>Dutchman Emile Ratelband says he looks and feels 49-year-old, and the fact his ID claims he is 69 causes him trouble with both work and women.
>Mr Ratelband, who is a famous motivational speaker and media personality in The Netherlands, was born on March 11 1949.
>Mr Ratelband said: “When I'm 69, I am limited. If I'm 49, then I can buy a new house, drive a different car. I can take up more work.
>“When I'm on Tinder and it says I'm 69, I don't get an answer.
Should 69 year old men be able to identifiy as 49?
Should 5'7" Manlets be able to identify as 6'2"?
Yes. We are clown world now. Who the fuck cares. Peddle to the metal bitch.
How does a guy like him have trouble finding partners? Dude doesn’t look a day over 50 and many people nowadays are into older men. He aged quite well I’ll give him that
Age is a social construct
stop age-ism.
I identify as a 70-year old and want medicaide and full social security payments now.
>We are clown world now.
I'm laughing so fucking hard because its true.
>Should 5'7" Manlets be able to identify as 6'2"?
Not so fast manlet scum.
out of all the memes that exist, the manlet meme hurts the most because of how true it is. fucking god on earth how I wish I was taller.
>clown world
Kek. Accurate.
Nope! Fuck off incel!
When I was 21 I told a freshman girl I was 19. She was a pretty white Hispanic girl with green eyes. But the only reason I did it is because I was retaking a BIO 101 course and was embarrassed that I was a senior so I pretended I was a sophomore instead.
>sometimes I wish I was under 6' so Britt would look at me like that
Incel is the male equivalent of cat lady
NPC's need to create at least one original insult
That's the same face I have when I see a mutt
Finally I can be a 2000 year old Elfkin
Relax, I was just immitating the NPC crowd.
Oh yeah? You like that, boy? You like it when women are disgusted by you?
did you read where he mentioned Tinder? i'm sure there is some kind of filter where women can say the age range they are into is, say, 40-50. If he says he's 69 then they never even see him. but if he's 49, then he'll show up in their choices. d'uh.
What happens when pedos change their age to 12?
Fuck that. I love being 5'5" manlet. I use anabolic steroids. Then I try to find women that are always demanding tall guys only and get laid in 5 minutes.
Then all they get for having sex with a minor is basically a slap on the wrist.
Hahaha wew teeheeheee blooooooooo
They get sent to jail for taking nude pictures of themselves.
DESU if this was legal I'd do it. I'm 35 but I can pass for mid 20's. Smashing 18 year old pussy again with no issues and nobody giving a fuck? Yes please.
If he wins I will change my age to 67 and retire. It’s the next logical step once you allow people to change basic characteristics on their passport.
Damn I'm 20 and I haven't smashed any 18 year old pussy feels bad man only the cougars want me
If you can pass as 20 yo don't need to change your age man.. What do 18 year old whores as for your ID or something???
Well when I say smash 18 year old I also kind of mean looking for a wife if I catch a good one. The odd 18 year old conservative girl looking for a lifelong partner is much more likely to consider a 25 year old than a 35 year old
well, the age bias is actually real, as for dating he could just lie about his age on the dating sites but as for the work discrimination against the elderly it's a serious issue, his way is not a correct way to take it but still. also having your age kept secret from the public records might be actually good too, nowadays we leave too much information about us in the public access anyway, his age shouldn't be even a concern for his employers etc. jews use your age to determine if you get a credit or how much you will pay for the insurance, why should you benefit them by having that data in open
>Smashing 18 year old pussy again with no issues
don't tell me canada has age restriction rules for 18 y.o. dating older people
iktf, find solace in 2d user.
I want my pension now !
Ding ding, you're almost onto something here goy.
i fucking love it when the slippery slope fallacy is proven not to be a fallacy
age bias is an actual problem
explain further ivan
I self identify as a chad millionaire, if women refuse to date me I will sue them.
Ah gotchya. Yep there more likely to bond better with you if their virgin and at that age. But still.... most women kinda like older men. Most young women are wet over the idea of being with a handsome older guy whose 30-50 years old.
Yeah? So is being male in divorce proceedings, being a women when you want to drive and being a fat cunt when you want to live past 45. What's your point?
Well, there was that one man who playacted as a 6 year old girl.
Who gives a fuck you've lived your years stop trying to cling back on. Height, look and gender bias are also a thing yet clearly the solution to those fixed factors (unlike age) isn't living in make belief land where everyone identifies what they want to be.
>Most young women are wet over the idea of being with a handsome older guy whose 30-50 years old.
reeeeeeee fuck off to your old whores.
I identify as a 6-8 year old boy
ha, you remind me of a buddy of mine
>It's not statutory rape officer. As you can see by my ID I am in fact 12 years old too.
Fuck off bear, I am boy.
Go molest some girls instead
i identify as a 40 year old milf with gigantic milkers.
lmao, literally my face when i was looking at her muttface.
>Change age to 70
>Claim pension
>Continue to work cash jobs
Easy mate.
His bottom teeth are disgusting, large gap with gum only
>tfw when sexually identify as 14, but financially identify as 120
Get on my level.
>famous motivational speaker
He is just an attention whore. That is how he makes his living. Over the top attention whoring.