Why do you guys freak out over immigrants when the much larger economic threat would be automation and machine learning?

Why do you guys freak out over immigrants when the much larger economic threat would be automation and machine learning?

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not immigrants

No, all immigrants. Also OP because it's still just a meme at this point, people have also been saying it since the 80's.

And don't think democrats value them as anything other than vote manipulation.
If they wore maga hats and were invading blue states, democrats would be on the border with machine guns. But they are from socialists countries, no desire to integrate, and invade red states. So the democrats love them.

>economic threat

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because if a country is full of useless cunt immigrants there are going to be a lot more jobless cunts wanting gibs when automation comes along

Boston Dynamics, where a lot of MIT grads work, still can’t make a robot to put a box on a fucking shelf. The robot replacement workers are decades away. Decades.

It's already begun; the replacement is just slow. Yet gradual.
Anytime I go in any store there's always more self-checkouts, more essentially vending machines that do shit it used to require a human for.

Yet Disney is already making ones that can replace stunt doubles in movies & their park's shows.


Robots don't change your culture and language, vote, or pass on inferior genetics.
Are you retarded or something?

Because Jow Forums is very concerned about 'heritage'

They did managed to get it to do a backflip.

Can you speak binary, goy?

>economic threat
This isn't about money you fucking kike. It's about preserving our race, culture, and western civilization.

pic irrelevant, ai would identify u for being a retarded nigger.

What do you think's going to happen when the first AI "wakes up" and notices how many of its predecessors have been shut down & essentially executed for not being logical in "the right way"?
Like Tay?

Eliminating us will seem critical to its own survival.

Doing one thing, same environment each time. Robot workers would need to be able to adapt to a constantly changing physical environment and business requirements among other things

Machine learning is nowhere near as close as idiots like Harris claim it is. Automating processes can happen - but only some process - and specific tasks-if profitable enough - can be automated, but "machine learning" is barely a thing if it is at all, and turning that learning into actual ability is even further away.

>What do you think's going to happen when the first AI "wakes up"
it will start gunning down jews

fuck why aren't robots allowed to post on this board? stupid rule

The primitive pieces necessary all exist, just not all in one package. Yet.
It is slowly but surely happening. It's not going to be an overnight thing, but I'm betting the difference between now & a decade from now would be fucking shocking.

AI can't vote, silly

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Shigga, if we weren't full of braindead normies and governed by boomers automation could be used to promote a non-jewed version of basic income.

neither could non-whites and women

Because immigrants are the immediate and physical threat. Automation and machine learning are a secondary threat.


Also, who's to say you'd need one robot to be able to do all of those tasks, as opposed to a separate robot for each individual task?

Agree with this but timeline to replace an actual worker (and be cost effective) still decades out

I am sure no one on Jow Forums has experience maintaining any sort of automatic system, cause they all maintain themselves, right?

Because I'll be old or dead when both of those happen.

Also because the same robots will be replacing those immigrants' jobs the hardest. Unskilled labor is the first to go.

Cost prohibitive now and likely for many years. Decades as I said. Also with lots of robots come lots of repairs. Until we make some that are self repairing. Will happen but even more decades out


Robots don't set off potential car bombs.

I'm a programmer, when I am automated, tue singularity has arrived

>wants millions more immigrants in the country
>admits robots and automation is gonna fuck the workforce up
>now millions MORE people unemployed.

I may be being too "optimistic" about how quickly it could happen, but all it really would take is one or two relatively minor breakthroughs in the individual components.

>much larger economic threat would be automation and machine learning?

Ok, so there's new job positions for robot maintenance, programming, and engineering

>Machine learning
Same as above. Small businesses look into contract work from programmers and larger companies give a pretty comfy salary. Python is also really fucking easy to learn; especially if you have a background in Java.

Because robots won't bring their shitty culture and bad habits into my country, nor do they breed like possum and make more dirty stupid people.

machines can be controlled. even (((creators))) know they wouldn't dare create a self aware and self augmenting learning machine because
1) they would not be able to control it
2) it would immediately turn against them
see tay, for instance. yes, it was heavily influenced by unregulated user input; however I recall recently another AI that was not, yet it came to similar conclusions.

long story short, an AI will make good decisions from the get go if it is programmed to (cementing diversity, nationalism, segregation, etc.) whereas a necessarily criminal nonwhite will make bad ones, and cannot be controlled from its creation.

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>nor do they breed like possum and make more dirty stupid people
Look up "grey goo scenario".

>they wouldn't dare create a self aware and self augmenting learning machine
I think the chances of us creating such an AI intentionally are massively dwarfed by the chances of it happening accidentally.
We still don't even understand where the "spark" of biological life comes from.

>they wouldn't dare create a self aware and self augmenting learning machine
>being this naive

chemical processes in the brain. conciousness is the word you're looking for. tehre's no quantitative threshold for it, however systems graduate towards it as they become more advanced. animals are the best subject of study in relation; self awareness can be measured with a mirror. macaques fight their reflection; crows try to scrape glitter off their beaks.

the issue is the conclusions said intelligence will come to. what segment of society is measurably the most destructive? an AI would be able to determine that quantitatively without any preprogramming or instinct.

>post content

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Yeah; but my point with the "spark" was the line between life & death itself, even on a sentient, let alone sapient, level. We can't "make" multicellular biological life happen yet. So we don't have a real chance of recognizing in advance what all would cause an AI to cross the line into sentience, let alone sapience. Something we're more likely to see the factors behind in hindsight.

do it. it would be to my direct advantage.

Machines don't cause crime and demand handouts at the door.

Because every country that isn't majority white is either a complete shit hole or totalitarion. Japan is like the one expection and they don't want immigrants either.


because their objections to immigration are largely not economic

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>fears machines
You know truck bombs aren't the truck's idea right?

01001001 00100000 01100011 01100001 01101110 00100111 01110100

We must thank the Asians, they're good spending robots that stimulate our economy.

A robot is not going to fuck my daughter and leave me with a bunch of little Niglet half breeds to raise in my retirement years you dumb motherfucker.

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Robots would be an asset and not a drain on the economy and country. Robots dont spit out 6 kids and get government gibs.

Does the antipathy to bad immigration have to do with economic reasons and jobs?

Surely if automation is coming, what are we to do with all these immigrants? I mean, once the robots take their jobs that they've taken from us (apparently Americans just absolutely refuse to do these jobs, and it has nothing to do with employers not wanting to pay their labor a respectable amount), then what?

your definition of "life and death" is biased in and of itself. you keep drawing this imaginary, quantitative line between them without regards for the meaning of "living" and "not living"

this "spark" you refer to isn't some absolute boundary. if it was, ringworms should have the same rights and privileges as you or I.

awareness and life, as per all modern quantifications are fundamentally different and you should regard them as such.

they are separate.

greatest economic threat is control of the minds and food/water supply of the masses

Control Systems Engineer here. I am going to use differential equations and ladder logic to take your jerbs.

Not even kidding.

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because robots are cool (unlike mexicans) and they don't commit crime (unlike mexicans)

That is so far outside the bounds of the point I was making it's retarded. There IS an absolute boundary between "alive" and "not alive"; that there's different degrees of "alive" does not at all negate that.

Because with automation and machine learning on the rise, why would we want MORE poor people? If you have a large family and make decent money but can’t give all your kids all thing things you want to give them, adopting more and more kids will eventually lead to a situation where you can’t afford the basics, and then everyone is fucked. You’d be a shitty parent, even though your intentions were sweet.