>RT if you enjoy sex, porn and all our god-given pleasure nerves! And help us prevent another #NoFap Recession!
>When groups like @FightTheNewDrug and @NoFap and leaders like @GailDines say porn is dangerous and evil, it not only heightens shame, it puts the safety performers, producers and others in our industry at risk. We call on them to denounce this! #yesfap #pornisgood @FSCArmy
>It was no surprise to find that the so-called #NoFap movement had its roots in anti-gay, anti-woman, anti-semitic blogs.
>Without the natural release of masturbation, society risks becoming violent. Despite the fact that divorce rates have plummeted in the past 20 years, the #NoFaps are calling for pornographers to be put to death.
>Early this morning, after launching #YesFap #NutNovember to combat stigma against porn, we were hit with violent #NoFap threats, exhorting followers to "kill pornographers." This solidifies all our fears about the @NoNutNovember movement.
The audacity of these motherfuckers
Other urls found in this thread:
BASTE NOFAPPERS destroy the porn industry with FACTS and LOGIC (and thats a good thing!)
Porn is based and redpilled
Hilarious, you really can’t tell what’s satire and what’s serious anymore
I never thought they were so desperate for people to jerk off
>But as bad as their science is, we were equally concerned with some of the imagery being used.
>Given that access to porn dramatically lowers sexual assault rates, we're worried about the dangers of the @NoFap movement! If you know someone participating in #NoNutNovember or #NoPornoctober, be EXTREMELY careful around them! #YesFap #NutNovember
“For millennial women, we’re at a tipping point ... they see pleasure as a necessity, not a luxury." Here! Here! #pornforwomen #xhamsterforwomen
wtf, I hate nofap now
>Told my gf I'm doing Sober October
>She supports it
>Tell my gf I'm doing NNN
>She supports it
>She finds out NNN includes no sex
>She hates it
Women never have to face limited opportunities for sex. If every dude was as picky as women are we wouldn't have so many fat cunts and they'd stop pushing their BS feminism.
I fucking love NNN and nofap. I'm shilling this shit from now on.
>not masterbaiting is a hatecrime
If you translate it from hebrew it comes out to "oy vey! muh Sheckles!"
Must of been a large amount of people doing no fap this year to hurt them so much they feel they must spaz out like this. It's all in a financial motivation to attack the idea and I'd bet if you check site traffic you'd see it down for them.
>as bad as their science is
Holy fuck as if it isn't obvious what porn does to boys.
nothing wrong?
Never frap to ugly and stupid.
Just broke a 43 day nofap, didnt feel great, reminder that nofap is real as fuck. Luckily I broke it to some form 2D so fuck Pornhub but it's still bad.
Now let me see her rectum getting splayed.
If you know someone participating in #NoNutNovember or #NoPornoctober, be EXTREMELY careful around them! #YesFap
(((They))) dont even hide it anymore.
>Not wanting to masturbate signifies hatred towards women
>Not wanting to engage in self-pleasure in the confines of your home is an attack towards women.
>Sociologists argued.
>People that are paid salaries for their occupation argued.
>Wikipedia cites.
This is our reality. This is it.
>Jerk your dick or you’re a fucking misogynist
Never before have I considered doing nofap before this. Thanks for the push you fucking stupid leftists.
Nofap is retarded
The porn industry should still be disbanded
This can be done simply by banning paying people to have sex for any purpose
"Top" tweets are pro-masturbation and pro-pornography. Really makes one ponder.
The best thing about clownworld is that it's only going to get worse every day. The sun will rise, and everything will get worse. These are the only certainties in modern life
>watching 3D porn
you guys are bluepilled, women understand implicitly than the male sexual drive enslaves them to the interests of women, and if men free themselves from this appetite, women will lose their slavish grip on masculine-kind
>women understand
lol no, but their jewish handlers do. Either way stop watching porn
>Yes goy, numb your mind with thots getting rammed, instead of channeling your libidinal energy towards fruitful endeavors.
>porn is banned in Israel
>porn is continually broadcast on Palestinian TV by Jewish broadcasters
this is all you really need to understand
They understand it implicitly, not consciously. They have a subconscious understanding that makes them angry when guys don't express slavish interest in their body, and that's enough to make them fight against the idea
Two weeks in myself and I’m already noticing the difference
Imagine actually being this retarded.
You're no different than the people who choke on spoonfuls of pure cinnamon.
You just want attention and you've got something to "prove."
Presented without comment.
So what does Jow Forums have to say about all the pornography on Jow Forums, then?
Shut it down, the truly patrician taste in pornography is Blacked or cuck porn where you can't insert yourself, because that is the ultimate culmination of voyeuristic pornographic entertainment - cuckolding and orgasm by passive vicarious viewing
Man is thus reduced from an active element, or agent of will in the universe, to a passive or inactive receptacle of the will of those active agents
>inb4 that's different
No. Porn is by far their most powerful tool in destroying men.
>reddit spacing
>ad hominem
>reductio ad absurdum
>No actual argument made
>No rebuttal made
Roastie or leftypol, which one?
> -3% on 18-24
> -10% on 25-34
> -20% on 35-54
> -30% on 55+
Looks like this nofap is all about the grandpas
Fair enough, you're 100% right about it being implicit
>being so undisciplined that you allow yourself to be distracted by pornography
>resolve to destroy all pornography in lieu of having any self-control
>calls ad hominem
>procedes to attack "reddit spacing"
Opinion disregarded.
Shut up nigger. Just because you don't have self-control doesn't mean we won't. Fuck off
Obligatory watching:
Is porn being posted en-masse on non-porn boards? No. So what's your argument exactly?
