I sobered up

i sobered up

Attached: 1535769061671.jpg (396x396, 15K)

Sorry to hear that.

OP is a fag

is this what soros is paying for?

>Using a blade on a painted surface.

Attached: e58.jpg (276x183, 8K)

Report the thread for being low-effort, because that's what it is.
Put "sage" in options field to avoid bumping slide threads like this one.

You look like shit.

You mean you shilled for free?

Juden got you good

are you gonna replace it with an Adolf sticker?

based and redpilled

Attached: former trump supporter.jpg (512x599, 89K)

>Razor blade to your car
So... just an idiot then?

None of these people exist. If they did...even if 1% of Trump voters felt this way, they would be getting interviewed on every cable news channel 24hrs/day 7/days a week. You retarded faggots have completely lost touch with reality.


wtf I guess I'm hillary artillery now

Neither of the taillights were smashed by the tolerant left? BS.

i bet this cuck had this prepared in case of blue wave but was too lazy to redraw a new comic for the lukewarm results

Too late . Get the fuck out of my country. The real Americans are taking it back from the ideologues!

I guess I'm a #CruzMissile now.

Seriously. How clueless are leftists about the most simple things


We like winners and winners never quit.

user, You preach the truth.

>I sobered up
>using a razor to take off a bumper sticker
Really activates the almonds

where my /Hilldawgs/ at?

They have to have a cartoonist draw it, because it hasn't happened in real life. Despite 2 years of communist onslaught, Reps kept the Senate and split the house with slim Dem advantage. Obama lost 63 seats plus several in the Senate in his first midterm, while Reps actually gained 2 seats so far. This is in an election where Dems were supposed to have ALL the energy. Pathetic.

>didn’t capitalize the “I”
>thinks I’ll give them the light of day

Fucking laughable

yeah well im drunk af, figuratively and literally

she can still win

rofl boomer ass cartoon fuck off. everyone knows trump supporters too scared to put stickers on their cars because fascist left will key the fuck out of it or jump them. legit only ppl with trump stickers are ccp (that's conceal carry permit for you CA cucks).

Attached: 1541632884478.png (850x850, 81K)

SAGE demoralization shill threads.
The senate is republican and the senate means everything.
Get fucked, dems. Your "blue wave" didn't come, as expected. Go ahead and milk this "we house now" meme for as long as you want.

Why would anyone put a bumper sticker on their car. Do they not have respect for their own property?

I voted for trump before I had my daily onions, afterwords I thought "what the hell was I thinking not voting for the most QUALIFIED candidate in history"?