To lefties, explain immigration to me

Explain how immigration is a good thing for the working class population. It should'nt be too hard.
I urge you to read up on the benefits on immigration and explain it to me as i am a part of the working class.

I will concede if your argument s detailed and makes sense from a logical point of view.

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Fuck white people. That is all.
We love to see you inbred poor fags suffer for our pleasure, nothing more, nothing less.

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aren't you white?

I know leftypol browses Jow Forums
please explain this, you have the chance to bluepill a lot of us if you can just explain how immigration is a good thing for society as and the working class.

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Because its not racist

They can't.

i don't understand.
a lot of things isn't racist but immigration affects poor people like it affected me, doesn't it?

I'm no longer a liberal but having lived in CA for 40 years I've learned the reason is:

- everyone works so they need cheap nannies that they can employ for $8-10/hr (in CA this is very little money)
- no one wants to mow their lawn but they'll hire the guy who cant speak english for $10-15/hr. They'll pay cash so they don't get caught
- many companies own farms, vineyards, etc. where they need cheap labor. Sometimes they let people sleep in their barns/toolsheds/etc as part of the payment
- some people think they are cultured because they speak 5 words of spanish so they can pay the illegals

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Yeah, seen that as well, i was forced out of work while the elites tried to brush the reason they wanted cheaper services and lower wages under the rug. It basically destroyed my life and in time the entire region where i live. Unemployed is really high although it has been redefined as something else.

Immigration is great for the global economy. Corporations can only exist if their labor costs are low enough to offer products or services at a more competitive rate than local products or services.

Example: Immigrants often suffer worse conditions and accept lower pay for jobs white americans are unwilling to do, therefore they get lower costs on landscaping, nannies, and a host of other menial jobs that white people refuse to do.

Shopped at Wal-Mart recently? Ever wonder why their prices are so low? Because immigrants get off their ass, work for what they're offered and don't ask questions.

Ever bought anything from Amazon? Would you work yourself to death for 11 dollars an hour to live in a one bedroom apartment with 10 people? The answer is no.

If you want your iPhones, Starbucks coffee, and maid service at a competitive rate you import cheap labor. It only makes sense. White people have had enough privilege it's time for them to die.

Not only that, but now you supplement their income by way of taxed welfare, healthcare, and housing. That's what you get for being rich. What goes around comes around. You're just afraid that the entire world will be brown in a generation. I'm not afraid. I have a trust fund.

I tried to talk to socialist representatives about it but they refused to hear my case, they don't even want to acknowledge that poverty and unemployed exist.

so we have at least something to fight for and we succeed at the fight

They don't care about proving it to you. They want communism and that means NO sovereignty for anybody.

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>Corporations can only exist if their labor costs are low
and that is suppposed to be a good thing? What about child labour?

>Immigrants often suffer worse conditions and accept lower pay for jobs white americans are unwilling to do
They use that example here in Norway as well, but it's not verified, from the bottom where i'm at it's obviously not true, i know people who would saw their arm of to clean toilets for shit pay and I'm serious about that. People are desperate, i don't see how it's good for the working class and the poor that competition increase evne futher?
Wouldn't it just affect the market, not that i can afford to pay for food, i don't have income, havent had any income for 10 years.

>Ever bought anything from Amazon?

>Would you work yourself to death for 11 dollars an hour
yes, that is the outcome of globalization isn't it. I'm actually skilled but in Norway that doesnt mean anything anymore.

>If you want your iPhones, Starbucks coffee,
lol I cant afford those things, what makes you think normies can in the future? Welcome to the future user.

>White people have had enough privilege it's time for them to die.
I see, tell that to my farmhand ancestors who toiled away and died at age 50 after having worked their entire life on other peoples farms.
very nice conflation that white people bullshit, you really won me over with that. Asshole

for corporations?

Until they take your trust fund for the good of the poor people

The greatest empires have always been built on slavery
The more egalitarian countries are a whole lot poorer

it's not even communism, I have never seen these people give up or share their house and wealth with other people. They give out crumbs at best and expect to come across as heroes.
In a real communist revolution like Loas most of these white collar commie larpers would be lined up and shot in the back of the head.

That would never happen. I'm Jewish and my funds are in an off shore bank account.

It depends on your definition of slavery, Europe wasn't built by slaves unless you count us poorfags as slaves. I mean the rich has held power within their own families for generations they still do, just check out who goes to the elite universities and the names in politics, but they are also the ones who claim they are "commies" by pushing the working class down and shitting on us.

