you have another choice?
Alexander Parker
haha wasting time on a nigger. Did ya burn that EBT card up already?
Leo Jones
>colorado has sucked for the last ten years, it was a lost cause anyway
Even if that is true, it literally changes nothing. I'm right, you're wrong. The country is trending toward liberalism.
Scream all you want. Call me all the names you want. It won't change the fact that you're LOSING in the long term, and I will relish the day you have to quietly shuffle out of your basement with your head down, fists clenched, realizing that 95% of the people around you despise you, and that everything you fought for was for NOTHING, and realizing you willingly committed social/political suicide.
Maybe it's not too late though. Maybe you could suck a couple fat ol' cocks and realize it's not so bad ;)
Connor Ramirez
Ffs can you stop calling black republicans niggers? You don’t have many allies and you do this, fuck you Jow Forums
Sebastian Myers
In this country 1 person can't do it all. It's set up that way. There's no way Trump alone could've done everything... in only 2 years... unless he'd had the support of Congress. And, most of those Rs that were voted out were never-trumpers. Paul Ryan, the Speaker, was a never-trumper. So they were more-or less democrats. Hang in there, who told you MAGA would be easy? Or maybe you aren't really serious.
William Russell
Are you really unable to tell the difference between bots and humans?
>How much more shit has to happen before you people realize we put a JOKE in office That was the entire point. Maybe showing the established politicians we didn't take it serious would force them to do some soul searching and reconnect with the american people.
Luke Cook
Are you sure you want angry, armed, Jow Forumsacks going around feeling defeated and rejected, realizing that shit posting and using relatively peaceful means to promote their viewpoints has failed? Do you really want them to realize that they are well and truly surrounded by the people they hate and that those people hate them? Think about what you're advocating for, take a deep breath, take the cock out of your ass/mouth and have a good long thonk.
Christopher Ward
Im actually a little saddened by the lack of proper point people who called OP a nigger have. OP dont listen to trolls. Trump may be unintelligent and dishonest but he did say that he is for keeping many secrets in the country and unlike Obama and Hillary he actually got stuff done fairly. I'd say you should vote for Trump again but keep in mind that he is not the best candidate for the job in America.
Trudeau is liked by every normie in Canada but the man is a stallion when it comes to dodging the same question 20 times in a row.
Matthew Ortiz
>why would you want a job that pays a decent wage when you can just collect welfare? >why would you want to own a home when you have to compete with millions of illegal spics, when you can just live in section 8?
Leo Lopez
You've habitually rewarded peoples' narcissism and false witness. You can't connect shit, because you don't know what anything is.
Elijah Bell
You look like a young fella. They all let you down to a degree. The conversations open on so much that never was before. Get your ass in the driver seat as much as you can and being a Republican is a big step to it. Watch out of /pol tier Republicans and you can achieve a hell of a lot more than a death sentence for Americans. Get the jobs back here even if they are low paying ffs we are already in competition with slave labor. When shit hits the fan I would rather them be here than in China. I know that family heat is coming on strong user.
That would require them leaving their houses/apartments/bedrooms. What fantasy based world are you living in.
Asher Adams
Nobody cares about your opinion, go eat watermelon to stem the pain
Carson Reyes
Nathaniel Sanders
yes they absolutely do want that they get to make insanely tyrannical laws in response this is why the jews keep provoking people here and banning them from every platform they can. they WANT horrible things to happen because it gives them justification for what they want to do.
Henry Bailey
Post dick already
Adrian Hall
Why are you so surprised? You're not going to get intelligent discussion on this echo chamber here. All you will ever see is "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER! LOOK I SAID NIGGER XD." There are legitimate racists on this board, they believe it's their home and you can't argue with them because look at the state of this shithole right now.
