President Trump only won PA with about 2.9 million votes. The democrat wolf got 2.8 million votes with 57.6% of the vote while the republican only 2 million with 40.8% of the vote. This doesn't look good for 2020
Trunp doomed in 2020?
yup forget about PA and MI in 2020
Trump won because of Democrat complacency mixed with someone actively hated by people on the left and right. He's going to be annihilated in 2020.
trump got extremely lucky with a fluke in 2016
Wolf is popular thanks to his personality and Wagner seemed to fucking disappear after he won the nomination. Barely fucking campaigned. No ads, etc.
>implying NC, OH, AZ, TX aren’t swing states
Sherrod Brown won OH by over 10%, NC has a democratic governor and democratic senator, AZ is still undetermined, TX Ted won by less than 3% of the vote
there was a low black turn out in 2016. white working class with their hopes high. suburban whites didnt cuck was much as they did yesterday
1% of the vote in texas, 0,4% in arizona. insane right
oh i agree, that map is like best case for republicans
Apparently there are still 650,000 votes left to count in AZ, with 100,000 in Tucson and 500,000 in maricopa
r u serious?!
imagine Dems win AZ and in a miracle the MS runoff lol, it'd be down to 52-48
fox news boomers in FL fucked us tho
Yeah we won’t know until 5pm tomorrow pacific time
These two elections are completely different animals you can’t compare them.
Trump will indeed have a very hard time in 2020, not to mention with Florida letting convicts vote now when he already just squeaked by.
BUT with that said, I'm not sure if the midterms are indicative of 2020. I say this because turnout is always lower than the presidential elections, and minorities generally don't bother with midterms, especially blacks. But the black support of Trump has gone WAY up lately. He was already ahead of damn near all republican presidents for the last 40 years in terms of black support when he got elected, but now it's even higher. Democrats rely HARD on the minority vote, which is why they constantly pander to identity politics and say everything Trump does is racist.
If Trump can improve black relations even more, heavily limit new democratic voters from coming in (ie limit visible minority immigration from places where the citizens vote very liberally, as opposed to ones like cubans which vote republican), and get just a tad bit more support from hispanics, then he should be able to win it.
I feel like he will be bringing over some more independents in 2020 as they see the left slowly losing their mind more and more.
That's not how Pennsylvania works. The politics here are unique. Besides the idiocy that is Philly and it's suburbs, there are a lot of blue collar, pro-union Republicans, which makes for some interesting disparities between State and federal elections.
i worry that florida allowing convicts to vote has almost guaranteed a democratic president
If the remaining votes are in the same margin as currently, Dems win by like 20,000 votes
Gubernatorial races aren't a good way to judge statewide lean. Massachusetts, Vermont, NH and Maryland all have Republican governors.
dems dont have a candidate capable of rallying the forces. after the humiliation in '16, and now the complete lack of showing unity in '18, if you think a strong incumbent with a good foreign policy behind a rallied and unified republican party is going to falter
youre fuckin delusional
PA gerrymandering is real. Fuck this liberal hell hole.
Convicts can vote now in Florida?
i worry too but in a good way
People switch votes back and fourth, it's how democracy works.
they paid their debt to society, there's no reason why they can't vote
In the northeast no, but republicans there are part of history, they are basically moderate democrats,
But in swing states it is indicative of changing demographics, like what happened with California and Virgina. And now NC.
For the Midwest, eventually I can see it becoming red, but they will continue to hemorrhage electoral votes, while giving it to Dems in the south/southwest which become more latino
omg that'll be amazing
lol that's because liberals were being nice. republicans can't win anything else in any of those states
Wolf and Casey are both well liked here because they pull off the whole “old school Democrat” routine very well. Casey especially is practically unbeatable in this state. The economy has been good and Wolf is just a good politician. People are happy and they like him. Philly is also filled with white cucks who don’t understand how deep this rabbit whole goes. They live in majority white enclaves with the occasional well off black kid mixed in and just virtue signal on the internet about how they’re not racist. They’ll learn one day, but not soon enough.
I wasn't asking the cuck Canadian now was I?
Not exactly, Pres elections follow distinct patterns in the modern era.
Trump chose an extremely good year to run and Dems chose and extremely poor candidate.
When a party gets the White House they typically get two terms, then they do not get a third. Almost like clockwork.
