Post based and redpilled fictional characters
Post based and redpilled fictional characters
No one in that show has any charisma except for Imp
there are none.
they don't exist.
The foundation of our history was bastioned by based and redpilled factual characters whose many faults and regretable choices of action cast the true struggle of the human condition.
"fictional" is just some man-fan term for I dont want to pay you any copyright royalties.
and Braun and Jaime and Varus
And the Hound
Jesus Chrust, brother of Pizza
The Galactic Empire was needed to stop the Yuhaz-Vong, who's primary goal was wiping out all human life. The Republic and the Jedi were to complacent, and Palpy knew this.
Rebel Alliance are the ultimate virtue-signaling cucks that murdered humans to save aliens.
not required to be based and redpilled
pic related.
Fucking based
seems like nothing but 2 dimensional characters being suggested, no complex decisions or environments to cast shadows so we may measure depth... and tied in more superficial story arcs doesn't give depth, it merely bloats the thin ugly person.
>(blah blah blah, im making a play to rule the kingdoms, consider this.)
>(blah blah blah, im looking for revenge for my bloodkin whom you've killed for trying to rule the kingdoms)
maybe the books are better, maybe i'm being to critical of the series, given the medium isn't conducive to meaningful character development.
fun, fantastical, easy. nobody based or redpilled is any of that.
k. This guy really needs a mini-series.
No wonder Disney got rid of them.
Shame they had that scrawny kike play him in the show.