Why is this retarded old racist has-been allowed to return to wrestling?
Why is this retarded old racist has-been allowed to return to wrestling?
once the world has seen your cock, you're immune to everything
I'll be boycotting WWE until he's removed. I don't think this person sends the right message for a professional sport.
There was a time when he built up a lot of hype. He IS a charming guy, he can also be very likeable if you don't know how he really is.
I remember when I was a child, he would fall to the ground and looked like he was truly suffering when taking punishment, although he's a terrible wrestler he knew how to get you rooting for him while he hulked up like a superhero and made a comeback.
He was also really good on the mic.
No wrestling ability but he could talk and build hype.
Because we hate niggers too. Just like that real American hero
vince mcmahon
Because FUCK niggers
he's not even a racist. he's probably a moderate or a liberal. He's also one of the most important figures in the "sport".
Saudis wanted big names for their ppv
Because fuck you.
I'm delighted to see him making money again.
we are officially further removed from Hulk Hogan's 2002 WWE comeback than it was from his WWE debut
racism is legal again i heard
Because he was a great wrestler.
You are a shitty linguist, yet here you are, fucknugget.
Also, bring back Ric Flair.
Someone post the gif
That fucking ambulance scene with Nash and Hall.
He's the most important wrestler of all time and everything in your post is fucking retarded.
when the whole world has seen your dick pics, you no longer fear anything
anyone over 50 is racist
Because nobody gives a shit what happens. Its fucking wrestling.
fuck off you don't know the first thing about wrestling if you think hogan was a decent wrestler
I'll bet you don't even watch wrestling so your boycott is absolutely worthless.
Britfag trying to pass judgment on The Immortal One.
Fuck off. Sorry your country is overrun with degenerate animals and you'll never know what it's like to be a Real American.
because unlike fucking brain dead fucks like you I don't care what political opinions a fucking entertainer has
Well, he didn't say decent, he said important. And to be honest I think he was. Hulk Hogan was part of the sensation that made wrestling so big in the 80s and early 90s. Too bad he almost killed it by being so undefeatable ( show wise) that you knew who was going to win in any match he was in that mattered.
You're a fucking moron if you think being a good wrestler means how many somersaults you can do you new age faggot smark.
Cause most fans here are old school fags and they like him. We don't care about mutt social problems.
and no one (except your mum) cares what you think
>over 200 beers
Put fucking Boggs to shame, Rest in Peace you beautiful giant French Bastard with a heart of gold.
If the WWE cared about what viewers think, it wouldn’t have taken Leukemia to remove Roman Reigns as champion.
Jow Forumsing that gif of Rollins curb stomping Big E on MLK day
He was very very important, but not the most important.
I cried when he died, it was heart breaking as a kid.
It was all a work bro
Who is that? Terry funk?
Wait no, Andre the giant right?
>he was able to really sell and make the fans really give a shit
>but he didn't do 18 drop kicks in a row and triple flippy fag moves off the top of the cage so he sucks
You're a faggot
Is that Kevin Nash?
The most famous man in the world at one point. Before cable TV. Everyone on the planet knew who he was.
Andre is one the most important people let alone professional wrestlers
yeah hes had a rough life since poeple found out about it
I haven't followed wrestling for a long time. What are the details?
Holy fucking WORKED
hogan knows and is using it no one ever comes back from saying nigger
Because it triggers faggots like you.
You have never been to Hogans Beach i assume.
Niggers mad because they can't stop HULKAMANIA brother! Hall of fame now!