Do you guys sincerely believe that you can take surgery or feel like a different sex? We all like to joke with the "festering wound" here but that joke is much more true than you'd think. You can't just operate the XY chromosomes into being XX. You can't give yourself a female brain, you can't give yourself a womb and the ability to produce children. I'd like it if you could explain your reasoning, because personally I think that being the opposite sex is simply impossible, because both sexes are more than just their genitals and reproductive organs, they both differ in spirit aside from biology. You can't want to be the opposite sex because you do not even know what the opposite sex is. Sure, you can see a woman, you can speak to a woman, you can ask her what she likes and how she feels (though the truth of what she answers with may be hidden for other reasons), but you will never know what child-birthing means to a woman, what motherhood and blood actually is (which is what women are endowed and equipped for and what essentially makes a woman, which is her womb and child-birthing capabilities). So if you claim that you want to be a woman, you're mistaken in your claim, because you don't even know what a woman really is, and you never will, just like women will never know what a man really is. It's like trying to imagine a sense-perception that we humans do not possess.
Civil discourse only please,
Lgbt posters on Jow Forums
dumping some hehe silly until someone responds
and that's all
Here's a better question? Why concern yourself with other's delusions?
What I really want to get at the bottom of is the """national socialist""" homosexuals and transexuals that think they can be part of a moral society.
Gender dysphoria is a mental disorder and sex change is a somewhat valid "therapy". If better treatments were to be available, insurance companies should and would obviously prefer those just for profit reasons, but with their own money everyone can get everyone they want to chop their dicks off.
But as with the LGB part, we need to try to limit the amount of propaganda that convinces people to think they have this disorder, who wouldnt have it if it wasnt pushed so hard in the media.
treatment to what end? if sex change surgery is a (somewhat) valid therapy why do they need to coerce society into treating them like the sex they changed into?
Because these "people's" mental illnesses are affecting our societies, my man.
nobody thinks you can literally change biological sex. i would like to be treated as the opposite gender tho
The same end as all other treatments for mental disorders: the patient in question feels better and is more able to function normally.
The people who actually have the disorder (which is most likely far from all who get a sex change) are pushing to be treated as their supposedly actual sex, since they genuinely feel that thats what they are. I tend to treat the sane ones (as few as they are) like the sex they want to be treated as, and try and not talk to the rest.
Have you thought about the long term consequences of your actions? Who will take care of you when you're 80 and you're disgusting drug filled body fails you?
so what you want is female's privileges but not their biological constitution? why is surgery then, and not cultural reformation (which T, needs to happen in order to have their way anyway),the taken path?
i've thought about it.. i wouldn't mind raising children but i think it would be a bad idea to pass on my genes
>the patient in question feels better and is more able to function normally.
also I'm not here to talk to the apolegists, the only reason why you even interact with them at such a level is because your culture was raped by foreign powers, given a different cultural context I bet you'd treat them as insane, which is what they are
>Im not here to talk to people who dont have the same opinion as me
Go get your own sources and stop shitting up the board if youre unwilling to have a discussion you snowflake.
>nobody thinks you can literally change biological sex
>im not actually the thing i want to be treated like
>here is some shit, I know it isn't chocolate but I want you to treat it like is
>make an assertion
>don't bother to provide proof
and my point was that the "sane" ones which you speak of are not sane
I want a dick in the ass but i want it to be done in private, Fuck faggots who make public parades and statements about liking cock, annoying pricks
If you shit up your own thread with non arguments like my flag (which at least I can be somewhat more proud of than you) I dont have to provide shit for you, nigger. This isnt reddit. Get your own sauce.
If you are seriously expecting a rational argument from the clinically insane I don't know who tell you.
no, now feel free to gtfo
>Do you guys sincerely believe that you can take surgery or feel like a different sex?
Simply put, no. And open wound is not a pussy. You can feel like the opposite sex but this is a disorder known as gender dysphoria, similar to anorexia but more extreme. This is the very reason I do not like like where the community is heading (not that it was always or even ever moving in a good direction desu). And a lot of the arguments around promiscuity is true. It really isn't a choice, my opinions are directly antithetical to almost the entire lgb"t" movement.
> You can feel like the opposite sex
false, you think that you feel like the opposite sex, refer to what I said in the OP, you cannot know what it's like to be the opposite sex thus "feeling" like the opposite sex is a false statement
Im a libertarian. I fucking hate the far left and Marxists. Its too bad that the community is mostly that, it actually makes me pretty depressed to think about. Jow Forumsacks seriously make a lot of good point within current issues in politics, even if I don't agree on some.
That's pretty much what I meant. Its body dysmorphia, they think they are in the wrong body and want to larp as the opposite sex.
Also the suicide rate doesn't change pre or post operation. It is a disorder
obviously some experiences are different but some people have more masculine or fem personalities from an early age. i do think some of it is.. innate? inborn? idk. i don't think it's right to say its entirely socialization. or some sort of weird fetish thing
Imagine being so autistic that you literally have no capacity to empathize with the thoughts of the opposite sex.
This is you.
Trans people are abominations and not part of LGB.
Now OP when you say "you guys" wtf you talking about? The gay population in US is 3 percent and of that only 0.8% are tranny.
Dont believe what media tells you...its what they want you to dont
I'm talking about something deeper than personality, being affeminate does not mean you are more like a woman, it means that you're more of a wuss.
imagine missing the point of my statement this bad, i bet you're a roastie
you're all abominations but this thread was just made to single out a particular bit of you
>differ in spirit aside from biology.
well isn't that what we're talking about?