How did the Democrats win the House exactly? They've constantly made fools of themselves and kept making Trump look good in comparison, even recently in the Kavanaugh situation.
How did the Democrats win the House exactly...
There's 13,000,000 illegals in our country, and even more here "legally." Voter fraud and gerrymandering.
never Trump'ers needed to be ousted and CIAniggers filled the spots on the dems side.
Now if Trump proposes anything and the house disagrees he can blame everything on them.
My guess is decriminalization/legalization of mj will be coming soon as a test
Historically the president's party always has losses in the first midterm. Only losing a few dozen house seats and gaining senate seats is pretty unheard of. This is probably the best outcome for Trump; now he can blame Democrats when things fuck up ("I tried, but they wouldn't meet me in the middle") and when the next recession starts he can blame it on them too.
Although the Democrats weren't annihilated like I'd hoped this outcome does show you they badly overplayed their "blue wave" hand
Butthurt trumpfags who now cry and whine because their misanthropic dreams have been shattered. Go fap to your 2D waifus and STFU, the adults now can balance things back out and inject some sanity back into our governement.
Got my signed copy right here.
What a fag btfo
Stfu basedboy i bet youre the reason we lost the house.
STFU you fucking nerd, youre the reason we lost
Me? I voted for kek, unlike you sitting at home like the Neet you are.
You're the neet, I actually managed to get out of my house you fat lard, I bet you didn't even vote
It's reactionary, even the most ardent Trumpfriend will admit that a big part of 2016's win was catching the Dems off-guard and now they've been galvanized. Every single president for decades now has lost seats following two years after their election, for it to have not happened to Trump would be unprecedented.
However now they've blown their load early, shown what they're capable of: this is Democrats hitting as HARD as they fucking can after two years of Trump, and it's less than half of what Obama lost in 2010 (in just the house, Obama lost seats in the Senate too which Trump gained). And in 2020 the pendulum will swing back again after two years of Dem House obstruction is used as a platform for Trump to re-energize his voter base.
And what if I didn't? Are you gonna call me an illegal tumblrite, or are you really just projecting this hard?
Mabey you are an illegal Tumblrite you kike
Large urban centers are typically liberal. I live in Dallas, tons of white males were out campaigning and voting Dem. I live in a predominately white suburb. On my street, there's one Cruz sign and and at least 6 Beto signs. Most of my neighbors seem to be in their 30s and early 40s.
Meanwhile my parents live in Ellis County, just to the south. A lot more red there.
leftists been known that conservatives don't play by the books and the center-left had only just now realized, so now we're getting non-traditional, non-neoliberal progressive politicians. the democrats making a fool out of themselves are the ones who are parroting the "both sides" argument about political violence and the ones who think it's smart to work with the other side on everything. the actual progressives have been working overtime.
It's all part of the plan
>dems win house
>sessions resigns
>dems chimpout anyway
>exposed for the mob they are
Midterm elections are largely local politics. Many of of the dems that won were moderate and supportive of the President and immigration enforcement. It isn't like the hard left won. House dems will have to side with the President on immigration or alienate their constituency. It's going to be moderate dems vs hard left anti white commies infighting with the democrat party the next 2 years.
>muh illegal vote
>They've constantly made fools of themselves and kept making Trump look good in comparison
That is the fake news everyone is talking about. Do you think Jow Forums is real? What the fuck. You incels are literally retarded.
>It’s half of what Obama lost during the worst economic catastrophe in modern history
Yeah no, losing the House is pretty unprecedented with this level of unemployments and stocks at an all time high,
>13 million
More like 31 million.
>less than half of what Obama lost in 2010 (in just the house
obama had a bigger lead in the house to begin with and farther to fall, genius
also, 2010 redistricting and REDMAP
Literal cheating. They took what they learned from 2016 and ratcheted it up by 10. Republicans came out in record numbers, in some cases more than for when Trump was actually running.
Widespread massive voter fraud, and I guess we're all just gonna take it up the ass because the media will just scream sore loser. That's what America has become.
I think people were mad about the Parkland shooting, and the bombing campaign, and the tiki march with the Nazi slogans, and a whole bunch of other shit the far right's done.
Evidence for illegals voting isn't fully conclusive. Oh don't get me wrong, I don't doubt it's happening. We need to build a wall and deport the tacos to keep shit like this from happening. But it's hard to say exactly how much impact illegals had.
Gerymandering being a problem is undeniable though. Dems are packing and stacking districts left and right, mostly left. How else can you explain districts flipping blue in Florida and Arizona while they put Republican in the Senate?
niggers, spics, and women are allowed to vote
I think the bombing and Mosque shooting push people over.
Also, a few bad candidates.
I also wonder if Trump had been forced to denouce the alt-right and lost a somewhat large group of voters that actually were racists, KKK, Nazi's etc.
Even if the democrats publically dislike those groups, they only have to them them hate Trump to get their votes. And at the end of the day, I doubt Democrats would ever renounce a vote from a racist.
No I work at McD's.
Simple, outrage culture is put as the forefront of our society, motives, politic ties and credibility are secondary/tertiary at best.
Burger king employee detected
Here's a guy who actually does work at McDonald's...
It doesn't matter much. They create bills but senate votes on them. The rep will shut down any anti American policies at this point, the senate matters significantly more you niggers
Because this same shit literally happens every fucking time...the house flips to the opposite party of the President. The whole voting system is complete bullshit anyways and is probably manipulated to keep there from being to much of a political swing in one direction or the other, you literally walk in and give a name and birthday at most places and they had you a fucking ballot.
Establishment Reps refused to defend their seats in the general election effectively.
Moderate Republicans got purged. Kochs backed neocon Dems, CIA/Deep State.
Hopefully the backstabbing motherfuckers keep pulling their shit but on the Dems.