The bald roastie got picked over the cute Asian chick.
The bald roastie got picked over the cute Asian chick
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I do like my roasties bald
everyone knows white women hate asian women
Bitch on the left looks like a damn zombie.
Jelly women voters
>Mary Gay Skelton
This what the fuck
I thought only men got the male pattern baldness issue?
>not voting for the chink
Democrats are obviously racist
That's racist.
holy shit look at this fucking gollum
What's wrong with the world?
Why tho?
Fucking racists. Probably voted based on Kill Bill.
Man I love asshurt weeb incels. Just a reminder while you guys sit around fantasizing about "waifus" you will never ever have, I will be out fucking black men that have bigger dicks than you, are more muscular than you, and have more money than you
Both are beautiful women. You're gay, OP
Shoo shoo toasty roastie. That orbiter voter bloc can’t protect you forever
Toll status: 26,567.55 DR
>I will be out fucking black men that have bigger dicks than you
you sound more like the fuckee. enjoy AIDS
tbf, the asian chick looks like shit (grinch-like face and 4 1/2 head) for a korean, but compared to that thing on the left, she's like a 10 compared to a 0.1
The one on the left looks like AIDS skrillex.
We won. You lost. Get over it.
>asian women don't hit the wall anywhere nearly as hard as white women
>asian women go out of their way to chase white men
>white men start going for asian women because they don't treat white men like shit as most white women do
>white women can't go around and take the asian men because they view them as bottom tier
>white women feel that asian women are stealing white men from them and then they get turbo-jealous
Now imagine a single and childless white woman at 30+. They believe men never stepped up for them and instead settled for these slant-eye whores. They already hate white men so any left over anger is going to the slant-eye whores.
which of those two do you think rode the cock carousel?
hint: it's the asian one
dilligaf about the fifth congressional district of Pennsylvania
Like Yul Brenner beautiful. That high polished look that haired girls will never achieve
This was redistricted into hellzone. PA 5 is now half Delco half South Philly. There will never be a Republican in this seat ever again. The Delco half was more than willing to run the district 50/50 split D/R. Now it's forever fucked in one direction. I'm not going to bother voting any longer as it's pointless, with the exception of Presidential elections my vote just got nullified.
That's racist.
Also the true fucking candidate was this fine specimen
Orbiters aren’t equals to their roastie masters
She's white, blonde and has blue eyes. I would choose my people over disgusting yellow insects any day. Also, Asians are known to be crooks, cheats and liars. She would've been a corrupt politician.... More so than the rest
Its over. The jew has won
Guarentee whyte womyn voted overwhelmingly against the Asian.
>t. i'm a cuck and also dumb
i see, user
And we can wed Asian women that can actually offer something other than sex. Like financial responsibility, self respect, better hygiene and better partners. What's your point?
That is a woman who abuses laxatives and starves herself until her hair falls out. Also that harsh bleach isn't doing her hair any favors.
But California got her.
democrats are racists, we know.
LolloL gay
What are you moaning about?
You're retarded
Its Pennsylvania... we should probably be glad they didnt nominate some guy who makes his daughter lick his ass while he's fucking a cow ...
no source
Pearl "Harbor" Kim, crashing the republican plane with no survivors.
Based Pennsylvania bros save the white race by picking white chick over asian chick. Say no to race mixing!
Damn, what a qt slender eyed grill. Would marry without a second thought.
>getting married
You're going to still be posting here 20 years from now, and you still won't be any closer to losing your virginity.
How do the good Asians always lose. We had one here a Republican running for mayor with great values and she lost to the Dem nigger ruining our city with Obama's sneaky fucking plans to turn suburbs into black and latino hives.
Imagine deriving all sense of self worth from your genitals haha no wonder you hate anything that isn't a giant whore of a cumdumpster
>cute Asian chick
that “cute chick” hates prostitution, I would bet she hates beta males too
>During her career as a special victims prosecutor, Pearl developed a reputation as a fierce advocate for victims of child physical and sexual abuse, domestic violence, and rape. That passionate advocacy for victims stemmed from her own personal experience as a survivor of college sexual assault and knowing what it is like to feel that government is not working for you. As an Assistant District Attorney, Pearl took a special interest in the problem of human trafficking and secured the first conviction under the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s human trafficking statute.