Of course you're a slave. Lel. That's how you build a civilization. Do you think if imaginary currency didn't exist that you would be poor? Get real. You're just mad that rich people control every facet of your life and you have literally no power to change it. But, please, keep shilling communism. It will only make me more powerful and more rich.

From my experience with family, they don't understand the difference between immigration and illegal immigration. They are stuck on "most Americans were immigrants" without understanding that our ancestors went through ellis island to get here.

> They are stuck on "most Americans were immigrants" without understanding that our ancestors went through ellis island to get here.

The conditioning is working ;)

if you count us poorfags as slaves then why do you hate us?

It isn't good for the working class at all unless the immigrants are highly skilled. However, nobody likes to hear your "kill all the shitskins" narrative. It sounds ugly.

yes, but do they know how it affects the poorest in society which probably is about 50%, if not evne more.
And its going to grow

>It isn't good for the working class at all unless the immigrants are highly skilled.
But doesn't that imply locals with higher education will look downwards for jobs, which will cause as much stress on the system as lowskilled immigration.

Why isn't the wealth more evenly distributed in places that encourage Immigration? California for example? If it's good for the economy as a whole why is there such a disparity between income? If everyone is benefiting from these cheaper goods and services as a result of immigration surely there would be less of a difference in income.
Why are the richest people the biggest advocates of immigration if ultimately they're going to end up financially worse off with increased taxes? How does that make sense; you save money on the few (cheap wages) by subsidizing the many?

They aren't called useful idiots by the architects of their ideology for nothing.

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And they refuse to accept that theres a difference between all the white immigrants we had and the brown flood.

No, it doesn't. High skill labor acts very differently then low skill labor. If the rich people of the native country sees that there is a rich amount of high skill labor (domestic or foreign), then they'll be more inclined to create more jobs to kill their competition. And more than that, high skill people (both domestic and foreign) tend to create their own companies as well.

This is literally how Silicon Valley was created back in the 70s. Just a bunch of nerds trying to compete with each other up to the point that they're trying to bring nerds from India so they could forever expand.

Literally the opposite. We love you. You keep the infrastructure running for literally pennies on the dollar and you keep us in power. It's amazing. Once we've used your hard work to automate our infrastructure your value will decline infinitely. That's when we will put laws in place to limit childbearing and remove all education from society. We don't have to burn the books, we can just remove them. We can rewrite history, and there's NOTHING you can do about it. In the end, only the elite will survive, and with a population 2000x reduced from our currently population we will have the resources to continue our legacy for another millennia. It's all a part of the plan. It's too bad you're so ignorant you can't comprehend it. I'm drunk. I shouldn't be posting this but you're too fucking dumb to care anyway.

Lefties, anarchos, commies and capitalism. Working hand in hand to destroy the people.

>And more than that, high skill people (both domestic and foreign) tend to create their own companies as well
In Norway we have a trend, supported by the state which says something similar.
It's almost amusing to watch from a black comedy point of view, how many of these companies go out of business within the first year. It's at least over 95% and they all end up with debt. It's like a pyramide scheme.

>This is literally how Silicon Valley was created back in the 70s.
That was a different time.

I'm actually educated but its impossible to find work anyway so I usually look downwards, its insane though I speak several languages fluently I have 2 MAs now and I would love to work for 10usd an hour sorting through packages, not shitting you. At least I would die of hunger in the future.

I love how anyone who inst white is allowed to say stuff like this. The second a white person even THINKS of uttering something like this the internet finds out and proceeds to crucify them.

Still not a single proper answer. Makes you think, doesnt it?

Those jobs are great for your neighbours kids. And thats how it used to be in States even as recently as 80s.
I always needed pocket money for figurines, never had opportunity to earn it as a kid (high unemployment in general back then).
You dont need some shady mehiko runaway gang member to mow your lawn or disease ridden ex-prostitute to nanny your kids.

>Immigration is great for the global economy.
And yet the Industrial Revolution and increased wages were caused by the Black Death.

You're asking for a logical reason. This is not how liberals operate. To them, inviting immigrants is all about feels.

This is why any left wing media image of the caravan always focuses on women and children. They avoid the wider shots showing it's mostly men in their 20s. They are angling for sympathy. The people making the articles want to feel sympathy too. They mentally block anything that doesn't fit the sympathy narrative.

In truth, these floods of low skill immigrants are what's keeping wages and benefits down. It's helping keep poor people poor by keeping supply higher than demand. But you can't convince liberals of this.

