Brazilian intellectuals warn against Bolsonaro
Brazilian intellectuals warn against Bolsonaro
Let's get this started
>Brazilian intellectuals
yeah ok
>Brazilian intellectuals
Soon they will be joined by Mexican Intellectuals.
>Brazilian intellectuals
>Brazilian Intellectuals
>Brazilian intellectuals
>Brazilian Intellectuals
>Brazilian intellectuals
>mexican warlocks
>Brazilian intellectuals
>Brazilian intellectuals
fpbp and--
>Brazilian intellectuals
>brazillian intellectuals
Why are you guys making fun of Brazil ? We are set to be a new intellectual superpower by 2020
They dead
Because they are filthy dumb mongrels
They're lying. The American left has done more to silence more artists since 2001 than anything Trump or Bolsonaro "might" do. What happened to Star Wars and other creative content ought to be a warning to you all of what they plan and what is to come. Tens of thousands of us lost our careers when The Progress swept in. We'll never forgive or forget it. This era will end and when it does, the REAL art and stories about it will be made.
Right now we are SILENCED.
Believe it.
Believe it.
One step past line of Progress and they send members to stalk you and spread lies about you online until nobody will work with you. This is far worse than McCarthyism. Keep Bolsonaro in place; many American artists are seeking to flee there. Hiding for my safety.
10/10 post
>Mexican intellectuals
As an artist, this user is very correct. Basically all forms of (((popular))) are are infused with politics now, to the point where if they're not infused with politics, people will start asking questions as to why. Anything other than the increasingly extremely left orthodoxy is considered wrongthink and can ruin your career in seconds. We're already at the point where simply holding conservative beliefs will get you blacklisted and moving on to not being vocal enough about how great Marxism is will get you blacklisted. It's a fucking nightmare.
>Brazilian intellectuals
This 10x more retarded than the Mexican intellectuals meme
>Brazilian intellectuals
too late lol