What do we think of him?
What do we think of him?
he should get a white house press pass
ok this is epic
Oy vey
Mueller is going to indict this subversive piece of shit.
based and redpilled
He's smart, fast and a little woke. I like some things about Ben, but nobody is perfect. Him not caring about white extinction does twist my stomach a little
Very little
How any of you thought this faggot could gain traction is beyond me
A petite Count Dracula.
I always enjoy the soothing sounds of a fast-talking manlet with a coffee coaster on his head.
(((Benji))) can suck my dick
I AM THE BIGGEST VICTIM OF ANTISEMITISM [spoiler]not being in favour of giving free shit to Israel[/spoiler] ACCORDING TO THE ADL
That's all anyone needs to know about him.
Undeniably smart, well educated, well spoken, ambitious, religious but not preachy, hates leftists' guts, kicks their asses regularly and joyfully. He has a solid reputation of being fair and following facts. Usualy calling a spade a spade unless the spade proves otherwise...
tucker carlson is having his property invaded as i type this
the same thing will happen to shapiro, they don't see a difference between the two men
Gas like all the rest and if you disagree you're a kike sucking cuck
Piece. If. Shit. Hi Ben.
>tucker carlson is having his property invaded as i type this
I didn't know that was going on.
"Fox News Host Tucker Carlson's Home Targeted by Anti-Fascist Protesters"
Comic relief
>asks people to tell him what to think
classic Jow Forumstard
Hes just like Peterson
Peterson is terrible except when he talks about psychology.
Shapiro is terrible except when he’s talking about law.
Thèse guys become very knowledgeable in one area and think it translates to everything else when really they only have a basic level of understanding on other topics and refuse to truly learn the material necessary. It’s only impressive to those who know nothing about anything.
i got 36 A's and 4 B's with a non-meme degree and a 176 on the LSAT but rejected by harvard. the jews are to blame for this.
Ben Shapiro here
SoIhaveafewotherthank-you’s:Iwanttosaythank youtothemoronswhoputupthatsignacrossthewaythatsays,“We say no to your white supremacist bullshit.” I say thank you because Ialsosaynotowhitesupremacistbullshit.Andifyoutckaroundlongenoughinthisspeech,youwillhear (SPEED INTENSIFIES)mdectlyhat.heroblemisIlsosayno toouridentity-politicslshit.
ThanksAntifa supposedFascist brigade, for exposingradical you guys are so stupid. I am grateful, and you can all go to hell, you pathetic, lying, stupid jackasses.
Agent for the DNC to keep the right *cucked*
funny, often good
but a neocon juden who will stab you in the back
I never understood antisemitism... Looks like the most idiotic form of racism to me.
Anyway, why are you asking about Shapiro?
Yeah man, totally unfounded.
Who could ever hate God's chosen?
Who here the execrable Michael Knowles
I agree with 90% of this man's politics, but he is probably the #1 reason why I'm anti-semetic. His interview with Tucker Carlson was excellent, though I'd say that was despite him, not because of.
Peterson's psychology is a bunch of bullshit pottery. His advice is fucking terrible.
Undeveloped kike
ideology matters to rightwingers
they're fanatical
proud israeli patriot
>white extinction
Epic meme
i hate when i agree with fucking communists
this guy is a great example
>grades are everything
>especially public school grades
Whew, boy. You got a rude awakening coming. Should've sucked off your congressmen for glowing recommendations.
I can't stand his jewy nasal voice. He's the type of jew who will be a kapo in the very near future.
the first time I watched this guy he contradicted himself every second sentence
Manlet with an annoying voice.
It stings to be threatened by him, doesn't it?
Basic, run of the mill opinions, served with smugness.
His core audience is politically unsophisticated teens.
He has a funny npr voice
who the FUCK is we?
Typical Kike using his tricks to undermine the right.
The only based kikes are the ones that speak out against the tribe, namely David Cole and Stanley Kubrick.
his sister is hot
kike piece of shit that deserves to be monked
the only way to make this world a better place is to eradicate the jew once and for all
He is the definition of controlled opposition.
Shut up Ben, your jew tricks are transparent.
He has ted cruz's mouth.
Shapiro if nothing else is the better at arguing his point than anyone else in the media. Doesn't matter if he's Jewish or if you agree with him. He wins the dumb 3 minute segment debates that all news channels in America likes to do.
Just another establishment cuckserative in the image of William Cuckley. This country is drawing up sides. If you don't care about what happens to white folks in the days ahead those white folks will reject you. Ben's days are numbered lecturing anybody about anything.
Unless it has to do with white hatred, he couldn't care less.
It's us
Unironically good except for when he gets on his "oy vey we need to send money to Israel" shit
A cringey kikelet.
I honestly despise him.
He is a complete rat.
he looked like a kid I used to hit back when you could do that
One of the most oven worthy kikes on the planet.
Controlled d opposition
I got hoooooooooeeeeeessssss
Oven dodger
you will never get an honest answer out of pol regarding anyone jewish since there are so many muslims and stormfag democrats on here posing as right wing
Gay dwarf who loves Israel more than America.
He pushed for Iraq hard - he's an Israel-firster.
Caaaaaaaaaallllliiiiiiiiiing a young nigga phooooooooooooooone
Never trust a jew who claims to be a conservative.
A fast-talking, very intelligent individual with some very serious flaws
>doesn't care about white genocide
>doesn't believe in racial differences
>deeply connected to jewish power
This being said, he's a good pipeline for centrists moving from left-leaning to the right. Just sucks that he's a typical Jew in the sense that his entire worldview is undoubtedly governed by Talmudic law.
>Never trust a jew*
What about Bobby Fischer? He was extremely outspoken about Jews' control.
>Ok now this is epic
Ben whaddup?
i bet he was having flashbacks seeing the way that reporter was treated today.
Confession: Up until today I thought these two were the same person, don't ask me why, looking back it doesn't make any sense.
he's so tiny he can fit into any conventional sized oven, even those Fisher Price ones made out of plastic.
they're both famous for looking very smug and btfoing the media so
First on day of the rope
>100 posts
>no milkerposting