They are emotional idiots.

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Ask Mollie Tibbets’ father. He loves burritos!


Fucking pleb

It's not about whether it benefits you. By failure to implement Communism, you are the beneficiary of a system of exploitation and violence that harms the Third World, so you owe it to the Third World to offer them citizenship and reparations until such time as Communism can be implemented.

>Literally the opposite. We love you.
I'm actually the only one in my family with education, trust me I know how you socialists treat us.
You said yourself that you hate white people, it's not my fault i'm white. You conflate wealth with skin-color.
Most socialists here are rich as af, just like the us. Once you're unemployed you can't afford to be a socialist.

I used to be a marxist. I've always stood up for the people around me but I couldn't take the bullshit anymore a few years ago. I still support the working class, i feel only the populists and the right wing does that now, it's reversed from what it was 10-15 years ago. But when they started pumping in immigrants when the unemployed was going up I just couldn't take the piss anymore.

>I know how you socialists treat us

I'm not a socialist. I'm a Zionist.

check out the cannelloni on mario...

>only the elite!

When you die youll be trapped in hell for eternity for treacherous betrayal.
Literally nothing you ever do matters because youll be tossed in the trash as soon as the next life starts.

Also, no one thinks youre anything at all so stop this 'we' bullshit, incel
You serve coffee and cross the street when you see niggers on the way
Like a caged cuckboi

Immigration/free movement of people is a positive in the sense that countries can specialize in certain industries and would be able to recruit the best from around the world to work in those industries.

>Say country A focuses on electronics, and its the foundation to their industry.
>Country B is a farm-based country. While it may utilize electronics extensively in agriculture, its cheaper for them to purchase the electronics from overseas since they lack the resources to produce them.
>But someone from country B doesn't want to work in agriculture, he believes himself to be really good with electronics and wants to design better/more effecient electronics
What do they do?
Person in country B could try and start up an electronic production business importing the resources from overseas which is expensive in itself. She would also have to find other like-minded individuals to help run this business. Not many people in country B have experience with electronic production though so those that do would ask more money/be ineffecient compared to a better trained/industry aligned country like country A. So instead person from Country B should move to Country A if they prove themselves as good as a local. Immigration as an economic boom is based upon this foundational premise of the specialization of labor.

I asked a similar question on /leftypol/ and received like 5 shitposts/back2pol and got banned. As far as I can tell, they have no actual arguments. To me it seems that natsocs are the only ones that actually care for the working (actual working, not career welfare recipients) class.

As a Godless communist, what moral authority do you have to tell people who or what they should care about? I don't care about the third world insofar as they don't affect my life. Moreover, the current globalist capitalist system is not synonymous with capitalism as a concept, in particular with national caplitalism.

How come socialists don't pay to the third world then, they have all the money?
Why should the poorest in society be the ones who pay?

In the UK the left in the post war years, up to the 1980s were implicity for white working class. Labour unions here was idpol for the whites and the destruction of this was brought about by capitalists who had been flooding our labour market with low skilled shitskins since the 60s, eventually stamping out any kind of solidarity and cohesion among white workers now facing new labour they could not compete against, depressing wages and in turn destroying the power of unions.
The left, the right, socialist and capitalist. They are all disgusting now. The modern left is a right wing, hyper capitalistic creation and they're truly npcs, unable to see it.

HAHAHAHAHAHAH. ;) That's where you're wrong bucko. Clean your room. We have all the pieces in place to obliterate your race. When the world is so brown that they no longer have any tradition or will to fight we will have supreme control. Get used to it faggot. This has been thousands of years in the making and you won't stop it now.

It's called basic decency and reparations for past crimes.

Because paying them won't end capitalism or imperialism. The poor as just as complicit in the victimization of the Third World as anyone else.

thread is about socialists, not arabs vs jews
larp somewhere else

true in a way

I don’t agree with it but can explain it
Basically after ww2 all civilised (western) country’s had huge population booms result in large population growth which required infrastructure and housing to accomodate the new population those boomers had less children resulting in a population decline which by itself isn’t a problem but when you take into account that less population means that housing prices would plummet and the whole ponzie scheme of Wall Street taking loans and then re selling those loans would collapse therefore you import huge amounts of shitskins to increase your population to keep driving house prices up

What you're describing is "merit based immigration". That is, we need X, you are X, you may immigrate.

I agree that this sort of immigration is good.

