Continued from this thread Get in here anons. There is blood in the water.

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Other urls found in this thread:

he shouldn't have beat the ever-loving shit out of that poor woman


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CNN should name and shame that cunt intern in the red dress for assaulting a journalist.

What kino is this?

Some useful links for proofs

Would have been funny as shit if that intern had punched Acosta in the throat.

My mother grew up in an abusive household and when she saw the way a TELEVISION REPORTER treated that woman she burst into tears and has basically been inconsolable. We're calling and demanding CNN be removed from our cable provider and boycotting all businesses that air CNN.

Goddamn this shit is so awkward it's making me sweat

Good to see freedom of the press is alive and well in Trump's America. #MAGA

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Literally shaking

Hopefully CNN won’t put him on leave. He’ll kill himself. What other use does CNN have for him? He has established himself as the worst sort of tabloid-trash drama queen imaginable. How can he be taken seriously behind a desk or microphone anywhere?

She should have kneed him in the balls.

what is that music playing in the background?



Anyone else fap to this shamefully? This is the first instance of a rape actually being recorded in the White House. It's so rare. Yeah, you touch that hand, Jim. Just push it the fuck away. Mmmm, yeah, just like that, you dirty pig. Put that bitch in her place. Mmmmmmmmmm yeeeeaaaaahhhhh

Anyone know who this intern is?
Her name?
Would be great to start a #IStandWith_______ tag on twatter or some shit.
We need her name
......and more photos of her she cute

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>not wanting Jim Acosta to kill himself IRL
cmon user why

wasnt jim acosta caught on cnn a few months ago (like 6) asking when the deep state is going to deal with trump? isnt he the cianigger?

oh shit i have no reading comprehension. jesus chrsit.

>a literal enemy of the American people..
good riddance.., tired of his disrespect & the ingenuousness this man has for the literal, most powerful man in the world
any1 who supports this man should be flagged as an individual potentially aligned with domestic threats; who may also be unlawfully-occupying American territory

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Most of the major media is filled with mockingbird assets. It's well within the realm of possibility.

>FrEeDuM oF PrEsS mEaNs InTeRrUpTiNg OuR PrEsIdUnT, sPeEkInG oUt oF tUrN, aNd MaNhAnDuLiNg YoUnG WaMaN wHiTeHoUsE iNtErNz

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he was doing his job unlike your president

they are simply part of the same mafia, they dont have to be "assets", just plain old shills keeping themselves in power

they must be exterminated at all cost


you will die in a torture room terrorist shill

someone call 911 this nigger just got rekt

Pro tip: Acosta really hates the “dear diary...” hecklings.

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>people who don't like censoring journalists are terrorists
this lie was played out by Bush's second term. When will conservacucks grow up?

>all the blue checkmarks defending Acosta cucking that poor woman
feminism finally moved down a peg on the priorities ladder of the left

Exactly. He did push her arm away with his left hand when she went for the mic.

Thanks to Microsoft for translating this.

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Technically battery. Wasn’t her job to flounce about and pass the mic around?

>Acosta should consider that if he thinks Trump is really in bed with Russia what happens to "journalists" who piss off Putin.

You genuinely want the US to emulate the corrupt oppressive shit fest that is Russian politics? Are you braindead

Lets start calling him Jim "Rude boy" Acosta


first time any of this retarded shit has made me laugh. trump absolutely just used leftist tactic on them fucking hilarious

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>that post
Just just up, newfag.

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Need more "literally shaking"posts on his twatter

Lel no

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They only way this day gets any better is if RBG drops dead

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His question at this event was about the Russian investigation. Going with that showed he was still trying to keep this utterly discredited witch hunt relevant so yes it would behoove him to bear it in mind but since we know he doesn't actually believe in this fantasy he won't think about that.

I deleted the post above because apparently they did refer to the physical contact

just here to lol

can someone give me a quick rundown

How can leftists be such utter hypocrites? Have they no shame?

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Literally just as I was watching the PJW tweet was kicked from the thread, still has more likes and retweet that the stuff that just appeared but is no longer visible. I forget how bad twitter is sometimes.

Share the video fuckers. It's got to have the video,

Yes, he was doing his job as a propagandist and pot stirrer, which isn't being a journalist. When he decides to become one, then he can come back. As it stands now, his presence at press breifings is no more appropriate than it would be for the cast of Cats to be there.


Polonium comin' your way soon user

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Name yourself, coward

Same thing happened with Obama apparently, and the media cheered. Pic related.

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Wow, imagine how bad it would be if the media were complicit in false flag attacks dating back the last 55 years and covered up that Jesus was telling the truth. Good thing that didn't happen...

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>gatekeeper fag is fag


Is this battery law anons?

Can a hue get a video of what happened?

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ha faggot btfo


(pls do not sabe rare pepe)

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Sounds like Jims bad behaviour A Costa Him a Job

My neighbors heard my keks through the walls I'm sure.

No. They're hypocrites. It's their job.

He practically raped that poor woman. She's just an intern doing her job.

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get the fuck out of here

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>no shame

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a new classic, add it to the louvre boys

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hope a webm will do for now

Attached: Jim My Mike Acousta.webm (720x720, 1.4M)


Really? was it needed?

What a disgrace of an administration.

Jesus you libshits are always kate to the party. Please, please learn to meme instead of diarrheaing stale memes


What a day. Acosta behavior is just disgusting. I'm surprised he wasn't b& long ago.

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rubbin' is racin' as they say.. I wouldn't have mentioned that contact as a basis for banning him I would have just said he was rude, belligerent and disrespectful.

>a FUCKING kangaroo

The pushing around women angle is great so what nickname should we meme for him?

Jim, the "Bitch Slappa" Acosta?
Jim, "Pimp Hand" Acosta?

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isn't she that woman who harassed that Trump supporter and then called the cops?

God it was so good to see Trump finally kick this turd to the curb.

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Jim "The Accoster" Acosta

Sorry sweetie she did the assaulting

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We're here for you and your family user

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I bet if it was a male staffer that tried to take the mic away that little bitch acosta wouldn't have swatted his hand away

To you Acosta's behavior may seem like no big deal. But it is a prime example of rape culture. This is how rape culture starts. An utter disregard for women and their physical space. This is NOT okay.

Honestly, who would be opposed to a state execution of Jim Acosta at this point?

No U.

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Ask if they #believewomen

I understand, how has he not been locked up for this sexual assault on a young woman?!!

Is he above the law?

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I'd oppose it unless it was a public execution.

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Yeah she's a human salt-mine

>"As a result of today's incident, the White House is suspending the hard pass of the reporter involved until further notice"

holy kek they actually did it

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jim accost 'er

Good, good. Now kiss.

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Eat nigger balls bitch

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Great now CNN can send another reporter so I dont have to listen to that manlet burst out everytime Trump says something. Like 40 other journalists in there and none of them do that shit.

is he even White? looks like one of the invaders?

an enemy agent? some kind of spy, why did he attack the young lady? just pure sexism and genital hate?

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as a sex hating assaulter of wammins? bro, you need to can that backward BS. women are smart AND funny, do not attack them mysogynist pigs!!

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