>what about all the porn on the internet? You internet users are just hypocrites
you must be a roastie, no man has such retarded logic
You might want to fuck off back to lolcow, snookums.
go back
Dude you're so right because women flip out when I imply that has no power. Like even mentioning that not directed that them seems to piss them off and send them into a frenzy.
Self control is a meme. If it had any basis in reality the advertisement industry would be 1/10 the size it is now.
I mean, if you exist merely as an object to be acted upon, and then discover that nobody wants to act upon you... probably devastating for them tbqh
Pornography is degenerate as fuck. I'm stopping very soon. and getting my life in order. I suggest you bros do the same but not, I hope some day you can see the light. That shit rots your brain.
>Pornography is degenerate as fuck. I'm stopping very soon.
>I'm totally quitting you guys. For real this time. Just one more 30secondfap and then I'm off of it forever. I mean it, you guys!
>>Without the natural release of masturbation, society risks becoming violent. Despite the fact that divorce rates have plummeted in the past 20 years, the #NoFaps are calling for pornographers to be put to death.
They are unironically admiting that they use porn as a sedative for the masses.
The real "money shot" (pun inteded) is to white wash (make look good) aggression.
We need to meme "virtuous aggression" into reality.
Hard worker entepenaurs.
All of those people exercise "virtuous aggression".
Once you make masculinity look good again then everyone that attacks masculinity become the enemy of what is good and the rest of the chips fall down.
Also somebody post this in nofap plebbit.
>get called out calmly
>oooh youre seeeeething
lol just go back
Check 'em.
>It was no surprise to find that the so-called #NoFap movement had its roots in anti-gay, anti-woman, anti-semitic blogs.
I'm not a nofaper faggot and I think mgtow is the gayest thing ever but fuck how I find this timeline funny and interesting. Fourth reich soon.
Make like a tree and get outta here, butthead.
While there is truth here the sex drive is a motivator for self improvement as it forces competition and denial of this motivational force via frequent masturbation can lead to stagnation of self improvement.
why do you hate male improvement so much user? sounds like something only a bitter roastie could ever be opposed to
wtf does that mean, spic?
You gotta leave
Pretty much. Women feel entitled to believe men should like them for sex alone it's pretty amazing. I'm in music and once told an older singers wife I "didnt want a groupie, I hated it when women only like you for music" she flipped out and said "well you're not ready for a woman then", lol because I've fuckdd enough I just never really care because they're all the same and that attitude just accentuates it.
>I get to come after you because you're someone important to my vagina you're supposed to be overjoyed to get attention from a vagina just because how DARE you put conditions on the acceptance of this
They know deep down it is all they fucking have anymore because none of them have an actual feminity left for the most part.
I know some part of you is embarrassed and you loathe yourself, but try to contain it. It's unsightly as fuck.
but porn is bad for society not just the individual
>male improvement
Explain to me how this is "improvement" and not just a lateral shift into a particular specialization of "retarded."
Wow they actually admit that it works against them
No wonder there are so many literal shills assblasted over nofap
its equating to lost advertising dollars
fuck these cunts
I am going to continue not using their stupid bullshit anymore
that's hot desu
>exhibiting discipline isnt a form of self improvement
lmao what a cuck
Where is her pussy?
>(((Magnus Hirschfeld))) coined the term transsexualism, identifying the clinical category which his colleague Harry Benjamin would later develop in the United States. Transgender people were on the staff of the Institute, as well as being among the clients there. Various endocrinologic and surgical services were offered, including the first modern sex reassignment surgeries in the 1930s. Hirschfeld also worked with Berlin's police department to curtail the arrest of cross-dressed individuals, including those suspected of wearing certain clothing in connection with sex work, through the creation of transvestite passes issued on behalf of the Institute to those who had a personal desire to wear clothing associated with a gender other than the one assigned to them at birth.
>The Institute also housed the Museum of Sex, an educational resource for the public, which is reported to have been visited by school classes.
Pic related.
>what is self discipline, restraint, progress to an ideal
I really hope you aren't a man
lmao you know those websites are powered by fucking users right? just like Jow Forums
>Being upset that others aren’t masturbating
Whatcha doin, rabbi?
>Without the natural release of masturbation, society risks becoming violent
looks pretty fucking hot to me
GTFO leaf.
Whenever i see a leaf flag 90% they spew bullshit
literally the MDE tapwater sketch
"Kill all pornographers" isn't "discipline." "Destroy all porn" isn't "discipline." Those are attempts at porn prohibition that will invariably fail.
If there is no demand, the supply dries up. Just stop watching it. It's that simple. This and every other anti-porn thread like it is entirely unnecessary if people are indeed masters of their own wills.
Otherwise, you tacitly imply that you are incapable of self-discipline and must resort to abolition of your temptation.
>not masturbating every second you get
what, are you fucking gay?
>murrilard thinks he has bantz
i am more violent than ever and i jerk off every single day and fuck my wife.
>dem memeflag
they're really not sending their best lmao
>being upset at others for masturbating
Christcuck Boomer identified.
These people will be slaughtered in the streets soon enough
I’d rather be gay than a Canadian, if that helps your perception at all.
aw look its trying to use words its heard before
It's a woman. Just don't give it attention and it will go away.
being against porn is anti-semitic
I never said others shouldnt masturbate, I only said I might give nofap a try. Imagine being this much of a desperate Jew that you have to strawman about people jerking off.
Prove that nofap isnt just a placebo effect
>>Without the natural release of masturbation, society risks becoming violent.
Good!! NoFap 9000%!!!
what is NNN?