We were coming off two terms of Obama and Democrat fatigue. Obama could not run again and Dems annointed Hillary Clinton whom has been fairly despised since the 1990s.
Not a fluke in historical precedent which was always on Trump's side. 2016 was the climax of the waves against Democrats that started in 2010.
Also, Obama rode a similar wave created by fatigue of two terms of W and Republican politics.
Ill be sad when he loses in 2020. Our lives are better with him. The world is a more peaceful place.
Watch the next president find a new middle east excuse. Itll be awful.
it passed last night, dumbshit florida voters elect republican senator but open the door wide open to permanent democratic control by voting overwhelmingly to allow felons to vote
There's always fringe third party candidates that soak up half to two percentage points.
>implying Texas won't go hard red.
Gas yourself nigger
They didn't pay any debt to society. They were simply removed from it. Debt repaid implies that they gave an equal amount of what they took. After being removed from society for a time, they were let back in. But there wasn't a debt repaid, and many actions that they took to make society worse are still there. They should be let back into society after a period of time, but I don't think losing their right to vote in the future of society should be given back to them.
Take the demographic black pill and realize it's all fucking over.
Even if Trump pulls out a surprise victory in 2020, by 2024 3/4 of the country will be browned.
Trump showed up 10 years too late. Start prepping NOW.
Wagner was trying to raise state income tax. I'm a republican and i voted for wolf, you would be a fool not to.
Only if Rand or Ron run
I live in CA and I can sympathize with you.
>People are happy and they like him.
I don't like his shit roads.
Tar and chip should be banned.
But rather than fix the roads he does stupid shit like put radar guns in construction zones to send you a fine in the mail.
really? new york times counted as 99% of the votes counted.
I must say that I'm very worried about america's future. it's being years that I've read about cuckservative - even here on Jow Forums - people talking about "based" hispanics and ignoring the threat of florida, texas and arizona becoming democrat forever. like they already did with virginia, new mexico and colorado.
georgia is also almost minority-majority
It is really hard to lose a second term, but the map is very unfavorable to Republicans in 2020. The midterms mattered most in the rust belt, and the Dema crushed it their. They can win without Florida, but they just gave 1 million blacks the right to vote again, so I highly doubt the republicans keep Florida.
The Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan and PA elections, (also senate in Ohio) the dems crushed. This is very bad news for trump, going forward. It’s a sign that he working class is slipping from trump fevor in those states which ARE a referdum on trump.
This night was not good for Republicans. Nevada is fully a dem state now, Texas, AZ are becoming like California, NC and virgins
true, florida voting blue usually meant democrat president, unless trump repeat the mid-west red wave again. which is fucking hard
Dewine won Ohio too and if Mandel (jewish combat vet) ran against Brown he would've lost. He's still got Ohio in the bag tbph.
Fucking Casey is pro immigration and wants sanctuary cities. I voted straight R.Dems will never get my vote.
>implying convicts didn't get woke with all that book reading in jail
Real niggas know Trump is a real nigga
No, there are still 650,000 votes left according the AZ state comminsion
You're a fool, the DNC is going to raise it anyway, they always do.
Still though we need them to stop driving people out of their houses over taxes.
And stop tearing down vacant buildings because of taxes.
I didn’t vote for him nor do I like him, I’m just saying he’s popular for whatever reason. My friend’s mom voted for him because he rescued a dog from a puppy mill. Another guy I know voted for him because of the Eagles winning the super bowl and he gave a speech. When any mouth breather can vote, this is what we get. Part of the reason Corbett was despised was because he came down hard on Penn State after the Sandusky scandal. Retards gonna retard
arizona is really fucked up. among boomers they're like 80% white, but 18-24 whites are like 42% of the population
Also Portman won Ohio in 2010 and Obama still cleared it in 2012.
r u fucking retarded leaf? we're talking about after they serve their time. of course they should vote
too bad u retarded leaf, democracy has spoken
DNC? jfc russia get your shit together
The Brazilian gets it. The Republican party is the retard party.
We should electoral college the states.
It’s going to be minority-majority by 2027 Becuase white fags don’t have childern
The difference user is that locally, republicans are giant pussies. Think Romney but even pussier. Now put them up against a democrat who is well spoken and knows how to connect with people in the state and the republican gets ass blasted.