It's not what lefties want or talk about though. They prefer more open border immigration -- maybe with hard number limits but not with qualifications. Left wing immigration just floods your country with low tier shit looking for better money than they make at home, which is not a high bar.

>It's called basic decency and reparations for past crimes.
Decency is completely subjective from an atheistic point of view. And why should I pay reparations? Like I said, I don't care about the third world.


the left love them

so I have committed crimes?
how exactly? I have fucking nothing.

>Decency is completely subjective from an atheistic point of view. And why should I pay reparations? Like I said, I don't care about the third world.
People like you are why gulags exist.

You haven't implemented Communism and benefit from the exploitation of the Third World, so yes, you have, and you ARE guilty.

>importing 3rd worlders means more votes for democrats
>more democrats means more sex drugs and rocknroll
hedonism is political power

Actually people like you are why gulags exist. You're the communist, not me. People like me are guided by the morals and ethics taught by Christ. I'm arguing from an atheistic perspective though because people like you don't accept religious based arguments.

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Communists are against religion as a tool of bourgeois oppression. If you apologize for capitalism you'll have to go to the gulag.

by why do socialists like it? What is it being pushed by socialists and liberals?

I really don't understand why they belive it is beneficial to take in millions of new peoples when they can't even take care of their own working class

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>White people have had enough privilege it's time for them to die.
I wonder who could be behind this post?

>tfw morally sound people require little government

It's not to benefit you, it's to benefit the global proletariat. Nations are a bourgeois construct. What benefits you is the system of imperialist exploitation. You should just be thankful they aren't killing you all en masse for what you've done to them - you deserve it.

so you value rich communists like most of Hollywood above poor people trying to get by from day to day?

does that sound marxist in any way to you?

A eurofag can't into immigration benefits. Well I guess you can't help it. My Irish ancestors built the transcontinental railroad. We were hated garbage people. Maybe we still are. What with the shit food. But there was upside. And now Americans accept us as fellow Americans who contributed instead of Invaders. This nonsense about parasite immigrants is as old as time. Don't know about your country, but they can't even get any "welfare" benefits being illegal. Almost every benefit is means tested. If you're going to chimp out on anything, it should be assimilation. Although here in America, it's likely any group will after 1-2 generations. Our pop culture is like a virus.

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>Communists are against religion as a tool of bourgeois oppression.
You've failed to explain why any of this is unethical to begin with. From the perspective of someone who doesn't believe in a universal code of ethics and morals, you have no authority to impose your personal morals on others.

control over what, you retarded moron?
Wasteland and underachieving population that cannot support itself, let alone serve you?
I know you are just trolling, but at least put some effort in it, because so far you sound like a complete brainlet.
Even if you were speaking on behalf of kikes: your population is shrinking (drop from 3 to 2% of US population), you cannot breed because you have too little various genetic material among tribe (look up ashkenazi genetic disorder predisposition).
To make scientific progress certain size of population is required (only some percent of population get to be scientists, if there are too few of them progress is hindered).

And on top of that... get this moron:
on top of that chinks will wipe you out, like youre nothing. Because whose going to stop them. Huwytes are doing it now, but when we are gone?
niggers will be too busy trying to steal your car while rioting that "wyte man gone, who gon giv us free munnay".

Just think about that, brainlet.

>Merit based immigration is good
Here are some downsides
>That immigrant takes a job, a property, potentially a wife/husband, school and uni places from a native.
>Merit based immigration removes onus on state and business to invest in natives, why bother when we can import what we need, when we need it, at less cost to the employer?
>You slowly create an elite with no connection to the people. You create a larger white underclass with every high skilled immigrant you take in.
>You destroy the country you brain drain from, but I suppose that's good for the rich elite that has you brainwashed, right?

Most of those poor people are wealthy by a global metric and don't have any idea what life is like in the Third World and the violence they're complicit in against it. They deserve to be punished.

You don't even understand basic decency so there's no point in arguing with you.

>the global proletariat
but why take from those who have nothing, I have NO income and give to those who have lots?
I asked you to explain why immigration is good. Your explanation will lead to the demise of the poorest, like in social Darwinism, It does sound like Hitlers euthanasia program except its not mentally retarded people we're talking about and starving to death is not quick nor humane.
The end result of what you want is that the people with the most amount of money survive and the poor people and the working class die.

It doesn't really sound very beneficial for the working class of any country now does it?

It's great if you like rape.
Why live peacefully in your homogeneous Nordic countries when you could import parts of the Middle East and Africa to liven things up a bit?

