> voted for Republicans
> Visits Jow Forums
> voted for Republicans
> Visits Jow Forums
no they aren't.
Not a surprise why Latinos prefer Democrats before Republicans kek
we still love you though
I'm also hispanic, voted republican yesterday.
Cringe when I see posts "why do people vote democrat - don't they care about the white race"
No dude - only you do
Atleast you are doing the right thing.
ahaha stupid spic voting against your own people also youl never be accepted with whites face it faggot. go back to mexico you will never be white.
I know m8 my family is total conservative loyalist
But we are also polish Jews and Jow Forums always tells me to has myself despite my wealthy conservative family standing for everything they do.
I’m here for you fren
It's just stormfags. Dont worry there's only like 100 unironic stormfags who actually exist in the world. Hispanics are based, especially legal ones.
Don’t stress bro. There are shit loads of kill all white peoples threads. No one gets spared.
Thanks for your vote.
Well why don't you live in hispanic countries where everyone is hispanic? Then you could say FUCKING GRINGOS GET OUT OF MY COUNTRY REEE.
dude if all spics were like you, we would not be this way, but in effect, you are part of a shit genepool you beeaner
Latino here as well. I don’t label myself that though, I’m an American. Also a Marine Vet, and I work for a republican representative at the capitol of a certain state. Redpilled my little bro who will also be serving pretty soon. Stormfags just make me chuckle, but in a real revolution, they’d need the few based minorities in the fight for freeedom.
go to israel you fucked u 2 times over to get it now finally go there
Latino here, grow a fucking spine you thin skinned sperglord
You sound like a cool spic.
You should fuck off back to Meeehico before you're forced to.
Americans are not beaners and beaners are not Americans.
You get used to it
the concept of honorary aryan is nothing to chuckle about it is well established and tested in practice
even of of the founding members of the waffen SS was a jew but he decided to fight for germany and therefore became with his brother an honorary aryan
The racism here is mostly superficial butthurt reaction against anti-white racism of the left and will almost immediately evaporate once idpol is dead, grow a thicker skin pablo. In the end most people just want to live their lives in peace.
Idgaf if u voted republican
Idgaf if ur legal
Idgaf if all Hispanics turn republican
Get out of my country. Fucking hate seeing u George Lopez niggas
lies nobody calls themselves hispanic
>taking Jow Forums seriously
You need to go back to r/the_kike
>Hispanic in California
>fiancé is not white
>we both own guns
>both voted Republican down the line
I both completely understand why I’m hated yet feel immense sorrow because I hate the same people you hate.
I’m good in America Muhammad
HAPA here, I'm used to all the incel asian female worship threads and HAPA male bashing, It comes with the territory. Dish it out, take it. But most of here share the same ideology and are against the rabid left. I'm a black pilled libertarian who got inspiration from Ron Paul, I'm for whites preserving their culture and race. This demonization of whites in general is morally and ethically wrong and I'll defend them even if they consider me a fucking slant eye gook mutt. It's like some Ghandi level type shit.
Based. You can't help not being white, but you can help being awesome about it regardless.
be hispanic
vote republican
have pale skin
shit brown skins don't accept me
white people don't accept me
I don't have anyone
How about you kill yourself beaner
how about making mexico your land of freedom when america is reestablished as a white nation?
remember 25% of the righting troops of the 6th army at stalingrad were in fact russians who fought to free russia form the soviet menace
I like you, user :)
>the concept of honorary aryan is nothing to chuckle about it
Would you pass a paper bag test?
>Soraya poster
I'm mexican, I don't see your problem. The Aztec religion is the Democrat platform, we must purge the skinwalkers once more.
>white people don't accept me
Most whites on both sides of the political spectrum are strangely eager to have non-threatening ethnic friends (yes even many stormfags,) you might just be generally repulsive
You should go back to yurop, actually. You can take mejicans with you too. The americas is for the natives.
>pale skinned Hispanic
So you are a white person who speaks Spanish?
Kill yourself faggot, spics are a fucking disease.
i am whiter than you semites will ever get. go fucking home,
nothing against you being a military democracy in the middleeast as long as you do not destabilize the neighbouring countrys there too much,
but let us whites alone,
in the us you influence my country too. so pls stop it. go to israel be a good jew, be a conservative jew there, we will help you ofc but get out of our issues in the end.
then you are not a complete mestizo and probably have more european ancestry i guess..
Why don’t you show us all and kill yourself?
We'll always need a handful of people on the fringe of socially acceptable thought just to keep things in perspective, thank you for your service stormfag
how chilish
Native American republican here
Got called racist in class last night by a white guy
Nothing make sure me more angry than white liberals
They are just mad becaus ethey have a MUTILATED dick.
They are jewish Slaves user. Meanwhile we have normal diick that god made for us.
Our mothers and fathers REFUSED to let a kike take a knife and cut off a huge part of our dick.
White PPl meanwhiile are just always mad because they are JEW slaves and everythime they look at their penis they have to realize. Their cock was mutilated. Their mom and dad refused to protect them and let a jew cut off their dick to make monney.
you're aight, just work on your people man. you've got an even more uphill battle than we do with white women. but keep going, never quit.
Storm fags are not the majority of Jow Forums, they are an equally unloved section of western nations. Don't forget that it was only a handful of faggot larpers who broke out the nazi flags during conservative rallies.