In regards to Trump: he is the epitome of Dunning-Kruger; proud, ignorant American that believes he knows better than the experts due to his own narcissism. Most people that post here are part of the Trump cult of personality though, so don't expect them to ever criticize Trump in any meaningful way. Tribalistic identity politics is the name of the game to these people, whether they're """civic""" nationalists or white nationalists, they support Trump because they believe he's the savior of the white race or something along those lines.
and no, none of these people want to see America be better. They love how immature and infantile Trump is as a person. They absolutely love it. His ignorant, his blatant lies, his hypocrisy, they love it because it triggers the "leftists" and makes us angry. Trump is worth it to them for that alone.
John Lopez
Lol. Do you have a bunkbed because it reminds you of your last house?
Luis Brooks
They're already feeling defeated and rejected. It's why they come here in the first place. 99.99% of Jow Forums are pussies who will do literally nothing. Besides, there's already been plenty of nationalist crybabies who have gone and shot up places all over the country. That tactic doesn't work. People have become largely desensitized to it. All it does at this point is strengthen those on MY side, and hastens the steady jog towards progressivism/liberalism/socialism.
Logan Morales
Isaac Cook
>3 posts by this ID This thread was started by a shitposted who found a random pic of a black guy online. Congrats Jow Forums you're as easy to bait as always.
Dominic Robinson
First post best post
Nolan Gutierrez
>black republicans Where? The whopping 5% of black men and 1% of black women, who Republicans and whites generally spend immense amounts of time and money desperately begging to vote their way and not break everything? Imagine if that much time and political willpower was put into getting more white voters? They give us 3% of their votes. 3%. Fuck them. They want our help, votes, or sympathy, they have to vote for us now.
Wanna talk about how your life will be an empty, soulless husk, wherein your genetics die off, your relationships are based off a sick fetish or mental disorder, and you'll wake up at 60 realizing that you've burnt all your years at orgies, doing drugs and bugcatching? That isn't even mentioning the high likelihood that you were abused as a child into your current behaviors. I pity you. The level of pride faggots have in being deeply broken people is pathetic and sad. May God save you. On the topic of liberalism, this is far from the end of history, faggot, and things will shift dramatically back towards historical normalcy no matter how hard you dig your disease-infested fingernails into the dirt.
It’s voting against mass immigration that will ultimately lead to communism. Trump is the best option we have to preserve America against the evil J’s
Carter Moore
Wanna know why education is so shit in America? We educate the stupid and the retarded, Europe and Asia do not. Not only that, don't forget education and upper academia has been subverted by kikes since the 1960s
Landon Edwards
Stay away from my wife you nigger!
Hudson Murphy
I wonder how faggots can be so short sighted. The steady jog towards liberalism is always disrupted by reality.
Eventually you'll push too far and then society will collapse and the people with sane ideas will be put in charge again.... and they won't let you faggots have anything to do with society.
This is literally a biblical lesson that happens over and over again in history. The worst part about malicious degenerates like you is that you know this is the result of your choice. You don't care.
Logan Miller
We don't want things to get worse. We want things to get so fucking bad that all the (((mechanisms))) which prevent outright race war are removed so that we can kill however many of you is necessary before you finally accept getting deported to your homeland. We want to genocide every last kike for what they've done, then reform our ethnostates without the burden of fucking niggers and the other lesser-evil shades of brown that comprise your shitskin brother races.
Jeremiah Peterson
>Thinking votes are going to turn this ship to face the wave rather than capsize
My enlightened black fellow american citizen You better start stockpiling, training and making friends and gaining respect with all the hardest right white folk you can
Don't count on the rest of your people to fix themselves- just like I won't expect the dumb 40% of whites to wake up. Teach your kids the truth and prepare to swallow any racial pride and ego to make it in with the few blacks that can make the respect cut. Sorry fren I just don't see this country getting some sort of miracle peaceful resolution. Revival through blood as it has been for thousands of years. Buckle up.
And learn to banter nigger you best call me a derogatory name back and be a damn man. No complaining.
Austin Nguyen
Lol. You are so angry and empty. I pity you. Honestly. I've lived a very good life, and intend to continue doing so.
Historical normalcy? Lmao. Literally no one of consequence is on your side in this country. And also- you believe in god? LOL