That's the difference with Trump. Dude is not a bitch like most rinos in the region and knows how to speak to white working class voters and get them to come out and vote
This is why homosexuality is considered wrong by the worlds three biggest religions.
I voted for Corbett the first time, but yeah I got fed up with the Penn State bullshit and the Eric Frein fiasco.
So I voted for Wolf because I don't care for idiot gas drillers from Texas who are also very bad drivers.
But Wolf isn't fixing infrastructure that is needed.
Money continues to be wasted on stupid memes like rebuilding bridges that still have long lives to them, and wasting it on an ever more expensive Turnpike that fewer people use.
There's libertarians who suck GOP votes too. Governor races aren't all that related to national ones as well.
This time around I voted for Wagner.
Republicans cleaned up in 2010 and Obama won in 2012...go shill somewhere else
Oh yeah, PA demo changed that much in 2 years. kys.
If that happens there will never be another republican president until they start appealing to Mexicans and drop the immigrantion stuff, or they somehow appeal to whites in New England/northeast
Midterms aren't related to the Presidential very much. Remember 2010? Obama was obliterated. He still won re-election via states that beat the shit out of the Dems in 2010.
>drop the immigrantion stuff
Why the hell would anybody keep voting for them if they did that? Turn off the lights, go home, and start getting ready for the upcoming race war.
im talking about the states trump needs in 2020. he's very unpopular in MI, PA and u can add WI
it's about trump's popularity in MI, WI and PA
Man you know I always hear conservatives talking about a test before voting, but obviously this will eliminate some of the voting population. Is it better to just let dumbfucks vote and fall into a chaos via principles, or is an authoritarian government just inevitable in every society?
>implying DeSantis isn't just going to conveniently remove hundreds of thousands of voters from the rolls just in time for 2020 like Kemp did in GA
Bruh, FL's GOP machine pulls some serious voodoo every election in order to try and offset the Dems' antics in counties like Broward. That alone makes me doubt that FL's out of the running.
Look up the states Obama's party got destroyed in during 2010 midterms. They still voted for him in 2012.
citation needed
Have you overdosed on NPR or something?
Really? He's unpopular in the states he brought EMPLOYMENT to?
Hillary literally said she was going to take their jobs away, and you think they don't like Trump for defeating her? You're out of your mind. They'll vote for him in 2020 if they want to keep any semblance of a working class.
"This time he will lose for SURE"
im not talking about midterms. i'm talking about trump's actual popularity in those 3 states
This. Voted libertarian for gov, but red elsewhere. Wish we had a two-pass system or whatever its called.
ranked choice
like maine
We should have a Westminster system.
Checked Canuck Cucked
he just lost last night
Sure is a lot of coping by Democrats after their blue wave never showed up
They got the house and the vote came out in such a way that they can play up the optics a whole bunch. I don't know if you'd want to call that a "wave" but it's certainly enough to keep them rallied and build up more narratives.
An incumbent Democratic governor winning re-election does not indicate that the state is lost forever for Republicans. Like others have said, every race and candidate is different. It's how someone like Democrat Heidi Heitkamp could have ever won in North Dakota in 2012 while the state voted decidedly for Republican Mitt Romney, then lost her re-election in 2018.
That's bullcrap. Everybody already said Florida was lost after all those refugees came from Puerto Rico in 2017. We won both the Senate and Gubernatorial races despite losing most of those polls.
not fptp tho
that only works for house tho, not for governors
Wont ever happen. Pic related. They feed off the two party system.
voting in the mid term is not the same as the presidential election
Perhaps 2020 is the blue wave desu
33 seats in the House, 7 governorships, 6 state houses, and hundreds of state seats
oh and some important ballot measures too
He gained seats in the Senate, which literally never happens the first mid term. Democrats were projected to pick up a hefty majority in the house and ended up with +2. Learn how our government works.
I agree. 2016 was just piss poor candidates all around.
Now I think Trump has no business being in the WH, and regret not voting for Hillary, but it is what it is.
This is a magical map. Flipping 63 seats during Obama's first midterms. Democrats wish they could ever have a map like this.
Democrat numbers were lower than in 2016. Still, Republican numbers even lower. This is what happens when 800,000 voters do not show up from 2016.