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OP asked why merit-based immigration would be a good thing for the working class population. That was addressing the idealized reason why immigration could be considered economically beneficial for a country. Now lets worked backwards and address why that is a false premise. It operates under two false premises:
>That standards of living is equal in all countries
>Each country is equally able to specialize
The United States is the worst example of a country that should allow immigration. It has bountiful access to all goods it could every possibly need for its industries. The U.S can support damn-near any industry, it lacks few resources. Additionally the united states has a very high standard of living, if an American were to move anywhere else in the world they would normally take a reduction in their standard of living to a certain extent.

I will now further address why the U.S should avoid taking in any more people all together
>The U.S is renowned world wide
>If the U.S opened its door people from across the world would apply
Because of this while the U.S might draw in a lot of star talent, this would actually cause a real decline in the standards of living of most americans as the highest demand positions in specialized industries would be taken by foreigners leaving little room for the American people to specialize themselves. Why bother focusing on going to school to be a programmer when some indian dude who is trying to escape poverty will take the job and want 20,000$ less than you would for the same level of stress? What it results in
>Foreigner = +1 worker
>Displaced american worker = +1 worker
>Displaced American has to take a less specialized position, doesn't earn as much they are capable of
>2 people now working but real standards of living for both go down due to reduced wages

War fodder.

>You don't even understand basic decency
You're right, i don't understand basic decency from an atheist's perspective. Why don't you explain it to me? Why don't you show me the natural laws of the universe that dictate what is and is not decent behaviour?

So how does your argument in any way relate to the op? Why not just support ultra protectionism to stop the exploitation of the 3rd world?

>Most of those poor people are wealthy by a global metric and don't have any idea what life is like in the Third World
and have knowledge about what it is like to be poor in the west and the third world?

who the hell are you to judge, are you poor? I actually used to be a marxist.

I dont know who you think you are but I have never seen anyone make a worse case for Marxism in my entire life.
You should waddle back to your billion dollar mansion and take a sip from your imported fair trade coffee made by children.

You're in fucking Norway, you get welfare. You don't live on pennies a day.

Because it's still capitalism and won't end exploitation and imperialism. Only by establishing global Communism and abolishing all states worldwide can we end this system.

>OP asked why merit-based immigration would be a good thing for the working class population
Unless I missed something in the OP, he didn't mention merit, simply immigration.

Oh easy lefties, instead of valuing logic and facts tend to make decisions based on how much virtue the statement/action will earn them socially basically they think they are a really great person for being so open an welcoming or holding a certain view point they are also very easily influenced by the powerful media machine that dominates most western countries especially America.

Lefties think with their feelings/to make themselves appear virtuous
Right wingers value logic and facts

It’s why no one can answer Tucker’s question “how is diversity a strength”

This is why we rarely see these intellectual midgets leave their safe spaces on tumblr and /leftypol/. They get absolutely crushed by logic and reason, even by religious folk such as myself. It's pretty pathetic.

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Inbred? Nope that’s you guys I’m pretty sure.

>wants to end imperialism
>"Only by establishing global Communism and abolishing all states worldwide.."

How do they manage this amount of cognitive dissonance?

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My fault, I meant immigration in general which is what I provided the reasoning for why immigration would be beneficial ever. I then tried to explain why its not even beneficial as a merit system for the u.S.

The only value lefties see in refugees Is an increased social standing by virtue signaling also most of these people are retards who thinks the government could just print more money to pay for them

It's not imperialism when you forcibly establish Communism worldwide, it has a specific definition in Marxist thought. It cannot by definition occur under Communism.

It's ok fren

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They stopped caring about arguments long ago. They'd kill you if things boiled down to that in order to get their way.
Yeah I honed my arguments against these reasons while I lived in commiefornia. They essentially want a serf class to do all the dirty work and keep the products they like cheap while also grandstanding and virtue signaling and getting all those good goy points on the side for "supporting" poor brown people by advocating for their right to do dirty jobs, depress wages, and keep their fruits and veggies cheap.

It's such a tired and lazy argument and it's really easy to yank them off their high horse.

Inb4 international food court is our strength recipes can be cooked by any race

But ultra protectionism will stop exploitation. How can you exploit their labour when its illegal to use it?

Honestly. I used to Jim Acosta, but with the recent events I can no longer support him. He abused a teenage female white house intern and that is not acceptable.

How do you *forcibly* establish anything worldwide without using violence or threats of violence? Are you larping as someone with a sub-90 IQ?