Hey bigots, us PoC are making history. Time for the white man is over!!

Hey bigots, us PoC are making history. Time for the white man is over!!

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>first native American

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Why isn't the first Korean woman sent to congress on this list? Oh right she's republican.

how can even americans live, knowing this, whats wrong with you americans, why do you even let any woman to be a candidate for something, sometimes i ask myself why amerca is so cucked

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>electing a mudslime nigger


>there will be women speaking for us

Did the men elected NOT speak for you then? Do women speak for you just because they have a vagina? Does having a vagina make their arguments factually better?

What the fuck is wrong with liberals?


>more women in congress than ever
>congress filled with lying, hysteria, more divided and polarized than ever

Makes me think...

>Time for the white man is over!!
The time of the orc has arrived!

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What the fuck?

She is not making our history page she is a slanty eyed fuck demon from noodle town
- liberal source

that's exactly what the Nazis said about the jews.

>first native american

Who care? if they do shit nobody will vote for another.

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Native american pussy must be fucked by spanish chad.

This is America, there never was only 'white men', only Americans -- our culture accepts all cultures regardless of race, so long as the immigrants who come here follow the principles defined in our Constitution. God bless you as you MAGA OP

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t. sephardic yid.


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Whites did it first

If they wanted to be treated equally then they shouldn't celebrate all of these mundane firsts so much

I like how they couldn't even be bothered to find a good picture of Cortez that doesn't make her look like the donkey from shrek.

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nothing on the first Korean woman elected to congress?
Oh wait, she's a republican
>elect more women!
>but not that one!

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Congratulations, only took 230 years.

it took 200 years for white man to take an untouched piece of land and turn it into the wealthiest superpower in the history of civilization....

How long will it take POC to turn it back into an untouched piece of land?

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Aren't basically all congressmen born in America?

Ted Cruz was born in Canada.

McCain in Panama.

They are just two people. All the rest are natively American. Right?

You don’t have to be born in USA to be in the senate. Only have to be naturalized.

You do have to be born in USA to be president though.

Gendered languages are sexist
No more Latinos or chicas for you

I am talking about native Americans not about who is on the senate. I don't understand this nonsense about "fist native American in the senate" since almost all senators are natively American.

It’s just American women bullshit they want a pat on the back.

The downfall of western civilization will be due to women

literally true.

How are there two first native American women?

Hm. This make sense.

Two first muslims too

And we can make history by removing more women than ever from congress in 2020

why is it always colored women that are making a ruckus lol

Thanks Nattie!

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under rated

Oy vey, don't question it racist!

If North America becomes a wildnerness again that's actually a super comfy outcome of modern politics.


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