Yell at him about how his people genocided yours. There is nothing more fun than watching a guilt ridden liberal.
i am not eager to have non white friends but i got one who is a russian quater jew quater gipsy. if it wasn't for his loyality to the cause i would by him a fucking can of cyclon.
>white person who speaks spanish
aka spaniard?
Thinking skin is something important is what's childish
I'll accept (you)
Fuck that. Those seal clubbers can go back to Yakutsk. America belongs to the buffalo.
never forget, half of the nazis in here are larpers, JIDF, or legit AI running psyops.
i love you hispanic bro
Same. Mestizos don't trust me because I'm educated and have conservative values and have white skin. You guys don't trust me because I'm not really "white" even though I'm whiter than a lot of white people. My last name is still Spanish. I want to love my people and bring them up better, but I'm not loved by them so what's the point. Thinking about moving to Spain just because this feel like bullshit and I'm tired of not being accepted either way.
I’m no republican or democrat. Just know that these loud mouth fools speak only for themselves. They claim to be red pilled, but are in fact highly subject to the same divide and conquer idiocy that will doom all that embrace it. Reality is a balance. The extremes highlight, and contrast each other. The pendulum swings from one side to the other. A continuous motion to expose the truth, and avoid stagnation.
>thinks we talk bout skin
this is retarded even when i am serious and not larping
>voted Republican
>visited Jow Forums
maybe you will learn to not repeat these mistakes
I like hispanic qts
Nice fantasy, but America was never a white nation.
At least 1/3 of the people here are Hispanic.
What did you expect from these “people”
>voted for Republicans
>Argentina flag
sure you did, buddy. TOO BAD YOU FORGOT YOUR MEME FLAG ya dumb fucking nigger
dont let some larping fags discourage you
>loyality to the cause
Only thing that matters in the end is shared moral values. Someday you will get tired of getting stabbed in the back by inevitable white traitors and embrace that understanding.
LOL wtf is this shit?
Daily remind Jow Forums has more racial diversity than your average transexual orgy and all are white nationalists
Of course there are good spics that vote Republican and contribute to the economy but when spics overwhelmingly vote blue it's a fucking problem. As red states get turned blue due to an unrelenting flood of spics it's a fucking problem. When whites are the only demographic that are net contributors to the tax revenue it's a fucking problem. The brown hordes will be the death of our country but diversity is our strength right?
That gif gave me cancer.
sry meant USA which was according to the laws for a very long time
What are you guys even talkin about?
Are mejicanitos really this mentally handicaped?
In Chile nobody gives a fuck whether you're white or amerindian looking. Most of us are mixed to some point so nobody gives a fuck unless you're black, fuck negroes, they all should go back to colombia or the US.
Stormfags are in fact a fucking joke. I mean even look at the ones replying to you being forced just this once to look past your genes and address your character saying "oh well there actually were honorary aryans so you're fine" as if they're the arbiters of human value. I hate libs but Stormretards are just as bad
Get over it you fucking faggot.
>totally voted repub!
>heh, let me comment on my own post
>ah, shit forgot my meme flag!
The ABSOLUTE STATE of beaner trolls
>says "only you do" to a collective
Implicit subject-verb disagreement. You're speaking to many white men when you say "only you do."
Muslim rage is so embarrassing, get the fuck back in your cage rat
>wonders why we don’t like spics
>OP forgets who also posts here trying to cause division between the races.
(((you know who)))
I fully support integration of latinas if it means anything to you
That's bullshit, but they're not wrong.
don't worry, whites will never get off their ass and do anything to save themselves
the kikes will win because white man would rather die out then be called a racist
you're safe spic
white men have no balls
good you deserve it. Go fuck off back to mexico.
shut up spic
>i love my race
>thats why i left the white continent and went to natives land
>still i didnt like it yet so i brought millions of negroes, they are all right.
in the end genes are the onyl way to get loyality for long as much as possible and even then backstabbing will occur,
depends on ethnic group.
he is a weirdo and says he will become a wizard so the genetic stuff is not in for him. sady, would help him to find some qt kikegrill or a russianwomen if he wanted to. not a bad guy.
America was always a melting pot there were no laws that said we are white supremacists
The best thing you could do is start a movement to reclaim Mexico from the cartels, otherwise you are contributing to the annihilation of America.
fuck off to jizzrael kike
This. Whites are pussies and you all know it. Stop complaining.
Yes Hispanics in America are usually very pro raza and if you are a white Hispanic there is more expected of you to be very liberal. Otherwise they just treat you like someone who isn't of their kin. Yes most Hispanics here are this retarded
It's just a chicANO thing
Anglos are spreading their faggotry
>implaying your actual native and not a Euro-Native mutt
It's hard for them to trust us because we have a big gang problem in our town.
I just act like a normal civil human bean and they come around (sometimes)
>America was always a melting pot
No you retard, america was always the native lands, you usurpers just recently came here with your beloved negroes.
And believe me, in the day of the rope you'll be all hanged from trees. Same with negroes and mejicanitos.
that is divide an conquer. There is a lot of shitty latinos, not gonna lie, but hispanic male voted GOP way more than:
- Muslims
- Jews
- Niggers
- Fags
- Asians
and mostly every single other minority that Commiecrats can came up with.
So stay strong brother.
You need to learn more and learn the difference, as do many of the retards complaining about based mexibros.
Thank you for voting republican sir. I, mean, er, Jose.