WH acting like Acosta laid hands on this woman.. why?

Did it look worse from their angle or something? 4785D underwater basket weaving? Acosta is a cunt and is in the wrong but he def did not assault her. Maybe they did it to get people to watch the vid and see how inconsiderate CNN is? I'm at a lost on this one lads

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Other urls found in this thread:

idioms.thefreedictionary.com/put hands on

He raped her according to most colleges

What video were you watching? He "karate chopped" her arm. She could actually have a case for assault. Accosts is a turd that just got flushed. A screaming little bitch turd



He overpowered her with his toxic masculinity.
The assault definately had a sexual aspect to it.

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She approached him and initiated this. Yes, she was trying to get the mic, but I think his reaction was natural.

>white knighting for acosta
were you conceived with donor sperm?

Did you watch the video? He shoved his arm defensively outwards against hers, almost pushing her backwards and causing her to fall.

No, he didn't smack her outright, or shove or slap her with an open palm. But he SHOULD have ducked away from her to avoid pushing her, and he didn't do that. Instead he pushed back, hard, trying to camouflage the movement by waving his other arm around.

Nope. Caught. You're an asshole, Jim Acosta, bullying a female intern like that. Fuck off.

The point is that if you are a man, you do not allow yourself to "react" physically against a woman--naturally or unnaturally, lol. Period. Not ever. He should have moved away from her, or even done her the courtesy of interacting with her personally and just looked her in the eye and said "stop, please." Instead he just shoved her. Not cool. Not cool by HIS OWN rules, so, tough noogies to Jim Acosta.

Top kek. True on so many levels.

Yeah punching a woman in the elbow crease is totally ok and not assault. He even looked at her like a white rapist. Look at his angry white male gaze upon her


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If he's willing to karate chop a young woman on camera in a public place just because she interrupted his rant what does he do in private?

He should never have touched my new waifu

Ya this ones retarded. Trudeau even elbowed a woman harder in the boob once in Parliament, true story.

This brave woman was attempting to prevent Acosta from stealing government property. The President of the United States ordered him to return he mic and he physically assaulted a young woman in his terrible attempt st theft.

He SHOULD have given up the government property he was using without authorization.

who's girl in pic?


imagine not being able to understand why people are memeing acosta over this
retard level near max

By leftist standards, he publicly raped her.

>Actually believing this
You Trump shills must be fucking weak if you think that was assault of any kind.

>political strategy must be truthful
The mind of an NPC- no imagination.
Many such cases- SAD!

Attached: bikini1.jpg (615x870, 48K)

Jesus Christ you're a retard
idioms.thefreedictionary.com/put hands on


Like what you see?

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It obviously wasn't assault, but if Trump had been the one doing it they would be screaming about how he broke her arm and sheeeeeit.
Nothing wrong with holding them to their own rules, I guess.

According to sources familiar with Acosta's method of seduction, he raped her

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By the liberal definition of gendered assault, he absolutely did.

He agrees. Just like James Gunn, they believe what they did was wrong. So why they would choose to object when their rules are applied to themselves I don't know. It smells sort of...hypocritical?

You think assaulting women is natural? I guess in this sick, sad, Trumpian world it is...


By the left's own standards he violently sexually assaulted her. If he were a conservative, there'd be a dozen law suits up the ass by next morning.

reminder canadas president literally punched a woman on camera.
Complete silence.

Have you freshened up your bowlcut lately? Mine is getting a bit ragged, might go trim it up tonight. 15/89.

>Democrats thinks it's okay for a reporter to physically assault white house staff, let alone a woman
I guess this is the world we live in with Acosta as a CNN reporter