That was quick! What's our next move pol/ i wanna start a civil war anyone in?
That was quick! What's our next move pol/ i wanna start a civil war anyone in?
fuck off cia nigger
Why are they angry about this? Leftists hated sessions
You're sitting in Israel and you're gonna die soon so just shut the fuck up, hug your family and get ready to be wiped out.
The left are insane, but look how good they are organized. The right needs to build similar structures to counter them in the streets or they'll keep walking all over us.
they kind of did with the tea party movement. right needs to try and bring something like that back
More they cry the more we kill
The response is happening oh no
because they are NPCs, that old code had to be deprecated in order to organize the protest
>two people resign
>media reports that they were fired
They're literally just lying at this point. You can't even call it spin.
sure, lets just established a centuries international clique of jew financiers real quick.
they arent going to do anything. nobody cares about sessions
>protesting a resignation
>What's our next move
We are waiting for orders from the hacker known as Jow Forums
Who cares just run them over when they block the road
Their protesting because the new AG will bring an end to this two year nothing burger of an investigation.
>mfw leftists now love sessions
False. Also hasn't even happened yet, but this one is also resigning.
Fucking lying sacks of shit. I hope the people organizing these things end up on the gallows with the rest of them.
Nah, let the left start it, better optics. Just hold fast until ROE has been satisfied then we can finish things.
I just noticed what this really was about. They were planning a mass protest in case there was a red wave or some other unfavorable outcome for the Democrats.
Sessions got slapped on as the excuse because they needed a reason not to cancel it.
Imagine being of such little value to society that you can just take a day on a whim to go walk aimlessly around a city. Kill yourself. Your biological material is more useful as compost.
>win house
>chimp out anyway
jobs not mobs
We would but we all have jobs (except the fucking NEETs that shitpost on /pol all day).
People don't really leave this board, do they? the protests were planned as a "defense" of the Russia probe. Not that it matters, protests have never mattered in your country, having the House is actually better for the Russia probe.
i am in
None of this protests are organic in the least - the average leftist is just a vessel and does whatever or goes wherever their facebook event invite tells them to go. This isn’t Repub vs Democrat ; the are being organized by powers higher/greater than the Democrat party
None of this protests are organic in the least - the average leftist is just a vessel and does whatever or goes wherever their facebook event invite tells them to go. This isn’t Repub vs Democrat ; they are being organized by powers higher/greater than the Democratic party
could you glow any harder?
fuck off soros
>Orange man bad
Daisy Hogg, get back inside!
Please. It is unfortunately the only answer and I'm getting old. I don't want to deal with this shit in my 40's
Does this mean we'll get more trolling texts?
>i hate comey
>how could they do this to comey
it's a rerun, nigger
Just start the war and the world shall follow.
God knows how badly I want to shoot some leftists.
Jow Forums here, Trump has until the 11th to pull the pin. Otherwise fuck the optics. We go in.