been here since 2013 and I still dont know how to use filters. Am I retarded?
How many of you were here all the way back in 2012?
Why is my dick hard?
I came for the debates, I stayed for the memes, I'm still here because the internet has systematically banned people like me from everywhere else and I need somewhere to go.
to pwn teh libs
I was on /fit back then
I've been on Jow Forums since 2006. This is the only board that has the old /b/ spirit except for maybe /tv/.
This place is Hotel California. You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.
I left in 2015 due to being really busy, and Jow Forums going to shit. I don't know why I'm back, I guess there just isn't anything else out there quite like Jow Forums, even if it does suck donkey dick compared to what it once was.
Since 2010, this place really taught me a lot. Jow Forums in general. Jow Forums was a bit more fun back then, things weren't as tense and we weren't filled with boomers, newfags, redditors, cia, and women. It was just us cool libertarian guys with the occasional stormfaggot. But things change I guess. I still come here for the shitposting and I voted for DJT and voted straight red again yesterday. I guess I just miss how things used to be. Before everything was so divided and less degenerate. But what can we do ya know? I took a break after the 2016 election because this place became unbearable. But I still come here to check on the news rather than checking with the media