Pearl went on to become head of the human trafficking unit in the district attorney’s office and her expertise led her to be named to a special state government commission's advisory committee on human trafficking. Recognizing the shortcomings in the existing statute, Pearl and other committee members recommended a number of significant changes to state law that expanded the scope and enabled prosecutors to pursue more cases of human trafficking
>PA so racist the vote democrat to spite the foreigner
She sounds like a MeToo fundamentalist
>she accepted a senior executive position in the Office of Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro, a Democrat, that allowed her to focus on one of her personal priorities: campus safety and sexual assault on college campuses.
Pearl soon realized changes on the federal level were needed to truly make an impact on campus safety and other victim advocacy issues. When her local Congressman decided not to see re-election following complaints of inappropriate behavior, Pearl felt that it was time to follow her personal motto “Be the change you want to see in the world.” She stepped down from her job in the Attorney General Office and announced her intention to run for Congress in Pennsylvania’s 5th Congressional District.
French flag?
Also this. This is my district as well, but I still vote. Feels bad.
He's just having his nightly LARP as a roastie.
>voting against someone who would go hard on human trafficking
sasuga dems
I can't imagine deriving all your self worth from the color of your skin.
>heh, I'm white so Asian girls are gonna fuck me
>in reality he's a 30 year old incel neet posting frog memes on some neonazi forum
>people have been lusting over asians for years
>white women jealous about that
Jow Forums only has itself to blame for this turn of events
Her name is literally faggot and it’s a Democrat
Imagine my surprise
30% of this site is female. I just come over here from /cgl/ to laugh at you pathetic incels after you lose elections
>being this toasty
Roasties are funny.
Trannys are not female
pretty sure if the face of the people running were next to there ballot we'd have different results
she's handsome
It shows you how there's no testosterone up in that area because if you take one look at my Asian girl she's a super super hottie and she's a Republican and people still voted for that Skeletor looking freak of lesbian anorexia garbage because that's what liberals do their impotent estrogen addled pieces of human feces
white women should all be raped to death unironically
The nice thing about Asian chicks is that they LOVE the sheer size of a white cock. I dated this Japanese girl in college and she was constantly begging to suck me off. The whole time she was blowing me she was talking about how big my cock is (with it still in her mouth, so her speech was garbled, so hot). I stopped counting how many of my loads she swallowed after 50 or so.
Even hotter - she bragged to her other Jap friends about it so much that they eventually talked her into letting them suck me off as well, together at first, but eventually the friends were blowing me in secret on the side.
Those were good times..
>30% of this site is female
Lies, there are no women on the internet, only faggots LARPing as one.
This is pasta, for the unaware.
>supports human trafficking
kike shill detected
VPN, I don't browse the internet without a condom on.
I stopped seeing a woman when I realized she had the same thing with her hairline. Couldn’t unsee plus she has a kid. Total trash
Where did you find a VPN that works on 4chin ?
gookmoot bans them all
White thots eternally btfo
Not my race so dont particularly care, shes just an ally in the war for traditionalism.
We don't trust foreignor wahmen to vote like a real republican. It'd take a lot of convincing.
btw I found a shill. I've read this fags post word 4 word, months ago.
TOR -> NordVPN -> Jow Forums pass paid for with BTC acquired from mining back in ancient times.
this what happens to white women at 30
Bait is way too shiny.
Fivehead, sixhead, this cunt got a motherfuckin' ninety-sevenhead!
Looks like she's dying.
Pearl Kim new queen of Jow Forums?
that's gay
i'd give her a pearl necklace
the perfect depiction of the modern white women
well done, you have earned this (You)
Why does every dem look like they just escaped from a mental institution?
Okay, this is epic
I live in PA
The Democrats redrew the congressional map recently and guess what?
Mostly dems won and flipped everything. This was rigged with gerrymandering from the start
This is the only thing I am upset about.
How can gerrymandering be reversed?
The Pubs gained 63 seats after redistricting in 2010. You wanna talk about gerrymandering?
Now, finally laws are being placed to fix it or reverse it.
Also, it wasn't the dems but a majority republican state supreme court that ruled the map gerrymandered.
Read a book nigger.
>bamagram retard libthot
save yourself the pain of what your life is going to be
>The bald roastie got picked over the cute Asian chick.
It's just terrible how much some people like day old Arby's. Isn't it?
I'm genuinely convinced that women can't create a single original thought on their own. The best they can do is parrot the insults their beta orbiters throw around.